Prof. Dr. Johannes Hamhaber

Dr. rer. nat.
Prof. Dr. Johannes Hamhaber

Campus Deutz
Betzdorfer Straße 2
50679 Köln

  • Telefon+49 221-8275-2114


Montag, 13.00 bis 13.30 Uhr
Campus Deutz, Betzdorfer Str. 2, Raum ZO4-16 ||| Link: ||| Password: OH2024sJH
Die Sprechstunden dienen der Beratung und Klärung von Fragen zum Studium (Mentoring), zur Masterarbeit (Betreuung), zu Kursen und Kursleistungen und Prüfungen in den von mir als Dozent verantworteten Modulen (Feedback). Bei umfangreicherem Beratungsbedarf kann auch in der Sprechstunde ein weiter gehender Termin vereinbart werden. ||| Sollten Sie Fragen zu allgemeinen Prüfungsangelegenheiten in meiner Rolle als Stellvertretendem Prüfungsausschuss-Vorsitzendem haben, wenden Sie sich damit bitte IMMER an die folgende Adresse: |||


  • Stellvertretender Geschäftsführender Direktor
  • Stellvertretender Prüfungsausschuss-Vorsitzender
  • Studiengangsleitung der Master-Programme F12


  • Digitales Lernen und Lehren


  • Prüfungsangelegenheiten (stellv.)


  • Natural Resources Economics and Governance (w Prof. Schlüter) Core Module C1120 Modulhandbuch
  • International Cooperation and Development Core Module C1140 Modulhandbuch
  • Farming Systems / Urban Systems (formerly Land Use Systems and the Environment | w/ Prof. Schlüter Elective Module N5110 Modulhandbuch
  • Governance of Public Services and Housing Elective Module N 5150 Modulhandbuch
  • Recource-efficient Cities (formerly Resource-efficient Buildings and Quarters) Elective Module N5180 Modulhandbuch
  • Natural Resources Governance and Sustainability Transition Elective Module N5190 Modulhandbuch
  • Energy Policy and Energy System Transition Elective Module E6160 Modulhandbuch
  • Empirical Social Research (until 2022 summer term) Tools Module T3150 Modulhandbuch
  • Eco-Balancing Tools (not regularly offered) Tools Module T3140 Modulhandbuch
  • BR13 Raum und Gesellschaft BSc Raumentwicklung und Infrastruktursysteme
  • BR14 Einführung in die Raumentwicklung BSc Raumentwicklung und Infrastruktursysteme
  • BR22 Planungs- und Umweltrecht (Modulkoordination) BSc Raumentwicklung und Infrastruktursysteme


  • Natural Resources Sociology and Governance Social and Political Sciences approaches to the management of natural resources. Ordered by social scales from individual behavior models, community based approaches, urban management to national polices to global international cooperation.
  • Resource-efficient and Resilient Cities The weight of cities still rises with ongoing urbanisation. Sector based metabolism analysis, and scaled based (sub)system behavior and dynamics (e.g. urban resilience).
  • Sustainability Transition Analysing Transformation and Transition towards Sustainability using select theory approaches, e.g. Just Transition to Sustainability for local empowerment analysis; Multi-level Perspective (NRT) for national (energy) system transformation; system theory
  • PartNaR - Strengthening Transformation: Participatory Planning and Natural Resources Management
    The DAAD programme “Transformation partnerships with universities in the transition countries" in the MENA region aimed to establish new curricular contents and sustainable academic structures at participating universities. A strong need for interdisciplinary competencies was identified in order to equip engineers and graduates of other applied sciences to meet the demands of a changing society. The PartNaR project "Strengthening Transformation: Participatory Planning and Natural Resources Management" ran as academic cooperation between the Institute for Technology and Resources Management in the Tropics and Subtropics (ITT) as an independent unit of the TH Köln Univerity of Applied Sciences and the two Departments of Water Resources and of Urban Planning of the Faculty of Engineering at the Ain-Shams-University (ASU), Cairo. In the scope of the project curricular contents were revised, contemporary higher education didactics devised and exercised; it also contributed to advances in good university governance at the ASU, and connected in a science-society dialogue by a final, national high-level conference in Cairo. Project lifetime 2011- 2015 (4 years)
    PartNaR - Participatory Planning and Resources Management
  • Sustainable Urbanization in the Paris Agreement
    The project "Sustainable Urbanization in the Paris Agreement" was conducted by a scientific consortium under the lead of the Network RecNet - Recycling the City. The network consists of urbansim scientists in Europe and Latin America, and is hosted at the UNESCO chair for Sustainability at Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya in Barcelona. In 2016, the consortium detailedly analysed the contents of the INDCs, the National determined Contributions as the dominant new mechanism of climate change action by the UN member nations in regards to the urban CC adaptation and mitigation as well as the national priorities in defining CC challenges and their demand for global partner support. In that line The chair of urban and regional management at ITT / TH Köln devised the database and the majority of INDC analyses that lay the ground for the publication of UN Habitat "Sustainable Urbanization in the Paris Agreement" that was introduced at Habitat II conference in Quito in October 2016, and launched at COP 22 in Marrakesh a month later. Currently, first subsequent research into national and local case studies is under preparation. Project lifetime: 2016 (6 months)
    Sustainable Urbanization in the Paris Agreement - UN Habitat
  • CEO - Competencies for Entrepreneurship and Employability Opportunities
    CEO is a structural development program with the Faculty of Engineering (FoE) in Ain Shams University in Cairo, Egypt. Based on the GESR program line, the first interdisciplinary national master programs in Egypt were developed, and regular exchange established. CEO targeted to enhance the structural cooperation between the two departments / faculties on Master level. three institutional entities are supported at FoE and linked with their counterparts at TH Köln, namely the International Offices, the higher education didactics departments, and the entrepreneurship specialists. Students related activities as spring, summer and fall schools in international and interdisciplinary settings, with focus on sustainability entrepreneurship (with the partner cewas from Switzerland) and on Employability. The topics are built on the interdisciplinary program 'Interdisciplinary Master on Resource Efficient Cities' (IMaREC) at ASU, that was co-developed between TH Köln, ASU and three further partners from Mexico, Indonesia and Kenya and the NRM study program at F12/ITT. A similar link on Integrated Water Ressources Management is in preparation. Further project members are Prof. Dr. Sabine Schlüter and Prof. Dr. Lars Ribbe. Funding: BMBF by DAAD / 01.2019 - 12.2021 (3 years)
  • Hybrid Teaching and Learning Communities hyTLC
    hyTLC targets international partnerships in digital teaching and learning. It creates new and innovative forms of digital learning materials and hybrid teaching and examination formats (virtual field trips, role plays and role play exams, etc.). The project was acquired for the ITT and thus is formally led by the acting director, Prof. Dr. Sabine Schlüter. hyTLC is funded through DAAD from fall 202 until Dec 2021.
    ADaept and hyTLC
  • ADaePT
    The project "Adaptive Master Programs for Adept Graduates Global Change Agents Towards Sustainability Transition" targets the creation ig fully digitally available learning tracks for the students in the international master programs at faculty 12 / ITT. Highly flexible students journeys respond to the conditions of the pandemic, but will be of lasting value at they cater to the demands of individualization in a student-centered teaching and learning approach. Tis includes fully digital, partly digital, presence and distance, real-time and asynchronous formats, in short a highly flexible, hybrid from. The design shall contribute to opening up and further diversifying the the master programs. This will allow toto reach out to students mainly in the Global South not targeted so far who may be unable to participate due to personal, financial, socio-cultural, or other reasons. Funded by DAAD and co-managed with Prof. Dr. Sabine Schlüter.
    ADaePT and hyTLC



Journal / Proceedings


  • Sustainable Urbanization in the Paris Agreement - UN Habitat
    Lead Author, online, Hg.: UN Habitat
    ‘Sustainable Urbanization in the Paris Agreement’ – a comparative review of Nationally Determined Contributions for Urban Content”, a UN-Habitat publication coming on the heels of Habitat III and launched at COP-22. The adoption of the New Urban Agenda (NUA) on 20 October 2016, and the entry into force of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change two weeks later, on 4 November 2016, are a strong first step toward the immediate implementation of Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development, in urban- and climate change related matters. In this publication, UN-Habitat analyzes the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) towards the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, with a special focus on the urban context, in order to understand better the roles of member states in urban climate action. The result is very encouraging: over two-thirds – 110 out of 163 – of the submitted NDCs show clear urban references and content, establishing the relationship between sustainable urbanization and climate action. Through the New Urban Agenda and the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, UN-Habitat stands ready to support member states to implement their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs)
    Sustainable Urbanization in the Paris Agreement - UN Habitat
    • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geographie (DGfG)
      Arbeitskreis Geographische Energieforschung - Gründungsmitglied, Sprecher bis 2021 | Mitglied weiterer Arbeitskreise | Die DGfG ist die Dachorganisation der geographischen Verbände und Gesellschaften in Deutschland. Sie wurde im Jahr 1995 gegründet und zählt heute ca. 25.000 Mitglieder.
      Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geographie (DGfG)
    • Verband der Geographen an deutschen Hochschulen (VGDH)
      Bis 2021 Kassenprüfer des Verbandes | Der Verband der Geographen an Deutschen Hochschulen (VGDH) ist die Vereinigung der Geographinnen und Geographen, die in Wissenschaft, Forschung und Lehre tätig sind. Der VGDH ist ein eingetragener gemeinnütziger Verein und ein Teilverband des geographischen Dachverbands „Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geographie“. Die Zielsetzungen des Verbands bestehen vor allem in der Förderung der Geographie an Universitäten, Hochschulen, wissenschaftlichen Einrichtungen, Schulen und in der Öffentlichkeit. Insbesondere unterstützt der VGDH die wissenschaftliche Kommunikation innerhalb der Disziplin Geographie und informiert die Öffentlichkeit über wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse und Entwicklungen der Geographie. Außerdem hat es sich der Verband durch die Verleihung der VGDH-Dissertationspreise zur Aufgabe gemacht, den wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs zu fördern. Für die deutsche Forschungsgesellschaft und andere Institutionen benennt der VGDH Sachverständige und er nimmt zu wissenschaftlich und gesellschaftlich relevanten Fragestellungen Stellung.
      Verband der Geographen an Deutschen Hochschulen (VGDH)
    • ResUrbe - Urban Transformation Network
      Co-Chair of Working group 3: Process design and strategic urban/regional planning | RESURBE is an interdisciplinary and multi-sectorial open working platform facilitating the exchange of knowledge and dialogue between actors involved in the urban and regional transformation, including research centres, national international agencies, grassroots movements, non governmental organizations and private enterprises. RESURBE aims to promote the systemic transition for cities based on co-evolution and social innovation, through just and inclusive participatory processes.
      ResUrbe Network
    • UVP-Gesellschaft
      Frühzeitige Umweltvorsorge ist der beste Umweltschutz. Daher fördert die UVP-Gesellschaft e.V. die Umweltvorsorge und alle dazu benötigten Planungs- und Managementinstrumente. Hierzu zählt insbesondere die Umweltverträglichkeitsprüfung. Die UVP-Gesellschaft e.V. ist Ansprechpartnerin in allen Fragen des vorsorgenden Umweltschutzes. Schwerpunkte der Arbeit sind die Umweltverträglichkeitsprüfung von Projekten, Plänen, Programmen, Politiken und Produkten, eine integrative Landschafts- und Umweltplanung. Als Fachverband der in der Umweltverträglichkeitsprüfung Tätigen wurde am 5. Mai 1987 der "Verein zur Förderung der Umweltverträglichkeitsprüfung (UVP) e.V." gegründet. Zum 10. Jahrestag des Vereinsbestehens erfolgte 1997 die Umbenennung in "UVP-Gesellschaft e.V. (Gesellschaft für die Prüfung der Umweltverträglichkeit).
      UVP e.V.
    • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Asienkunde e.V. (DGA)
      Die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Asienkunde e. V. ist eine wissenschaftliche Fachgesellschaft zum Zweck der Förderung und Vermittlung wissenschaftlich gesicherter Kenntnisse von Asien. Sie wurde in Bonn am 17. März 1966 als „Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ostasienkunde“ gegründet. Ihr Sitz ist Hamburg, seit 1981 trägt sie den heutigen Namen.
      Deutsche Gesellschaft für Asienkunde e.V. (DGA)
    • Lehrpreisträger der TH Köln
