Dr. Saher Ayyad
Dr.Fakultät für Raumentwicklung und Infrastruktursysteme
Institute for Natural Resources Technology and Management (ITT)
Technische Hochschule Köln
Robertstraße 2
51105 Köln
Raum KR 3.02
+49 221-8275-2316
- Researcher: Water and Land Resources Management | Water Use Efficiency | Sustainable Intensification | Remote Sensing
- Lecturer: Water and Agriculture | Watershed Management I Watershed Management
- Researching water and land resources management, sustainable intensification, and water-food nexus strategies and tools.
- Lecturing in the modules “Water and Agriculture”, “Watershed Management”, and "Water Resources Management" as part of the master program “Integrated Water Resources Management”
- Coordinating the Nile Research Partnership (NiReP).
- Supervising bi-annual semester projects and M.Sc. theses of ITT students
- Assisting in project/fund acquisition and proposal writing.
- Providing training on applications of remote sensing in monitoring water and land resources
- Refined satellite-based evapotranspiration datasets over the Nile Basin (project of the Nile Basin Initiative)
- Lectured (1) data for quantifying nexus components, (2) nexus interconnections, (3) food security, and (4) nexus solutions in the summer school “Data to decision: assessment of the WEF security nexus”
Peer-reviewed journal articles:
• Ayyad, S., Karimi, P., Ribbe, L., Becker, M., 2024. Potential improvements in crop production in Egypt and implications for future water and land demand. International Journal of Plant Production. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42106-024-00301-7
• Ayyad, S., Karimi, P., Langensiepen, M., Ribbe, L., Rebelo, L.-M., Becker, M., 2022. Remote sensing assessment of available green water to increase crop production in seasonal floodplain wetlands of sub-Saharan Africa. Agricultural Water Management 269, 107712. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agwat.2022.107712
• Ayyad, S., Khalifa, M., 2021. Will the Eastern Nile countries be able to sustain their crop production by 2050? An outlook from water and land perspectives. Science of The Total Environment 775, 145769. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.145769
• McNamara, I., Baez-Villanueva, O.M., Zomorodian, A., Ayyad, S., Zambrano-Bigiarini, M., Zaroug, M., Mersha, A., Nauditt, A., Mbuliro, M., Wamala, S., Ribbe, L., 2021. How well do gridded precipitation and actual evapotranspiration products represent the key water balance components in the Nile Basin? Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 37, 100884. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejrh.2021.100884
• Ayyad, S., Al Zayed, I.S., Ha, V.T.T., Ribbe, L., 2019. The Performance of Satellite-Based Actual Evapotranspiration Products and the Assessment of Irrigation Efficiency in Egypt. Water, 11, 1913. https://doi.org/10.3390/w11091913
Conference contributions:
• Ayyad, S., Karimi, P., Langensiepen, M., Ribbe, L., Rebelo, L.-M., and Becker, M.: Increasing cropping options in seasonal floodplain wetlands of sub-Saharan Africa: A remote-sensing approach for assessing available green water for cultivation, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-3982, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-3982, 2022.
• Ayyad, S., Khalifa, M. 2021. Sustainability of agricultural systems in the Eastern Nile countries: Trajectories, opportunities, and constraints. Oral presentation at the Cairo Water Week. Cairo, Egypt, 24–28 October 2021.
• Ayyad, S., Karimi, P., Langensiepen, M., Ribbe, L., Becker, M., 2021. Green water for productive cultivation of seasonal floodplain wetlands in sub-Saharan Africa. Oral presentation at the Socio-hydrology Conference. Hybrid event, Delft, The Netherlands, 06–08 September 2021.
•Ayyad, S., Karimi, P., Langensiepen, M., Ribbe, L., Becker, M., 2021. Green water for productive cultivation of seasonal floodplain wetlands in sub-Saharan Africa. Oral presentation at the Socio-hydrology Conference. Hybrid event, Delft, The Netherlands, 06–08 September 2021.
• Ayyad, S., Khalifa, M. 2021. Agricultural futures in Egypt, Ethiopia, and Sudan. Oral presentation at the Socio-hydrology Conference. Hybrid event, Delft, The Netherlands, 06–08 September 2021.
• Ayyad, S., Khalifa, M. 2021. The water and land demands of the agricultural practices in the Eastern Nile Basin: Current status and future opportunities. Oral presentation at the Nile Basin Development Forum. Virtual event, 09 March–29 April 2021.
• Ayyad, S., Khalifa, M. 2021. Unlocking the potential of agricultural productivity and water use efficiency in the Eastern Nile countries. Oral presentation at the Water Security & Climate Change Conference. Hybrid event, Hanoi, Vietnam, 01–04 March 2021.
• Ayyad, S., Khalifa, M. 2019. Agricultural intensification vs extensification in the Eastern Nile Basin: Current consumption patterns and future trajectories. Oral presentation at the Water Security & Climate Change Conference, San Luis Potosí, Mexico, 28-30 Oct. 2019. Poster presented at the Nile Conference, Africa 2020, Leiden, The Netherlands, 20-21 Feb. 2020. https://doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.32020.94088
• Ribbe, L., Khalifa, M., Basheer, M., Ayyad, S., Babker, Z., Nauditt, A., 2018. Water-Energy-Food-Nexus Accounting for the Eastern Nile Basin. Poster presented at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Washington, DC, USA, 10-14 December 2018. https://doi.org/10.1002/essoar.10500889.1