Prof. Dr. Uwe Dettmar
Campus Deutz
Betzdorfer Straße 2
50679 Köln
Raum ZN 8-2
+49 221-8275-2941
Mittwoch, 11.00 bis 12.00 Uhr
Campus Deutz, Betzdorfer Str. 2, Raum 8N2
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Abweichende Zeiten in der vorlesungsfreien Zeit:
- LaborleiterIn
- StudienberaterIn
- langjähriger Gutachter bei der Fulbright Stiftung im Programm für Fachhochschulen
- Studienfachberater für das Masterprogramm Communication Systems and Networks
- Übertragungstechnik, digitale Kommunikationstechnik Modulationsverfahren, Synchronisation zu den Lehrveranstaltungen
- Quellen- und Kanalcodierung Grundlagen der Quellen- und Kanalcodierung, Advanced Channel Coding im Master CSN zu den Lehrveranstaltungen
Radio Frequency Identification Lokalisierung und Positionierung mit RFID Technologie
Kanalcodierung Fehlerkorrigierende Codes
Sensornetze im Internet-of-Things Erfassung, Übertragung und Monitoring von Bodenparametern
Projekte / Kooperationen
RhizoTechRhizoTech Webseite
Das Forschungsprojekt "RhizoTech - Forschend-entdeckendes Lernen und Lehren in Biologie und Technik zur Ökologie des Wurzelraums der Planze“ soll es Schülern ermöglichen, die Auswirkungen von Umwelt und Klima auf das Mikrobiom sowie das Wachstum und die Gesundheit von Pflanzen zu untersuchen. Das Projekt soll das Interesse von Studierenden und Lehrenden an wissenschaftlichen Studien unter Zuhilfenahme von modernen Technologien und Konzepten aus den Bereichen des Internet of Things (IoT) und der Mikrobiologie wecken. -
RofORRofOR Webseite
Robuste funkbasierte Objektpositionierung von mobilen und stationären Übergabegeräten in der Rohstoffförderung (RofOR) -
PositORPostiOR Webseite
Positionierung von Objekten mit Hilfe von RFID-Technologie -
NEGSIT - Next Generation Services in Heterogeneous Network Infrastructures
Forschungsschwerpunkt mit Kollegen der TH K;ln und der HS Bonn/rhein/Sieg
Partial Unit Memory Codes
Uwe Dettmar, Disseration, VDI Verlag, 1995
Taschenbuch Digitaltechnik
Uwe Dettmar, Fachbuchverlag Leipzig im Carl Hanser Verlag, 2003, ISBN 3-446-21862-9, Hg.: Siemers, Sikora
Kapitel 12 : "Digitale Kommunikationstechnik
Conference Paper
A modification of Generalized Concatenated Codes and its Applications
Gao, Yan, Dettmar, Uwe, Sorger, Ulrich K, Proceedings of the 1993 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, Page 382.
Bounded minimum distance decoding of unit memory codes
U. Dettmar and U. Sorger,, Sixth Joint Swedish-Russian Intern. Workshop on Inform. Theory, Proceedings, (Moelle, Sweden), pp. 42-45, Aug. 1993.
On maximum likelihood decoding of unit memory codes
U. Dettmar and U. Sorger,, Sixth Joint Swedish- Russian Intern. Workshop on Inform. Theory, Proceedings, (Moelle, Sweden), pp. 184-187, Aug. 1993.
Decoding concatenated codes with inner conv. codes up to half the designed distance
U. Dettmar, U. Sorger, J. Justesen, and V. Zyablov, Sixth Joint Swedish-Russian Intern. Workshop on Inform. Theory, Proceedings, (Moelle, Sweden), pp. 189-193, Aug. 1993.
On the construction of Partial Unit memory codes"
U. Dettmar and U. Sorger, Proc. of the 2nd International Winter Meeting on Coding and Information Theory, Hg.: A. H. Vinck, ed., Univ. GH Essen), Inst. fur Experimentelle Mathematik, Dec. 1993.
Convolutional Codes for Transmission and Channel Estimation in Mobile Receivers
V. Zyablov, A. Barg, V. Sidorenko, U. Dettmar, U. Sorger and B. Dorsch, International Symposium on Communication Theory and Applications, Proceedings, (Charlotte Mason College, Lake District, UK), pp. 189-192, Jul. 1993.
Coded Modulation Schemes on the base of convolutional codes and 16 quadrature amplitude-shift keying signals
V. Zyablov, V. Sidorenko, A. Ashikhmin, U. Dettmar, U. Sorger,, International Symposium on Communication Theory and Applications, Proceedings, (Charlotte Mason College, Lake District, UK), Jul. 1993.
An Estimation of the Time Variance of Frequency Selective Fading Channels
de Broeck I., U. Dettmar and U. Sorger,, International Symposium on Communication Theory and Applications, Proceedings, (Charlotte Mason College, Lake District, UK), pp. 323-327, Jul. 1993
Combined channel estimation and frequency correction for packet oriented mobile communication systems
Dettmar, Uwe, IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, PIMRC, 2, Pages 334-338., 1996
Channel decoding approach for non-coherent HIPERLAN receivers
Dettmar, Uwe, Liu, Wei-Lin, IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, 2, Pages 1223-1227, 1997
Low cost noncoherent receiver with adaptive antenna combining for high speed wireless LANS
Wittneben, A., Dettmar, U., IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, 1, Pages 173-177,1997
Modulation for HIPERLAN type 2
Dettmar, Uwe, Khun-Jush, Jamshid, Schramm, Peter, Thielecke, Joern, Wachsmann, Udo, IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, 2, Pages 1094-1100
Efficient differentially coherent code/doppler acquisition of weak GPS signals
Elders-Boll, H., Dettmar, U., IEInternational Symposium on Spread Spectrum Techniques and Applications, Pages 731-735.
New measurement results for the localization of UHF RFID transponders using an angle of arrival (aoa) approach.New measurement results for the localization of UHF RFID transponders using an angle of arrival (aoa) approach.
S. Azzouzi, M. Cremer, U. Dettmar, R. Kronberger, and T. Knie., Proceedings of the IEEE RFID 2011, Apr. 2011. pp. 91-97
UHF RFID localization system based on a phased array antenna.
U. Dettmar, R. Kronberger, T. Knie, M. Cremer, S. Azzouzi, and R. Leonardi, Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE AP-S Int. Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, July 2011.
Improved aoa based localization of UHF RFID tags using spatial diversity.
U. Dettmar, R. Kronberger, M. Cremer, S. Azzouzi, and T. Knie, Proceedings of the RFID-TA 2011, September 2011.
Some ideas to reduce the power consumption within the building area using RFID technology
Uwe Dettmar, Rainer Kronberger,, 1st Thailand-Germany Bilateral Workshop, Chinag Mai Thailand, 11. December 2012
Using a circularly polarized patch antenna to optimize the passive UHF RFID indoor channelUsing a circularly polarized patch antenna to optimize the passive UHF RFID indoor channel
Cremer, M. ; Pervez, A. ; Dettmar, U. ; Knie, T. ; Kronberger, R, ntennas Propagation Society International Symposium (APSURSI), 2013 IEEE , Page(s): 1730 – 1731
An improved channel model for passive UHF RFID systemsAn improved channel model for passive UHF RFID systems
Cremer, M. ; Pervez, A. ; Dettmar, U. ; Knie, T. ; Kronberger, R., Conference on RFID-Technologies and Applications (RFID-TA), 2013 IEEE International
Passive UHF RFID Transponders for Switching and ControllingPassive UHF RFID Transponders for Switching and Controlling
Uwe Dettmar, Rainer Kronberger, Carsten Hudasch, Volker Wienstroer, and Markus Cremer, RFID-Technologies and Applications (RFID-TA), 2013 IEEE International Conference on, pages 1-4
Improved UHF RFID localization accuracy using circularly polarized antennasImproved UHF RFID localization accuracy using circularly polarized antennas
Cremer, Markus ; Pervez, Anjum ; Dettmar, Uwe ; Knie, Thomas ; Kronberger, Rainer, RFID Technology and Applications Conference (RFID-TA), 2014 IEEE. 2014 , Page(s): 175 - 180
Multichannel digital transmit beamforming experiments for RFID tag localization,Multichannel digital transmit beamforming experiments for RFID tag localization,
Cremer, M.; Pervez, A.; Dettmar, U.; Hudasch, C.; Kronberger, R.; Lerche, R., RFID Technology (EURFID), 2015 International EURASIP Workshop on , vol., no., pp.126-131, 22-23 Oct. 2015
Performance of TCP and UDP over Narrowband Internet of Things (NB-IoT)Performance of TCP and UDP over Narrowband Internet of Things (NB-IoT)
J. Wirges and U. Dettmar, 2019 IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things and Intelligence System (IoTaIS), BALI, Indonesia, 2019
Comparison and Evaluation of LwM2M and MQTT in Low-Power Wide-Area Networks
A. Parmigiani and U. Dettmar, 2021 IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things and Intelligence Systems (IoTaIS), Bandung, Indonesia, 2021, pp. 8-14.
New optimal partial unit memory codes
Dettmar, U., Shavgulidze, S.A., Electronics Letters, 28 (18), Pages 1748-1749,(1992)
New optimal partial unit memory codes based on extended BCH codes
Dettmar, U., Sorger, U.K., Electronics Letters, 29 (23), Pages 2024-2025, 1993
Concatenated Codes with Convolutional Inner and Outer Codes
U. Dettmar, U. Sorger, and V. Zyablov, Control, Cryptology, and Speech Compression, Lecture Notes on Computer Science 829, pp. 80-88, Hg.: Springer Verlag 1994
Decoding concatenated codes with inner convolutional codes
Zyablov, V.V., Justesen, J., Dettmar, U., Sorger, U., Problemy Peredachi Informatsii, 30 (2), Pages 3-9, 1994
Bounded minimum distance decoding for unit memory codes.
U. Dettmar and U. Sorger, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, IT-41, March 1995
A modification of GC codes and its application to the construction and decoding of LUEP codes
Dettmar, Uwe, Gao, Yan, Sorger, Ulrich K, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 41 (5), Pages 1499-1503
On the Construction of (P)UM Codes based on Codes over the Ring Z4
Kötter, R., Dettmar, U., Sorger, U.K, Problemy Peredachi Informatsii, 31 (2), Pages 67-75, 1995
Bounded minimum distance decoding of (P)UM Codes based on RS Codes
Dettmar, U., Sorger, U.K., Problemy Peredachi Informatsii, 31 (2), Pages 44-53, 1995
On the Trellis Complexity of Block and Convolutional Codes
U. Dettmar and U. Sorger,, Problemi Peredachi Informatsii. Vol 32, April-June, 1996
New multistage decoding algorithm
Dettmar, U., Portugheis, J., Hentsch, H., Electronics Letters, 28 (7), Pages 635-636, 1992
Modeling of the Passive UHF RFID Multipath Channel for Tag Read Region Estimation
Markus Cremer, Uwe Dettmar, Rainer Kronberger, Anjum Pervez, International Journal of Wireless Information Networks, September 2015, Volume 22, Issue 3, pp 188-204
Measurement results for multichannel transmit beamforming tag direction detection in passive ultra-high frequency radio- frequency identification systemsMeasurement results for multichannel transmit beamforming tag direction detection in passive ultra-high frequency radio- frequency identification systems
M. Cremer ; U. Dettmar ; C. Hudasch ; R. Kronberger ; R. Lerche ; A. Pervez, Electronics Letters, Volume 51, Issue 21, p. 1632 –1634, DOI: 10.1049/el.2015.2607 Sep 2015
" Localization of Passive UHF RFID Tags Using the AoAct Transmitter Beamforming Technique" Localization of Passive UHF RFID Tags Using the AoAct Transmitter Beamforming Technique
Cremer, M.; Dettmar, U.; Hudasch, C.; Kronberger, R.; Lerche, R.; Pervez, A, Sensors Journal, IEEE , vol.PP, no.99, pp.1-1, Year: Volume: 16, Issue: 6 , March 15, 2016 , Pages: 1762 - 1771, DOI: 10.1109/JSEN.2015.250 3640