Dr. Rui Costa Pedroso


Campus Deutz
Betzdorfer Straße 2
50679 Köln
Raum ZO4-20 Postanschrift

  • Telefon+49 221-8275-2148


  • Lecturer in Postgraduate Education and Researcher: Food Security, Food Environments, Economic Valuation of Nonmarket Goods and Services, Farming Systems and Rural Development, Statistics, Project Management (Theory of Change)


  • Lecturer in Postgraduate Education and Researcher: Food Security, Food Environments, Economic Valuation, Farming Systems and Rural Development, Statistics, Project Management (Theory of Change)
  • Scientific coordination of international research projects in the fields of Food Security, Food Environments, Farming Systems, Agroecology


  • Economic Valuation of Nonmarket Goods and Services Link to module handbook
  • Statistics
  • Empirical Social Research Methods
  • Project Management (Theory of Change)


  • Strengthening the Resilience of Rural Food Environments in the Context Disaster Risk and Climate Change in MOZambique (FEMOZ)
    The FEMOZ project aims at strengthening the resilience of rural food environments in the context of disaster risk and climate change in Mozambique. The “Food Environment” mediates the interactions between consumers and markets and influences consumer’s decisions. FEMOZ food environment conceptual framework consists of an external domain (including the dimensions of food availability, prices, markets and product’s properties, marketing, and regulation) and a personal domain (including accessibility, affordability, convenience, and desirability). Duration: 2021-2024
    The FEMOZ Project in Mozambique
  • Land Use and Climate Change Interactions in Central Vietnam (LUCCi)
    The research project “Land use and climate change interactions in Central Vietnam” aimed at providing a scientific basis to develop optimized land use and water resources management strategies. To develop such strategies, interdisciplinary research methods are applied which consider both natural and social science approaches. On the one hand, greenhouse gas emissions from different land uses and land covers are quantified and on the other, possible climate change impacts on existing land uses are analysed and suitable adaptation strategies are developed. Data collection and scenario development is conducted in close collaboration with the national and local stakeholders and during the last phase of the project, these strategies are jointly implemented in the project region and offered to be transferred to further Central Vietnamese and other similar regions Duration: 2010 - 2015
    LUCCi Project in Vietnam

Peer reviewd

  • Food Insecurity Classification in Rural Areas of Mozambique: An Integrated Analysis of Survey-Based Indicators
    Costa Pedroso, Rui, Quive, S., Cumbana, I., Mutisse, L., & Machava, A., 2024, Hg.: Ecology of Food and Nutrition
  • Majdalawi, Mohamamd I.; Ghanayem, Ansam A.; Alassaf, Amani A.; Schlüter, Sabine; Tabieh, Mohammed A.; Salman, Amer Z.; Akash, Muhanad W.; Costa Pedroso, Rui (2023): Economic Efficient Use of Soilless Techniques to Maximize Benefits for Farmers. In: AIMS Agriculture and Food. Vol. 8, S. 1038 - 1051. (Open Access)
  • de Castro, Pedro Ivo Bastos; Yin, He; Teixera Junior, Paulo Domingos; Lacerda, Eduardo; Pedroso, Rui; Lautenbach, Sven; Vicens, Raúl Sánchez (2022): Sugarcane Abandonment Mapping in Rio de Janeiro State Brazil. In: Remote Sensing of Environment. Vol. 280. (peer-reviewed)
  • Huq, Nazmul; Pedroso, Rui; Bruns, Antje; Ribbe, Lars; Huq, Saleemul (2020): Changing Dynamics of Livelihood Dependence on Ecosystem Services at Temporal and Spatial Scales : An Assessment in the Southern Wetland Areas of Bangladesh. In: Ecological Indicators : Integrating Monitoring, Assessment and Management. Vol. 110. (peer-reviewed/Open Access)
  • Castro, Pedro de; Pedroso, Rui; Lautenbach, Sven; Vicens, Raul (2020): Farmland Abandonment in Rio de Janeiro : Underlying and Contributory Causes of an Announced Development. In: Land Use Policy : The International Journal Covering all Aspects of Land Use. Vol. 95. (peer-reviewed/Open Access)
  • Costa Pedroso, Rui; Biu Kung’u, James (2019): Tourists’ Willingness to Pay for Upstream Restoration and Conservation Measures. In: Journal of Sustainable Tourism. Vol. 27, S. 1107 - 1124. (peer-reviewed)
  • Costa Pedroso, Rui; Tran, Dang Hoa; Viet, Trinh Quoc; Le, An Van; Dang, Khoa Tran; Le, Khac Phuc (2018): Technical Efficiency of Rice Production in the Delta of the Vu Gia Thu Bon River Basin, Central Vietnam. In: World Development Perspectives. Vol. 2018, S. 18 - 26. (peer-reviewed)
  • Dang, T.; Costa Pedroso, Rui; Laux, Patrick; Kunstmann, Harald (2018): Development of an Integrated Hydrological-Irrigation Optimization Modeling System for a Typical Rice Irrigation Scheme in Central Vietnam. In: Agricultural Water Management : An International Journal. Vol. 208, S. 193 - 203. (peer-reviewed/Open Access)
  • Castro, Pedro; Costa Pedroso, Rui; Lautenbach, Sven; Baez Villanueva, Oscar Manuel; Vicens, Raúl (2018): Spatial Patterns of Farmland Abandonment in Rio de Janeiro State. In: Nehren, Udo; Schlüter, Sabine; Raedig, Claudia; Sattler, Dietmar; Hissa, Helga (Hrsg.): Strategies and Tools for a Sustainable Rural Rio de Janeiro. Cham: Springer, S. 69 - 85. (peer-reviewed)
  • Costa Pedroso, Rui; Tran, Dang Hoa; Trinh, Viet Quoc; An, Le Van; Phuc Le, Khac (2017): Rice-Based Cropping Systems in the Delta of the Vu Gia Thu Bon River Basin in Central Vietnam. In: Nauditt, Alexandra; Ribbe, Lars (Hrsg.): Land Use and Climate Change Interactions in Central Vietnam : LUCCi. Singapore: Springer (Water Resources Development and Management), S. 83 - 102. (peer-reviewed)
  • Costa Pedroso, Rui; Tran, Dang Hoa; Thi, Minh Hoa Nguyen; Le, An Van; Ribbe, Lars; Dang, Khoa Tran; Le, Khac Phuc (2017): Cropping Systems in the Vu Gia Thu Bon River Basin, Central Vietnam : On Farmers’ Stubborn Persistence in Predominantly Cultivating Rice. In: NJAS. Vol. 80, S. 1 - 13. (peer-reviewed/Open Access)