Prof. Dr. Monika Krein-Kühle
Dr. phil.- +49 221-8275-3381
Campus Südstadt, Ubierring 48, Raum 445
Sprechstunde nur nach vorheriger Terminvereinbarung via E-Mail
- Englische Sprach- und Übersetzungswissenschaft Fachtextübersetzung Technik; Fachtextübersetzung aus den Bereichen Kunst, Kultur, Architektur, Film; Literarische Übersetzung; Corpusbasierte Übersetzungswissenschaft; Technische Redaktion; Methodologie der übersetzungswissenschaftlichen Forschung
“Training the Art Translator”
Paper presented on 8 March 2022 within the framework of the webinar series “Museum Translation: Interaction and Engagement”, co-hosted by the IATIS Training Committee and CTISS, The Centre for Translation & Interpreting Studies in Scotland, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, 1–10 March 2022.
2022 -
“The Translator’s Eye: On the Relevance of Seeing in Art Translation”
Paper presented at the IATIS 7th International Conference, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona (14–17 September 2021). Panel 06: Heritage and Art in Translation.
2021 -
“Translating Contemporary Art: the Case of Exhibition Catalogue Essays”
Paper presented at the IATIS 6th International Conference, Hong Kong Baptist University (3 July – 6 July 2018). Panel 06: Museum Translation: Encounters across Space and Time, Hong Kong.
2018 -
“Zur Übersetzung zeitgenössischer Kunst“
Vortrag im Rahmen des Translationswissenschaftlichen Kolloquiums Köln/Germersheim zum Rahmenthema „Translation – Kunstkommunikation – Museum“. 26.04.2018, TH Köln. 02.05.2018, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Germersheim.
2018 -
“Corpus-in-Context Research at TH Köln: High-Quality Specialized Translation Corpora Designed to Improve Translation Research”
Paper presented at the ARTIS International Conference on Corpora in Translation and Interpreting Studies, TH Köln, 26 October 2017.
2017 -
“Training the Scientific and Technical Translator – Outline of a Holistic Approach”
Krein-Kühle, Monika / Krüger, Ralph / Lammers, Peter (2015). Paper presented at the Translation and Meaning Conference 2015, Zuyd University of Applied Sciences, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 21 May 2015.
2015 -
“The Cologne Specialized Translation Corpus (CSTC) – a New Tool Designed to Improve Translation Research”
Paper presented at the Moscow State Pedagogical University, 19.10.2012, Moscow.
2012 -
“Translation as a Bridge Between Cultures. An Investigation of Japanese Cultural References in Translated Texts”
Paper presented at the Moscow State Pedagogical University, 10.10.2012, Moscow.
2012 -
“Translational Knowledge cum Domain Knowledge: An Indivisible Prerequisite for Successful Scientific and Technical Translation”
Paper presented at the conference on Research Models in Translation Studies II, University of Manchester, 29 April-1 May 2011, Manchester.
2011 -
“Translation as a Bridge Between Cultures”, paper presented at the “Table Ronde: Chaire UNESCO/ESTRI”
Paper presented at the “Table Ronde: Chaire UNESCO/ESTRI”, Traduction, Diversité Linguistique et Dialogue Interculturel. Université Catholique de Lyon, 24.11.2010, Lyon, published in: ÉTUDES INTERCULTURELLES, Revue d’analyse publiée par la Chaire Unesco de l’Université catholique de Lyon, 5/2012.2, 69-78.
2010 -
“Towards high-quality translation corpora: The Cologne Specialized Translation Corpus (CSTC) – a New Tool Designed to Improve Translation Research”
Paper presented at the Cologne Conference on Specialized Translation, 21-22.10.2010, Fachhochschule Köln, Köln, to be published in: Krein-Kühle, Monika/Wienen, Ursula/Krüger, Ralph (Hrsg.) (im Druck): Kölner Konferenz zur Fachtextübersetzung (2010)/Cologne Conference on Specialized Translation (2010). Frankfurt/Main usw.: Peter Lang.
2010 -
“The Cologne Specialized Translation Corpus (CSTC): a New Tool Designed to Improve Translation Teaching”
Paper presented at the conference on Translation in the New Millennium. University of Sharjah, 28-29 March 2010, Sharjah.
2010 -
“Application of the Cologne Specialized Translation Corpus (CSTC) in Translator Training”
Paper presented at the conference on Translation in the New Millennium. University of Sharjah, 28-29 March 2010, Sharjah.
2007 -
“Construction and Application of the Cologne Specialized Translation Corpus (CSTC)”
Paper presented at the conference on Corpora and Translation Studies, 30 March – 2 April 2007, Jiao Tong University, Shanghai.
2007 -
“Sense as the Invariant in Translation: the Case of Adjective+Noun Compounds in Technical Texts”
Paper presented at the ESIT conference on le sens en traduction, 2-3 juin 2005, ESIT, Université Paris III Sorbonne Nouvelle, published in: Lederer, Marianne (ed.): le sens en traduction. Caen: lettres modernes minard, 169-176.
2006 -
“Methodology: the Missing Link between the Theoretical/Descriptive and Applied Branches of Translation Studies”
Paper presented at the conference on On the Relationships between Translation Theory and Translation Practice, 3-5 juillet 2003, Université de Bretagne Sud, Lorient, published in: Peeters, J. (ed.): On the Relationships between Translation Theory and Translation Practice. Frankfurt/Main usw.: Peter Lang, 29-39.
2005 -
“Equivalence at the terminological-phraseological level: The case of noun + noun compounds”
Paper presented at the conference on Aktuelle Probleme der angewandten Übersetzungswissenschaft. Sprachliche und außersprachliche Faktoren der Fachübersetzung, Martin-Luther-Universität, Halle-Wittenberg, published in: Kovtyk, Bodgan/Wendt Gabriele (Hrsg.): Aktuelle Probleme der angewandten Übersetzungswissenschaft. Sprachliche und außersprachliche Faktoren der Fachübersetzung. Frankfurt/Main usw.: Peter Lang, 67-76.
2002 -
“Towards a Methodology for the Investigation of Equivalence in Scientific and Technical Translation”
Paper presented at the 1st International Conference on Specialized Translation, 2-4 March 2000, Barcelona, published in: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Specialized Translation, 2-4 March 2000, Barcelona. Barcelona: Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 79-82.
2001 -
“The Investigation of Equivalence in Scientific and Technical Translation”
Paper presented at the XV FIT Congress on Translation – Transition, 6-10 August 1999, Mons, published in: FIT (ed.): Translation –Transition. Proceedings of the XV Congress, Mons (B), 6-10 August 1999, vol. 1. Paris: FIT, 196-204.
Museum Translation: Interaction and Engagement
Webinar series co-hosted by the IATIS Training Committee and CTISS, The Centre for Translation & Interpreting Studies in Scotland, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh
1–10 March 2022 -
IATIS 7th International Conference, The Cultural Ecology of Translation
Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona
14-17 September 2021 -
Translationswissenschaftliches Kolloquium: Translation – Kunstkommunikation – Museum / Translation – Art Communication – Museum
TH Köln/Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Germersheim
Sommersemester 2018 – Wintersemester 2018/19 -
Interdependenzen und Innovationen in Translation und Fachkommunikation / Interdependence and Innovation in Translation, Interpreting and Specialised Communication
TH Köln
29.-30.11.2018 -
IATIS 6th International Conference, Translation and Cultural Mobility
Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong
3-6 July 2018 -
ARTIS conferenceARTIS Training Event: Corpora in translation and interpreting studies
26 October 2017 -
IATIS training eventIATIS Training Event: Training Meets Practice – Getting Started in the Translation Profession
17 May 2017 -
IATIS training eventIATIS Training Event: Corpora and Tools in Translator Training
14 April 2015 -
Panel on Scientific and Technical Translation, 7th EST Congress
University of Mainz, Germersheim, together with Myriam Salama-Carr, Salford
29-31 August 2013 -
Kölner Konferenz zur Fachtextübersetzung (2010)/Cologne Conference on Specialized Translation (2010)
Fachhochschule Köln, mit Ursula Wienen und Ralph Krüger
21. und 22. Oktober 2010
Member of IATISIATIS (International Association for Translation and Intercultural Studies)
IATIS Training Committee ChairIATIS Training Committee
IATIS Executive Council MemberIATIS Executive Council
1968-1977 |
Dietrich-Bonhoeffer-Gymnasium Bergisch Gladbach Abschluß: Abitur |
1977-1980 |
Fachhochschule Köln, Fachbereich Sprachen Abschluß: Dipl.-Übersetzerin |
1981-1989 |
Übersetzerin/Sprachendienstleiterin bei der GOETZE AG, Burscheid |
1989-1991 |
Freiberufliche Übersetzerin |
1991-1994 |
Übersetzerin/Sprachendienstleiterin bei der RHEINBRAUN AG, Köln |
1994-1995 |
Studium an der University of Salford (UK) |
1996 |
Abschluß: MA in Translating |
2004 |
Promotion an der University of Salford (PhD), Thema der Dissertation: “Equivalence in Scientific and Technical Translation: A Text-in-Context-Based Study”, Supervisor: Dr. Myriam Salama-Carr |
Auslandsaufenthalte |
Mehrmonatige Aufenthalte in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Hongkong, Singapur |
Seit 1.11.2004 |
Professorin für Englische Sprach- und Übersetzungswissenschaft an der Fachhochschule Köln (TH Köln), Institut für Translation und Mehrsprachige Kommunikation: Fachtextübersetzung Technik; Fachtextübersetzung aus den Bereichen Kunst, Kultur, Architektur, Film; Literarische Übersetzung; Corpusbasierte Übersetzungswissenschaft; Technische Redaktion; Übersetzerausbildung; Methodologie der übersetzungswissenschaftlichen Forschung |
Auslandsaufenthalte |
Mehrmonatige Aufenthalte in Tokio, Japan, und Moskau, Russland |