Prof. Dr. Anja Richert

Prof. Dr. Anja Richert

Campus Deutz
Betzdorfer Straße 2
50679 Köln
Raum ZS 5-6 Postanschrift

  • Telefon+49 221-8275-2756


Sprechstunde via MS Teams
Dienstag, 08.00 bis 09.00 Uhr
Campus Deutz, Betzdorfer Str. 2, Raum Online


  • DekanIn
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  • LaborleiterIn


  • A Study on Disclosure as Effectiveness Factor in Human-Machine-Coaching
    Mai, Vanessa; Neef, Caterina; Richert, Anja, 2022, Hg.: 7th International Conference on Human Interaction & Emerging Technologies: Artificial Intelligence & Future Applications (21.-23.4.22)
  • "Clicking vs. Writing” – The Impact of a Chatbot's Interaction Method on Perceived Effectiveness in AI-based Coaching
    Mai, Vanessa; Neef, Caterina; Richert, Anja, 2022, Hg.: Journal Coaching Theorie & Praxis. Springer
  • Mixed-Reality Game FutureING – Effectiveness Research on the Combined Teaching of AR- , VR- and Digital Coaching-Components within an Online Laboratory
    Mai, Vanessa; Varney, Paul; Richert, Anja, 2022, Hg.: European Journal on Engineering Education
  • StudiCoachBot an der TH Köln - Reflexionsprozesse KI-basiert begleiten
    Mai, Vanessa; Richert, Anja, 2021, Hg.: fnma Magazin - Forum neue Medien in der Lehre Austria
  • Cobots on Couch
    Richert, Anja; Neef, Caterina, 2021, Hg.: Managing Work in the Digital Economy - Challenges, Strategies and Practices for the Next Decade; Hrsg: Stefan Güldenberg, Ekkehard Ernst, Klaus North, Springer
  • WIP: Development of a design framework for the provision of multimodal content in an AR based training system for the acquisition of psychomotor skills
    Tobias Keller, Valerie Varney and Anja Richert, 2021, Hg.: Sixteenth European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning; Online (Bozen-Bolzano, Italy); 20-24 September 2021
  • Concept of an Intuitive Human-Robot-Collaboration via Motion Tracking and Augmented Reality
    Dario Luipers, Anja Richert, 2021, Hg.: 2021 IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Computer Applications (ICAICA)
  • Integrating Technological Innovations in the field of renewable Energies into an experimental digital teaching environment
    Balabajew, Laura; Varney, Paul; Schneiders, Thorsten; Richert, Anja, 2021, Hg.: Edulearn Proceedings 2021. ISBN: 978-84-09-31267-2
  • Accompanying Reflection Processes by an AI-based StudiCoachBot: A Study on Rapport Building in Human-Machine Coaching using Self Disclosure
    Mai, Vanessa; Wolff, Annika; Richert, Anja; Preusser, Ivonne, 2021, Hg.: 23rd Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), 24.- 29.07.21
  • Using the android emulator for the Pepper robot for project work
    Thoma, Aniella; Varney, Valerie; Richert, Anja, 2021, Hg.: SEFI Annual Conference
  • Digital Engineering: Competence acquisition and program development as an open co-creation process
    Mai, Vanessa; Wolf, Susanne; Varney, Paul; Bonnet, Martin; Richert, Anja, 2021, Hg.: Conference Proceedings "Education and New Developments", ISSN(electronic version): 2184-1489 / ISSN (printed version): 2184-044X; Hrsg. Mafalda Carmo, World Institute for Advanced Research and Science
  • Transfer of Game Development Knowledge into the Design of a Mixed Reality Game for Engineering Education
    Richert, Anja; Schiffmann, Michael; Wildemann, David; Pauli, Moritz; Dick, Caroline, 2020, Hg.: SEFI 48th Annual Conference; Enschede, The Netherlands
  • AI Coaching: Effectiveness Factors of the Working Alliance in the Coaching Process between Coachbot and Human Coachee – An Explorative Study
    Mai, Vanessa; Richert, Anja, 2020, Hg.: 12th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
  • Towards Intelligent Pick and Place Assembly of Individualized Products Using Reinforcement Learning
    Neef, Caterina; Luipers, Dario; Bollenbacher, Jan; Gebel, Christian; Richert, Anja, 2020, Hg.: 3rd International Conference on Human Systems Engineering and Design; 22.09.-24.09.2020; Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Croatia
  • Promoting Autonomy in Care : Combining Sensor Technology and Social Robotics for Health Monitoring
    Neef, Caterina; Richert, Anja, 2020, Hg.: Proceedings of 7th International Electronic Conference on Sensors and Applications
  • Mixed Reality Games in Engineering Education
    Richert, Anja; Mai, Vanessa; Mengen, Hanna; Wolf, Susanne, 2019, Hg.: Proceedings of the 2019 5th Experiment@ International Conference ('19) : Online Experimentation
  • A Nursing Robot for Social Interactions and Health Assessment
    Richert, Anja; Schiffmann, Michael; Yuan, Chunrong, 2019, Hg.: Advances in Human Factors in Robots, Drones and Unmanned Systems : Proceedings of the AHFE 2019 International Conference on Human Factors in Robots and Unmanned Systems, Washington
  • Education 4.0 : Lehren und Lernen in Mixed Reality
    Janssen, Daniela; Stehling, Valerie; Richert, Anja; Isenhardt, Ingrid, 2019, Hg.: Kauffeld,Simone; Othmer, Julius (Hrsg.): Handbuch Innovative Lehre. Wiesbaden: Springer, S. 453–463
  • Anthropomorphism in Social Robotics – Empirical results on human robot interaction in hybrid production workplaces
    Richert, Anja; Müller, Sarah; Schröder, Stefan; Jeschke, Sabina, 2018, Hg.: AI & Society: Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Communication
  • Project-based learning through Augmented Reality – When up-tp-date didactic meets cuttingedge technology
    Richert, Anja; Schiffeler Nina, 2018, Hg.: 10th annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies - Edulearn
  • Quantifying interdisciplinary in complex research networks – development of a questionnaire to measure critical incidents
    Müller, Sarah; Stiehm, Sebastian; Jeschke, Sabina; Richert, Anja, 2017, Hg.: INTED 2017 –International Technology, Education & Development Conference; conference proceedings; Valencia, Spain
  • Design of a Robotic Workmate
    Müller, Sarah L.; Schröder, S.; Jeschke, S.; Richert, Anja, 2017, Hg.: Proceeding of 2017 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. Vancouver, Canada, 9 - 14 July 2017, paper accepted
  • Validating factors for the (re-) integration of production in urban areas
    Simons, Leonard; Stiehm, Sebastian; Richert, Anja; Jeschke, Sabina, 2017, Hg.: INTED 2017 –International Technology, Education & Development Conference; conference proceedings; Valencia, Spain
  • Engineers Without Borders Challenge: Implementing Sustainability in German Engineering Education
    Willicks, Freya; Schönefeld, Kathrin; Stehling, Valerie; Richert, Anja; Jeschke, Sabina; Hees, Frank, 2017, Hg.: In Proceedings of the Annual Conference of American Society for Engineering Education; Columbus, Ohio, June 25 - 28, 2017, paper accepted
  • Augmenting research cooperation in production engineering with data analytics
    Thiele, Thomas; Valdez, Andre C.; Stiehm, Sebastian; Richert, Anja; Ziefle, Martina; Jeschke, Sabina, 2017, Hg.: Production Engineering. Research and Development, Volume 11/2, Springer, April 2017, S. 213-220
  • Socializing with Robots – Social construction of knowledge in hybrid teams
    Richert, Anja, 2017, Hg.: North, Klaus; Maier, Ronald; Haas, Oliver: Knowledge 4.0 - Managing Knowledge in Digital Change, Springer 2017 (Abstract accepted)
  • Engineering Education 4.0 - Excellent Teaching and Learning in Engineering Sciences
    Frerich, Sulamith; Meisen, Tobias; Richert, Anja; Petermann, Marcus; Jeschke, Sabina; Wilkesmann, Uwe; Tekkaya, Erman (Hrsg.), 2017, Hg.: Springer 2017
  • Socializing with Robots: Human-Robot Interactions within a Virtual Environment
    Richert, Anja; Shehadeh, Mohammad; Müller, Sarah; Schröder, Stefan; Jeschke, Sabina, 2016, Hg.: Proceedings of 2016 IEEE International Workshop on Advanced Robotics and its Social Impacts. Shanghai, China, 8-10 July 2016
  • Towards Measuring User Experience, Activation and Task Performance in Immersive Virtual Learning Environments for Students
    Janßen, Daniela; Tummel, Christian; Richert, Anja; Isenhardt, Ingrid, 2016, Hg.: ILRN 2016 – Immersive Learning Research Network. Santa Barbara, USA, 27 June - 1 July 2016
  • Virtual Environments in Higher Education – Immersion as a Key Construct for Learning 4.0
    Janßen, Daniela; Tummel, Christian; Richert, Anja; Isenhardt, Ingrid, 2016, Hg.: ICELW 2016 – International Conference on E-Learning in the Workplace. New York, USA, 15-17 June 2016
  • Competence Development by recommendation procedures – qualification for higher education staff
    Koettgen, Larissa; Tummel, Christian; Richert, Anja; Isenhardt, Ingrid, 2016, Hg.: Proceedings of the 8th annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN). Barcelona, Spain, 4-6 July 2016
  • Robotic Workmates – Hybrid Human-Robot-Teams in the Industry 4.0
    Richert, Anja; Shehadeh, Mohammad; Müller, Sarah L.; Schröder, Stefan; Jeschke, Sabina, 2016, Hg.: Proceedings of the International Conference on e-Learning (ICEL). Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2-3 June 2016, S. 127–131
  • Social Familiarity in Virtual Learning Environments - An Empirical Approach on Engineering Students' Interaction in Collaborative Minecraft Scenarios
    Lenz, Laura; Plumanns, Lana; Groß, Kerstin; Schuster, Katharina; Jeschke, Sabina; Richert, Anja, 2016, Hg.: Proceedings of ASEE Annual Conference & Expositions. New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, 26 June-29 July 2016
  • Thanks for flipping! – The presence and future of blended learning for teaching (large) classes
    Lenz, Laura; Koettgen, Larissa; Stehling, Valerie; Richert, Anja; Isenhardt, Ingrid, 2016, Hg.: Proceedings of the 8th Annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN). Barcelona, Spain, 4-6 July 2016
  • „Fit for Demographic Change“ – Concept Development for Adapting to Demographic Changes in the Industry
    Müller, Sarah; Behrens, Wiebke; Jooß, Claudia; Stiehm, Sebastian; Richert, Anja; Jeschke, Sabina, 2016, Hg.: European Conference on Knowledge Management (ECKM). Belfast, UK
  • Should I stay or should I go? Zum Wirkzusammenhang zwischen Karriereförderlichkeit von Auslandsaufenthalten und Auslandsmobilität von Studierenden
    Richert, Anja; Stehling, Valerie; Jeschke, Sabina, 2016, Hg.: Tagungsband der 11. Ingenieurpädagogischen Regionaltagung. Hamburg, 23.-25. Juni 2016
  • Encouraging Organizational Change – Developing a Certificate for Holistic Demography Management Systems
    Schiffeler, Nina; Behrens, Wiebke; Stiehm, Sebastian; Richert, Anja; Jeschke, Sabina, 2016, Hg.: Proceedings of the 8th annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN). Barcelona, Spain, 4-6 July 2016
  • Benchmarking of Scientific Research Clusters by Use of Text Mining Algorithms on Textual Artefacts
    Schröder, Stefan; Tummel, Christian; Isenhardt, Ingrid; Jeschke, Sabina; Richert, Anja, 2016, Hg.: Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems Engineering (ICISE) published by IEEE Computer Society. Los Angeles, USA, 20-22 April 2016, S. 22–28
  • Old tools, new ideas: How can a mentoring system contribute to the „Learning University"?
    Stehling, Valerie; Richert, Anja; Isenhardt, Ingrid, 2016, Hg.: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management & Organizational Learning 2016. Ithaca (New York), USA, 14-15 October 2016
  • (Re-) Integration of Production in Urban Areas – an Explorative Research Design to Identify Core Factors and First Results
    Stiehm, Sebastian; Richert, Anja; Jeschke, Sabina, 2016, Hg.: Proceedings of the AAG Annual Meeting. San Francisco, USA, 29 March - 2 April 2016
  • Data Analytics as Enabler for the Human-in-the-Loop Process in Digitalized Organizations
    Thiele, Thomas; Sommer, Thorsten; Schröder, Stefan; Richert, Anja; Jeschke, Sabina, 2016, Hg.: Data Analytics as Enabler for the Human-in-the-Loop Process in Digitalized Organizations
  • Exploring Research Networks with Data Science - A Data-Driven Microservice Architecture for Synergy Detection
    Thiele, Thomas; Sommer, Thorsten; Stiehm, Sebastian; Richert, Anja; Jeschke, Sabina, 2016, Hg.: Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Social Networks Analysis, Management and Security in conjunction with the 4th International Conference on Future Internet of Things and Cloud. Vienn
  • Digital Transformation of Engineering Education - Empirical Insights from Virtual Worlds and Human-Robot-Collaboration
    Richert, Anja; Shehadeh, Mohammad; Willicks, Freya; Jeschke, Sabina, 2016, Hg.: International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy (iJEP), Volume 6/4, 2016
  • „Fit für den demografischen Wandel“ – Entwicklung eines holistischen Managementansatzesfür die Automobilindustrie
    Müller, Sarah; Stiehm, Sebastian; Richert, Anja; Jeschke, Sabina, 2016, Hg.: Personal- und Organisationsentwicklung in Einrichtungen der Lehre und Forschung, Bielefeld: UVW, Universitätsverlag Verlag Webler, vol. 11, pp. 115-119 , 2016
  • Scientific Cooperation Engineering
    Jeschke, Sabina; Bleck, Wolfgang; Richert, Anja; Schuh, Günther; Schulz, Wolfgang; Ziefle, Martina; Bräkle, André; Calero Valdez, André; Dahmen, Kirsten; Jansen, Ulrich; Jooß, Claudia; Müller, Sarah; Prahl, Ulrich; Schaar, Anne Kathrin; Sharma, Mamta; Thi, 2016, Hg.: Integrative Production Technology, Brecher, Christian; Özdemir, Denis (eds.), Cham: Springer International Publishing, pp. 993- 1046, 2017
  • Sentiment Analysis of Social Media for Evaluating Universities
    Abdelrazq, Anas; Janßen, Daniela; Tummel, Christian; Jeschke, Sabina; Richert, Anja, 2015, Hg.: Proceedings of Second International Conference on Digital Information Processing, Data Mining, and Wireless Communications (DIPDMWC2015). Dubai, UAE, 16-18 December 2015, S. 49–62
  • Pump It up! – Conception of a Serious Game Applying in Computer Science
    Janßen, Daniela; Tummel, Christian; Richert, Anja; Schilberg, Daniel; Jeschke, Sabina, 2015, Hg.: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Bd. 529. Los Angeles, USA, 2-7 August 2015. Springer (Communications in Computer and Information Science), S. 253–25
  • Integrative Knowledge Management in Interdisciplinary Research Clusters
    Jooß, Claudia; Thiele, Thomas; Vossen, René; Richert, Anja; Jeschke, Sabina, 2015, Hg.: International Conference on E-Learning in the Workplace (ICELW 2015). New York, USA, 10-12 June 2015
  • Next Level Blended Learning for an Exellent Engineering Education
    Koettgen, Larissa; Stiehm, Sebastian; Tummel, Christian; Richert, Anja; Isenhardt, Ingrid, 2015, Hg.: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICRI 2015). Seville, Spain, 18-20 November 2015, S. 1508–1516
  • Are Virtual Learning Environments Appropriate for Dyscalculic Students? A Theoretical Approach on Design Optimization of Virtual Worlds Used in Mixed-Reality Simulators
    Lenz, Laura; Schuster, Katharina; Richert, Anja; Jeschke, Sabina, 2015, Hg.: Proceedings of the 7th IEEE Consumer Electronics Society Games, Entertainment, Media Conference (GEM 2015). Toronto, Canada, 14-16 October 2015
  • Managing Interdisciplinary Research Clusters
    Müller, Sarah; Thiele, Thomas; Jooß, Claudia; Richert, Anja; Vossen, René; Isenhardt, Ingrid; Jeschke, Sabina, 2015, Hg.: roceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM 2015)
  • Investigating mixed-reality teaching and learning environments for future demands. The trainers’ perspective
    Plumanns, Lana; Sommer, Thorsten; Schuster, Katharina; Richert, Anja; Jeschke, Sabina, 2015, Hg.: Proceedings of the 18th International Academic Conference. London, UK, 25-28 August 2015, S. 596–609
  • Text Mining Analytics as a Method of Benchmarking Interdisciplinary Research Collaboration
    Schröder, Stefan; Thiele, Thomas; Jooß, Claudia; Vossen, René; Richert, Anja; Isenhardt, Ingrid; Jeschke, Sabina, 2015, Hg.: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management & Organizational Learning (ICICKM 2015)
  • Preparing for Industry 4.0 - Collaborative Virtual Learning Environments in Engineering Education
    Schuster, Katharina; Groß, Kerstin; Vossen, René; Richert, Anja; Jeschke, Sabina, 2015, Hg.: International Conference on E-Learning in the Workplace (ICELW 2015). New York, USA, 10-12 June 2015
  • New Perspectives for Engineering Education. About the Potential of Mixed Reality for Learning and Teaching Processes
    Schuster, Katharina; Richert, Anja; Jeschke, Sabina, 2015, Hg.: Proceedings of the ASSE's 122nd Annual Conference & Exposition. Seattle, USA, 14-17 June 2015
  • Please Vote now! Evaluation of Audience Response Systems. First Results from a Flipped Classroom Setting
    Stehling, Valerie; Schuster, Katharina; Richert, Anja; Isenhardt, Ingrid, 2015, Hg.: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on e-Learning (ICEL 2015). College of the Bahamas Nassau, The Bahamas, 25-26 June 2015. Reading: Academic Conferences and Publishing International
  • Access All Areas: Designing a Hands-on Robotics Course for Visually Impaired High School Students
    Stehling, Valerie; Schuster, Katharina; Richert, Anja; Jeschke, Sabina, 2015, Hg.: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI 2015), Bd. 529. Los Angeles, USA, 2-7 August 2015. Cham: Springer International Publishing (Communications in Co
  • Blended Learning Through Integrating Lego Mindstorms NXT Robots in Engineering Education
    Stiehm, Sebastian; Koettgen, Larissa; Thelen, Sebastian; Weisskopf, Mario; Welter, Florian; Richert, Anja; Isenhardt, Ingrid; Jeschke, Sabina, 2015, Hg.: ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE 2015). Houston, USA, 13-19 November 2015
  • On the Way towards the Digitalized Economy: Approaching Spatial Impacts
    Stiehm, Sebastian; Welter, Florian; Richert, Anja; Jeschke, Sabina, 2015, Hg.: Proceedings of the AAG Annual Meeting. Chicago, USA
  • Terminology Based Visualization of Interfaces in Interdisciplinary Research Networks
    Thiele, Thomas; Jooß, Claudia; Richert, Anja; Jeschke, Sabina, 2015, Hg.: Proceedings of the 19th Triennial Congress of the IEA. Melbourne, Australia, 9-14 August 2015
  • Arbeit in der Industrie der Zukunft. Gestaltung kooperativer Arbeitssysteme von Mensch und Technik in der Industrie 4.0
    Welter, Florian; Schulte-Cörne, Stella; Richert, Anja; Jeschke, Sabina, 2015, Hg.: VerANTWORTung für die Arbeit der Zukunft: 61. GfA-Frühjahrskongress, Bd. 26. Karlsruhe, Germany, 25-27 February 2015: GfA Press
  • Development of a Questionnaire for the Screening of Communication Processes in Transdisciplinary Research Alliances
    Behrens, Wiebke; Jooß, Claudia; Richert, Anja; Jeschke, Sabina, 2015, Hg.: International journal of innovation, management and technology 6 (5), S. 326–331. DOI: 10.18178/ijimt.2015.6.5.624
  • Learning 4.0: Virtual Immersive Engineering Education
    Richert, Anja; Plumanns, Lana; Groß, Kerstin; Schuster, Katharina; Jeschke, Sabina, 2015, Hg.: Digital Universities V. 2 (2015): International best practices and applications (2-3), S. 51–66
  • Das Ende der Theorie? – (Unterstützung) Data Science in den Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften
    Richert, Anja, 2015, Hg.: Sybille Krämer (Hg.): Ada Lovelace. Die Pionierin der Computertechnik und ihre Nachfolgerinnen. Paderborn: Fink
  • Exploring Demographics. Transdisziplinäre Perspektiven zur Innovationsfähigkeit im demografischen Wandel
    Jeschke, Sabina; Richert, Anja; Hees, Frank; Jooß, Claudia, 2015, Hg.: Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden (Springer eBook Collection: Humanities, Social Science)
  • Gestaltung von Kommunikations- und Kooperationsprozessen im Förderschwerpunkt ’Innovationsfähigkeit im demografischen Wandel’
    Jooß, Claudia; Kadlubek, Sabine; Richert, Anja; Jeschke, Sabina, 2015, Hg.: Sabina Jeschke, Anja Richert, Frank Hees und Claudia Jooß (Hg.): Exploring Demographics: Transdisziplinäre Perspektiven zur Innovationsfähigkeit im demografischen Wandel. Wiesbaden: Springer Spekt
  • Unterstützung interdisziplinärer Integration am Beispiel einer Exzellenzcluster- Community
    Thiele, Thomas; Schröder, Stefan; Calero Valdez, André; Jooß, Claudia; Richert, Anja; Ziefle, Martina; Isenhardt, Ingrid; Jeschke, Sabina, 2015, Hg.: Günther Schuh (Hg.): Zukunft gestalten: soziale Technologien in Organisationen in Zeiten des demografischen Wandels. Wissen, Innovation, Demografie, Bd. 15. Aachen: FIR (FIR-Edition Forschung, 15)
  • Demografische Perspektive: Ergebnisse des Förderschwerpunkts ’Innovationsfähigkeit im demografischen Wandel’
    Jeschke, Sabina; Richert, Anja; Jooß, Claudia; Welter, Florian; Stiehm, Sebastian; Schröder, Stefan; Hees, Frank (Hg.), 2015, Hg.: Aachen: Technische Hochschule Aachen Zentrum f. Lern- u. Wissensmanagement
  • Paradigmenwechsel im deutschen Maschinen- und Anlagenbau
    Andersch, Tammo; Schulz, Karsten; Fritsch, Dorothée; Marquardt, Katharina; Jeschke, Sabina; Meisen, Tobias; Tummel, Christian; Hoffmann, Max; Richert, Anja, 2015, Hg.: Analyse der Herausforderungen und Chancen unter Verwendung eines innovativen, Big-Data-gestützten Ansatzes; Studie. Frankfurt am Main (Studienreihe "Branchen im strukturellen Wandel)
  • Vorbereitung auf die digitale vernetzte Arbeitswelt: Virtuelle Kooperation in der ingenieurwissenschaftlichen Lehre
    Groß, Kerstin; Schuster, Katharina; Grosch, Michael; Richert, Anja; Jeschke, Sabina, 2014, Hg.: Wie viel (Grundlagen)Wissen braucht technische Bildung? - Wege zu technischer Bildung. Tagungsband der 9. Ingenieurpädagogischen Regionaltagung. Siegen, Germany, 6 November 2014, S. 117–126
  • Diving in? How Users Experience Virtual Environments Using the Virtual Theatre
    Schuster, Katharina; Hoffmann, Max; Bach, Ursula; Richert, Anja; Jeschke, Sabina, 2014, Hg.: Design, User Experience, and Usability. User Experience Design for Diverse Interaction Platforms and Environments: Third International Conference, DUXU 2014, Held as Part of HCI International 2014
  • Going abroad. Eine Studie zur Auslandsmobilität an der RWTH Aachen University
    Heinze, Ute; Keimes, Christina; Bach, Ursula; Richert, Anja, 2014, Hg.: movING Forward - engineering education form vision to mission: 18. und 19. Juni 2013 Techn. Universität Dortmund, RWTH Aachen University, Ruhr-Universität Bochum; Tagungsband / [Hrsg.: A. Erman Tekkay
  • Pump it up! – An Online Game in the Lecture" Computer Science in Mechanical Engineering
    Janßen, Daniela; Schilberg, Daniel; Richert, Anja; Jeschke, Sabina, 2014, Hg.: Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Games Based Learning (ECGBL 2014), Bd. 2. Berlin, Germany, 9-10 October 2014, S. 805–808
  • Status Quo of Media Usage and Mobile Learning in Engineering Education
    Schuster, Katharina; Thöing, Kerstin; May, Dominik; Lensing, Karsten; Grosch, Michael; Richert, Anja; Tekkaya, Erman; Petermann, Marcus, 2014, Hg.: Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on e-Learning: (ECEL 2014); Copenhagen, Denmark, 30-31 October 2014, S. 455-463 [s.l.]: Academic Conferences and Publ. International
  • Genderation BeSt : Investigation of Gender Neutral and Gender Sensitive Academic Recruiting Strategies
    Jeanrenaud, Yves; Müller, Larissa; Borowski, Esther; Richert, Anja; Ihsen, Susanne; Jeschke, Sabina, 2014, Hg.: Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Gender Equality in Higher Education. Vienna, Austria, 2-5 September 2014
  • Integrating blended learning - On the way to an excellent didactical method-mix for engineering education
    Koettgen, Larissa; Winter, Stephanie; Schröder, Stefan; Richert, Anja; Isenhardt, Ingrid, 2014, Hg.: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI 2014). Seville, Spain, 17-19 November 2014: IATED, S. 4485–4494
  • New Challenges in Innovation-Process- Management. A criticism and expansion of unidirectional Innovation- Process-Models
    Kowalski, Markus; Welter, Florian; Schulte-Cörne, Stella; Jooß, Claudia; Richert, Anja; Jeschke, Sabina, 2014, Hg.: Proceedings of the 25th Conference on Innovation for Sustainable Economy & Society (ISPIM 2015), Bd. 85. Dublin, Ireland, 8-11 June 2014. Hamburg: Technologie- und Innovationsmanagement, Techn. Univ.
  • Investigating gender-neutral and gendersensitive academic recruiting strategies
    Larissa, Müller; Borowski, Esther; Jeanrenaud, Yves; Richert, Anja; Jeschke, Sabina; Ihsen, Susanne, 2014, Hg.: Proceedings of the 13th Annual IAS-STS Conference: Critical Issues in Science and Technology Studies. Graz, Austria, 5-6 May 2014
  • Measuring the Quality of Cooperation in Interdisciplinary Research Clusters
    Schröder, Stefan; Kowalski, Markus; Jooß, Claudia; Vossen, René; Richert, Anja; Jeschke, Sabina, 2014, Hg.: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM 2014). Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 9-12 December 2014. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, S. 1028–1033
  • A Web-Based Recommendation System for Engineering Education E-Learning Systems
    Sommer, Thorsten; Bach, Ursula; Richert, Anja; Jeschke, Sabina, 2014, Hg.: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Computer Supported Education, Barcelona, Spain, 1 - 3 April, 2014 / sponsored by INSTICC - Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information
  • Scientific Performance Indicators-empirical results from collaborative research centers and clusters of excellence in Germany
    Welter, Florian; Schröder, Stefan; Leisten, Ingo; Richert, Anja; Jeschke, Sabina, 2014, Hg.: Sabina Jeschke, Ingrid Isenhardt, Frank Hees und Klaus Henning (Hg.): Automation, Communication and Cybernetics in Science and Engineering 2013/2014. Cham: Springer International Publishing, S. 20
  • Futures Studies Methods for Knowledge Management in Academic Research
    Kadlubek, Sabine; Schulte-Cörne, Stella; Welter, Florian; Richert, Anja; Jeschke, Sabina, 2014, Hg.: Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management: 19th International Conference, EKAW 2014, Linköping, Sweden, November 24-28, 2014. Proceedings / edited by Krzysztof Janowicz, Stefan Schlobach, Patrick
  • Flipped Classroom on Top - Excellent Teaching Through a Method-Mix
    Koettgen, Larissa; Schröder, Stefan; Borowski, Esther; Richert, Anja; Isenhardt, Ingrid, 2014, Hg.: INTED2014: 8th International Technology, Education & Development Conference ; conference proceedings ; Valencia, Spain, 10-12 March 2014 / Edited by L. Gómez Chova; A. López Martínez; I. Candel Torres
  • Further Development of a Performance Measurement Approach in a Research Cluster of Excellence
    Schröder, Stefan; Jooß, Claudia; Richert, Anja; Isenhardt, Ingrid, 2014, Hg.: INTED2014: 8th International Technology, Education & Development Conference; conference proceedings ; Valencia, Spain, 10-12 March 2014 / Edited by L. Gómez Chova; A. López Martínez; I. Candel Torres,
  • A Web-Based Recommendation System for Engineering Education e-Learning Solutions
    Sommer, Thorsten; Bach, Ursula; Richert, Anja; Jeschke, Sabina, 2014, Hg.: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on e- Learning: ICEL 2014; Valparaiso, Chile, 26-27 June 2014, S. 169-175, Reading: Academic Conferences and Publishing International
  • Shaping the Future through Cybernetic Approaches of Social Media Monitoring
    Stiehm, Sebastian; Welter, Florian; Richert, Anja; Jeschke, Sabina, 2014, Hg.: Proceedings of the European Conference on Social Media: ECSM2014; Brighton, UK 10-11 July 2014, S. 524-532 [s.l.]: Academic Conferences and Publishing International (acpi)
  • Detecting Central Research Results in Research Alliances Through Text Mining on Publications
    Thiele, Thomas; Jooß, Claudia; Welter, Florian; Vossen, René; Richert, Anja; Jeschke, Sabina, 2014, Hg.: INTED 2014: 8th International Technology, Education & Development Conference; conference proceedings; Valencia, Spain, 10-12 March 2014 / Edited by L. Gómez Chova; A. López Martínez; I. Candel Tor
  • Enhancing Scientific Cooperation of an Interdisciplinary Cluster of Excellence via a Scientific Cooperation Portal
    Vaegs, Tobias; Calero Valdez, André; Schaar, Anne Kathrin; Bräkling, André; Aghassi, Susanne; Jansen, Ulrich; Thiele, Thomas; Welter, Florian; Jooß, Claudia; Richert, Anja; Schulz, Wolfgang; Schuh, Günther; Ziefle, Martina; Jeschke, Sabina, 2014, Hg.: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on E-Learning in the Workplace: (ICELW 2014) ; New York, USA 11-13 June 2014, S. 7
  • Kreativität mit System. Innovationsmanagement strategisch umsetzen
    Hansen, Alan; Hees, Frank; Richert, Anja, 2014, Hg.: Wissensmanagement: das Magazin für Führungskräfte 2014 (1), S. 24–26
  • Kybernetisches Innovationsmanagement für wissensintensive Organisationen
    Hansen, Alan; Welter, Florian; Richert, Anja; Hees, Frank; Jeschke, Sabina, 2014, Hg.: Industrie-Management: Zeitschrift für industrielle Geschäftsprozesse 30 (3), S. 30–34
  • Research performance and evaluation — Empirical results from collaborative research centers and clusters of excellence in Germany
    Schröder, Stefan; Welter, Florian; Leisten, Ingo; Richert, Anja; Jeschke, Sabina, 2014, Hg.: Research Evaluation 2014, S. 12. DOI: 10.1093/reseval/rvu010
  • Innovationsförderliches Knowledge Engineering in inter- und transdisziplinären Forschungsverbünden
    Jooß, Claudia; Welter, Florian; Leisten, Ingo; Richert, Anja; Jeschke, Sabina, 2014, Hg.: Handbuch Innovationen: interdisziplinäre Grundlagen und Anwendungsfelder / Manfred Mai (Hrsg.), S. 105-119. Wiesbaden: Springer (Springer eBook Collection: Humanities, Social Science)
  • Monitoring als konstitutive Funktion in lernenden F&E-Programmen
    Trantow, Sven; Padberg, Christian; Hees, Frank; Richert, Anja, 2014, Hg.: Berlin: Duncker & Humblot (Wirtschaftskybernetik und Systemanalyse, 28)
  • Internationales Monitoring von F&E-Programmen im Bereich der Personal-, Organisations- und Kompetenzentwicklung
    Trantow, Sven; Richert, Anja; Hees, Frank; Jeschke, Sabina, 2014, Hg.: Wiesbaden: Springer VS (Dortmunder Beiträge zur Sozialforschung)
  • Work in the Demographic Change. Strategies for the Working World of the Future
    Jeschke, Sabina; Richert, Anja; Jooß, Claudia; Schröder, Stefan; Kowalski, Markus (Hg.), 2014, Hg.: Aachen: Technische Hochschule Aachen Zentrum f. Lern- u. Wissensmanagement
  • A Virtual Collaboration Platform to Enhance Scientific Performance within Transdisciplinary Research Networks
    Vaegs, Tobias; Jooß, Claudia; Leisten, Ingo; Richert, Anja; Jeschke, Sabina, 2013, Hg.: Proceedings of the International Conference on E-Learning in the Workplace 2013 ICELW, New York, USA, 12-14 June 2013
  • Cluster Terminologies for Promoting Interdisciplinary Scientific Cooperation in Clusters of Excellence
    Vaegs, Tobias; Welter, Florian; Jooß, Claudia; Leisten, Ingo; Richert, Anja; Jeschke, Sabina, 2013, Hg.: Conference Proceedings / INTED 2013: 7th International Technology, Education and Development Conference, Valencia (Spain), 4th - 6th of March, 2013 / Ed. by L. Goméz Chova, A. Lopéz Martínez, I. Cande
  • Massive open online courses in engineering education - a novel approach to teaching large classes
    Heckel, Ute; Bach, Ursula; Richert, Anja; Jeschke, Sabina, 2012, Hg.: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI 2012). Madrid, Spain, 19-21 November 2012: IATED, S. 2330–2339
  • Kybernetisches Innovationsmanagement - Werkzeug zur kontinuierlichen Erzeugung von Innovationen
    Trantow, Sven; Richert, Anja; Jeschke, Sabina, 2012, Hg.: Journal Arbeit 11 (1), S. 12–13
  • Enabling Innovation in Engineering Education by providing Flexible Funds for teaching Staff
    Friese, Nina; Terkowsky, Claudius; May, Dominik; Tekkaya, Erman; Schuster, Katharina; Richert, Anja; Jeschke, Sabina, 2012, Hg.: Proceedings of the 40th SEFI annual Conference, Thessaloniki, Greece, 23-26 Sept 2012, S. 143-143
  • International student mobility in engineering education
    Heckel, Ute; Bach, Ursula; Richert, Anja; Jeschke, Sabina; Petermann, M, 2012, Hg.: Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON) : Marrakesh, Morocco, 17-20 April 2012
  • Are students competent, active and constructive partners in the improvement of teaching and learning? A text analysis of contributions to idea contests
    Schuster, Katharina; Bach, Ursula; Richert, Anja; Jeschke, Sabina, 2012, Hg.: EE2012 : International Conference on Innovation, Practice and Research in Engineering Education ; 18th - 20th September 2012, Coventry University, UK / ed. by the Centre for Engineering and Design Edu
  • Scientific Cooperation Engineering in the Cluster of Excellence Integrative Production Technology for High-Wage Countries at RWTH Aachen University
    Jooß, Claudia; Welter, Florian; Leisten, Ingo; Richert, Anja; Schaar, Anne Kathrin; Calero Valdez, André et al, 2012, Hg.: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI 2012). Madrid, Spain, 19-21 November 2012: IATED, S. 3842–3846
  • Teaching Professional Knowledge to XL-Classes with the Helph of Digital Technologies
    Stehling, Valerie; Bach, Ursula; Richert, Anja; Jeschke, Sabina, 2012, Hg.: The first international ProPEL Conference 2012 - Professions and Professional Learning in Troubling Times: Emerging Practices and Transgressive Knowledges. Stirling, UK, 9-11 May 2012, S. 55
  • Facing the Demographic Change in European Societies: A Semantic-based Learning and Knowledge Platform for Ageing Workers
    Thelen, Anne Carina; Trantow, Sven; Richert, Anja; Jeschke, Sabina, 2012, Hg.: International journal of learning 18 (10), S. 149–166
  • Integrative Production Technology for High-wage Countries
    Brecher, Christian; Jeschke, Sabina; Schuh, Günther; Aghassi, Susanne; Arnoscht, Jens; Bauhoff, Fabian; Fuchs, Sascha; Jooß, Claudia; Karmann, Wilhelm Oliver; Kozielski, Stefan Alexander; Orilski, Simon; Richert, Anja; Roderburg, Andreas; Schiffer, Michae, 2012, Hg.: 1. ed. Berlin [u.a.]: Springer (Springer eBook Collection: Engineering)
  • Learning by Playing: Potential of Serious Games to Increase Intellectual Capital
    Heiden, Bodo von der; Bock, Verena; Richert, Anja; Jeschke, Sabina, 2012, Hg.: Enabling innovation: innovative capability; german and international views / Sabina Jeschke; Ingrid Isenhardt; Frank Hees; Sven Trantow, S. 375-388, Berlin [u.a.]: Springer (Springer eBook Collection:
  • Fostering Innovative Capability in Germany - The Role of Interdisciplinary Research Networks
    Jooß, Claudia; Welter, Florian; Richert, Anja; Jeschke, Sabina, 2012, Hg.: Enabling innovation : innovative capability ;german and international views / Sabina Jeschke ; Ingrid Isenhardt ; Frank Hees ; Sven Trantow. - Pt. 3, S. 289-300Berlin [u.a.]: Springer (Springer eBook
  • Organization and Management of Integrative Research
    Welter, Florian; Jooß, Claudia; Richert, Anja; Jeschke, Sabina; Brecher, Christian, 2012, Hg.: 1. ed. Berlin [u.a.]: Springer (Springer eBook Collection: Engineering)
  • Arbeit im Wandel. Trends und Herausforderungen der modernen Arbeitswelt
    Jeschke, Sabina; Hees, Frank; Richert, Anja; Trantow, Sven (Hg.), 2012, Hg.: Berlin [u.a.]: LIT-Verlag (Arbeitswissenschaften, 8)
  • Prethinking Work - Insights on the Future of Work
    Jeschke, Sabina; Hees, Frank; Richert, Anja; Trantow, Sven (Hg.), 2012, Hg.: 1. Aufl. Münster, Westf.: LIT (Arbeitswissenschaften, 7)