Prof. Dr. Johannes Hamhaber

Dr. rer. nat.

Faculty of Spatial Development and Infrastructure Systems

Institute for Technology and Resources Management in the Tropics and Subtropics (ITT)

Prof. Dr. Johannes Hamhaber

Campus Deutz
Betzdorfer Straße 2
50679 Köln
Mailing address

  • Phone: +49 221-8275-2114

Office hours

Office Hours
Monday, 13:00 to 13:30
Campus Deutz, Betzdorfer Str. 2, Room ZO4-16 ||| Link: ||| Password: OH2024sJH
Office Hours are for questions regarding your study choices (mentoring), your thesis (supervision), the modules taught or coordinated by me (feedback) etc. and other issues related to my role as professor and teacher. In need be, the office hours also can be used to fix a more time-demanding appointment ||| In case you have questions regarding the examination board's tasks (in my role as _vice_ chair of the exam board), please ALWAYS write to: |||


  • Vice Director ITT
  • Vice-Chair Exam Board
  • Study Programs director of Master programs F12


  • Digital/hybrid teaching and Learning

Official capacities

  • Examination affairs (deputy)

Teaching disciplines

  • Natural Resources Economics and Governance (w Prof. Schlüter) Core Module C1120 Module Handbook
  • International Cooperation and Development Core Module C1140 Module Handbook
  • Farming Systems / Urban Systems (formerly Land Use Systems and the Environment | w/ Prof. Schlüter Elective Module N5110 Module Handbook
  • Governance of Public Services and Housing Elective Module N 5150 Module Handbook
  • Recource-efficient Cities (formerly Resource-efficient Buildings and Quarters) Elective Module N5180 Module Handbook
  • Natural Resources Governance and Sustainability Transition Elective Module N5190 Module Handbook
  • Energy Policy and Energy System Transition Elective Module E6160 Module Handbook
  • BR13 Raum und Gesellschaft (Space and Society) BSc (German Language) Spatial Development and Infrastructure Systems
  • BR14 Introduction to Spatial Planning and Development BSc (in German Language) Raumentwicklung und Infrastruktursysteme
  • BR22 Planning and Environmental Law (in German language) / Module Coordination BSc (German Language) Spatial Development and Infrastructure Systems

Book chapter

  • Nutzung von Kleinstbiogasanlagen und Teilhabe im globalen Süden: Partizipative Evaluation durch das Technology Applicability Framework (TAF) im Projekt Asproinca, Riosucio, Kolumbien
    Wäger J, Ortiz W, Hamhaber J 2018, 2017, Publisher: Holstenkamp L, Radtke J - Handbuch Energiewende und Partizipation, Springer, p 683-697
  • Hydromorphological and socio-cultural assessment of urban rivers to promote nature-based solutions in Jarabacoa, Dominican Republic
    Pradilla G, Lamberty G, Hamhaber J 2021, 2021, Publisher: Ambio Springer Nature
  • Concretizing green growth and sustainable business models in the water sector of Jordan
    Engelmann J. , Al-Saidi M., Hamhaber J, 2019, Publisher: Resources 8 (2)
  • Human Needs as an Approach to Designed Landscapes
    Aly D, Hassan D, Khalifa M, Hamhaber J, 2018, Publisher: JNRD 8, 15-26

Journal Article

    • German Geograhic Society (DGfG acc to German acronym)
      Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geographie (DGfG)
    • German Association of Geographers (VGDH acc to German acronym)
      VDGH Homepage
    • ResUrbe - Urban Transformation Network
      RESURBE is an interdisciplinary and multi-sectorial open working platform facilitating the exchange of knowledge and dialogue between actors involved in the urban and regional transformation, including research centres, national international agencies, grassroots movements, non governmental organizations and private enterprises. RESURBE aims to promote the systemic transition for cities based on co-evolution and social innovation, through just and inclusive participatory processes.
      ResUrbe Network
    • Association for Environmental Impact Assessment (UVP for German acronym)
      UVP e.V.
    • German Research Association for Asia (DGA acc to German acronym)
      DGA homepage
