Michael Schiffmann


Technische Hochschule Köln

  • Telefon+49 221-8275-2994
  • Chojnowski, Oliver; Eberhard, Alexander; Schiffmann, Michael; Müller, Ana; Richert, Anja (2025): Human-like Nonverbal Behavior with MetaHumans in Real-World Interaction Studies: An Architecture Using Generative Methods and Motion Capture. In: De.arXiv.org., S. 1 - 5. (peer-reviewed/Open Access)
  • Schiffmann, Michael; Richert, Anja (2024): Evaluation of Social Robots with Social Signals in Public Spaces. In: 2024 33rd IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (ROMAN). 33rd IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN); Pasadena, Kalifornien, USA; 26.08.-30.08.2024., S. 56 - 61. (peer-reviewed/Open Access)
  • Müller, Ana; Schiffmann, Michael; Neumeister, Anke; Richert, Anja (2023): Exploring Beyond the Exhibits : Creating Knowledge for Social Robots in Public Spaces. In: Thiel, Sonja; Bernhardt, Johannes Christian (Hrsg.): AI in Museums : Reflections, Perspectives and Applications. Bielefeld: transcript (Edition Museum), S. 273 - 285. (Open Access)
  • Schiffmann, Michael; Thoma, Aniella; Richert, Anja (2021): Multi-Modal Emotion Recognition for User Adaptation in Social Robots. In: Advances in Human Factors in Robots, Unmanned Systems and Cybersecurity : Proceedings of the AHFE 2021 Virtual Conferences on Human Factors in Robots, Drones and Unmanned Systems, and Human Factors in Cybersecurity, July 25-29, 2021, USA. Vol. 268, S. 128 - 134. (peer-reviewed)
  • Richert, Anja; Schiffmann, Michael; Wildemann, David; Pauli, Moritz; Dick, Caroline (2020): Transfer of Game Development Knowledge into the Design of a Mixed Reality Game for Engineering Education. In: Veen, Jan van der; Hattum-Janssen, Natascha van; Järvinen, Hannu-Matti; Leat, Tinne de; Dam, Ineke ten (Hrsg.): Engaging, Engineering, Education : SEFi 48th Annual Conference Proceedings. European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI), S. 1076 - 1084. (peer-reviewed)
  • Richert, Anja; Schiffmann, Michael; Yuan, Chunrong (2019): A Nursing Robot for Social Interactions and Health Assessment. In: Chen, Jessie (Hrsg.): Advances in Human Factors in Robots, Drones and Unmanned Systems : Proceedings of the AHFE 2019 International Conference on Human Factors in Robots and Unmanned Systems, July 24-28, 2019, Washington. Cham: Springer (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 962), S. 83 - 91. (peer-reviewed)
  • Feller, Nico; Amann, Andreas; Müller, Ulf; Schiffmann, Michael; Kurscheid, Oliver; Gorzellik, Markus (2017): Application of a Simulation-based Software Tool for the Prospective Design of IT Work Places. In: Hale, Kelly S.; Stanney, Kay M. (Hrsg.): Advances in Neuroergonomics and Cognitive Engineering : Proceedings of the AHFE 2016 International Conference on Neuroergonomics and Cognitive Engineering, July 27-31, 2016, Walt Disney World®, Florida, USA. Cham: Springer, S. 87 - 96. (peer-reviewed)
  • Gust, Peter; Müller, Ulf; Feller, Nico; Schiffmann, Michael (2017): Field Study on the Application of a Simulation-based Software Tool for the Strain-based Staffing in Industrial Manufacturing. In: Duffy, Vincent G. (Hrsg.): Advances in Applied Digital Human Modeling and Simulation : Proceedings of the AHFE 2016 International Conference on Digital Human Modeling and Simulation, July 27-31, 2016, Walt Disney World®, Florida, USA. Cham: Springer International Publishing, Springer, S. 3 - 12. (peer-reviewed)
  • Müller, Ulf; Huynh, Kim-Hoa; Feller, Nico; Schiffmann, Michael; Kamp, Sebastian (2015): Automated Decompression Table for the Individual and Targeted Treatment of Disc Herniation. In: Procedia Manufacturing. Vol. 3, S. 98 - 103. (peer-reviewed)
  • Müller, Ulf; Gust, Peter; Feller, Nico; Schiffmann, Michael (2015): WorkDesigner : Consulting Application Software for the Strain-based Staffing and Design of Work Processes. In: Procedia Manufacturing. Vol. 3, S. 379 - 386. (peer-reviewed)