Prof. Dr. Roman Bartnik
Dr. rer. oec.
Fakultät für Informatik und Ingenieurwissenschaften
Institute for Business Administration and Leadership (IBAL)
Campus Gummersbach
Steinmüllerallee 1
51643 Gummersbach
Raum 2.235
- +49 2261-8196-6253
- Studiengangsleiter BA Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen
- Mitglied des Zentrums für Lehrentwicklung (ZLE)
- Mitglied der TransferING-Förderung zur Entwicklung innovativer Lehrkonzepte (
- Betriebswirtschaftslehre: Beschaffung/Supply Chain Management, Prozessanalyse/Lean Management, Project Management
Supply Chain Management; Supplier Relationship Management, Project Management, Lean ManagementCurrent research overview
Eine aktuelle Liste neuerer Publikationen finden Sie hier: (Hochschulbibliographie der TH Köln)
Digitalisation of DHL Supply Chain’s Warehouse Operations: A Case Study
Irma Lindt, Roman Bartnik, Tim Tetzlaff, Vinay Pala, Kristin Szekat and Sophie Schulte-Langforth, **Under review**
In 2018, DHL Supply Chain started its digitalisation program to roll out technologies such as collaborative robots and wearable devices to its approximately 2000 warehouse sites world-wide. In this case study, we will report what made DHL Supply Chain start this program, which parts of the operations were addressed in the digitalisation efforts, the lessons learned during this journey, how success was measured, and what was achieved five years later by mid of 2023. The data used in the case study is based on documents and statements from the program team. In addition, interviews were conducted with different DHL Supply Chain employees to reflect on the program’s impact on customers, investors, and the workforce. -
Communicating with Japanese partners in multinational corporations: A systematic literature review of barriers and enablers
Roman Bartnik, Masoud Mirzaei, **Under review**
What interventions should we choose to improve communication with Japanese partners in multinational corporations? To find answers to this, we review 52 papers on communication and language in Japanese multinational corporations in the period of 2000 to 2023. To structure the comparison, we use the CIMO framework for systematic reviews (Denyer et al., 2008). This distinguishes evidence on context factors (C), management interventions (I) the theoretical mechanisms (M) which make interventions work or fail, and relevant outcomes of interventions (O). We combine these factors into three sets of design propositions to highlight patterns that the empirical studies show and point to three ‘blind spots’ that studies largely fail to cover, including ways to reduce and not improve communication, the neglect of functional language and the lack of integrative frameworks. -
What do project buyers do? How firms and employees define it.
Roman Bartnik, Masoud Mirzaei, Hg.: Working paper, preparing submission by 11/2023
We increasingly work in projects. How do purchasing organizations reflect this trend in their job descriptions? How do firms characterize the tasks of project buyers? How do these specific tasks align with generic task frameworks of purchasing and supply management (PSM) and project management (PM)? And finally: How do these tasks vary across industries and business types (i.e. different supplier-buyer relationships)? We analyze these questions empirically in our paper by looking at job advertisements and LinkeIn profiles. We analyze which PM tasks are most important in the job descriptions and propose an integrative framework that combines PSM and PM tasks. -
Project purchasing: A systematic literature review of what we know about purchasing in project settings
Roman Bartnik, Masoud Mirzaei, Working paper, preparing submission by 12/2023
Buyers often work in projects: Whether for new car models, new production lines, pharmaceuticals, IT systems, or building construction. Yet, the PSM and PM communities do not seem to talk much to each other: Projects in purchasing and supply management (PSM) are frequently not managed in accordance with professional project management (PM) standards, and neither the professional nor academic communities appear to interact much to share lessons learned on what works and what does not in purchasing projects. This systematic literature review aims to bridge these functional islands by systematically analyzing scientific findings on PSM activities in project settings. We find three dominant clusters of PSM, PM, and innovation management literature studies. We highlight several typical problems for PSM projects. Following the CIMO framework for systematic reviews (Denyer et al., 2008), we look at the evidence on context factors (C), management interventions (I) the theoretical mechanisms (M) that make interventions work or fail, and relevant outcomes of interventions (O). To integrate the findings and shine a light on some blind spots in the literature, we propose a theoretical framework that pragmatically links the lenses of different adjacent disciplines to deal with typical problems of PSM projects, notably using concepts from operations management (waste, variability), cognitive sciences (cognitive overload, simple rules), megaproject management (planning fallacies and strategic misrepresentation) and new additions to institutional economics (limited reliability).
A) Applied Science / Praxisbeiträge
Projekteinkauf unter der Lupe, Teil I. Der Projekteinkauf als SchnittstelleOnline Version
Holtschneider, Uwe; Bartnik, Roman, 2020-09, Hg.: Beschaffung aktuell
Überblick: Im Projekteinkauf laufen viele Fäden zusammen: Er ist als Schnittstelle verantwortlich für die interne und externe Koordination von Zusammenarbeit und Kommunikation. Dabei kommt es zu verschiedenen Koordinations- und Anreizproblemen. Wir beschreiben Lösungsvorschläge für diese Problematiken. Dies ist der erste Teil unserer Serie zum Projekteinkauf. -
Der Projekteinkauf unter der Lupe, Teil II. One-night-stands: Beziehungen ohne BindungOnline Version
Bartnik, Roman; Holtschneider, Uwe, 2020-10, Hg.: Beschaffung aktuell
Überblick: In diesem zweiten Teil unserer Serie zum Projekteinkauf widmen wir uns verschiedenen kurzfristigen Geschäftstypen, nämlich dem Produkt- und Projektgeschäft. Hier tun sich vielfältige Koordinations- und Anreizprobleme auf, die mit einer richtigen, angepassten Strategie gemindert werden können. -
Der Projekteinkauf unter der Lupe, Teil III. Drum prüfe, wer sich bindet…: Beziehungen mit Langzeitbindung.Online Version (ab November 2020)
Holtschneider, Uwe; Bartnik, Roman, 2020-11, Hg.: Beschaffung aktuell
Überblick: In diesem dritten und letzten Teil der Serie zum Projekteinkauf widmen wir uns langfristigen Geschäftsbeziehungen: dem System- und Integrationsgeschäft. Erneut geht es darum, Anreiz- und Koordinationsprobleme zu erkennen und sie zu beseitigen.
Managing guest editor for the journal "Technovation": Special issue "Innovation in the East Asian Automotive Industry"Link
Bartnik, R.; Wilhelm, M.; Fujimoto, T., 2018, Hg.: Technovation Volumes 70–71 (February–March 2018), Pages 1-72
Journal paper (peer reviewed)
Technological change, information processing and supply chain integration: a conceptual model.Link
Bartnik, R. & Park, Y., 2018, Hg.: Benchmarking: An International Journal, vol. 25, issue 5.
The effect of ethical leadership on purchasers’ unethical behavior in China: The moderating role of ethical ideologyLink
Ko, C.; Ma, J.; Kang, M., Haney, M. H., Bartnik, R.; Hwang, D.W., Lee, D.Y., 2019, Hg.: Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management
Introduction to innovation in the East Asian automotive industry: Exploring the interplay between product architectures, firm strategies, and national innovation systems.Link
Bartnik, R.; Wilhelm, M.; Fujimoto, T., 2018, Hg.: Technovation, 70–71 (2018), 1–6.
Aligning purchasing portfolio management with sourcing negotiation styles.Link
Kang, M.; Bartnik, R.; Park, Y.; Hong, P. C., 2018, Hg.: Management Decision, Vol. 56 No. 11, pp. 2341-2356.
Ethical Leadership. An Integrative Review and Future Research Agenda.Link
Ko, C.; Ma, J.; Bartnik, R.; Haney, M. H.; Kang, M., 2017, Hg.: Ethics & Behavior, 28:2, 104-132
HEV/EV用モータの調達戦略に関する日独企業の比較.(In Japanese. English title: Comparing Japanese and German Procurement Strategies for HEV/EV Motors from a Dynamic Capabilities Perspective.)Link
Bartnik, R. & Saeki, Y., 2016, Hg.: Annals of the Society for Industrial Studies, Japan 2016 (31), pp. 41–53.
ドイツにおけるDXとインダストリー4.0:現状、課題、教訓"(DX and Industry 4.0 in Germany: Current Status, Challenges, and Lessons Learned).Collaborative DX Management Salon
Invited lecture in Japanese at the Collaborative DX Management Salon in Tokyo
18.3.2024 -
Generative KI wie ChatGPT als Lehr- und Lernhilfe in der HochschullehreSkript - Workshop KI in der Lehre
Didaktik-Workshop für Lehrende, Zentrum für Lehrentwicklung, TH Köln
14.3.2024 -
"Team-based Learning (TBL) anwenden – aktivierende Formate zur strukturierten Mischung aus Einzel- und GruppenarbeitSkript - Workshop Team-Based Learning
Didaktik-Workshop für Lehrende, Zentrum für Lehrentwicklung, TH Köln
15.2.2024 -
Digitalisierung von Beschaffungsprozessen: Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze
Fachvortrag im Rahmen der DigitalXChange Bergisches Rheinland mit Dr. Uwe Holtschneider, Yazaki Europe Ltd. (Online-Vortrag)
6.6.2020 -
Protocol: Barriers and facilitators to organizing international project work with Japanese organizations: A systematic literature reviewPresentation and Working Paper
Presentation at the Economics Working group at the Annual Conference of the German Association for Social Science Research on Japan (VSJF) in Zürich
19.11.2022 -
Optimierung von digitalen Prozessen durch Business Analytics und Simulationen
Vortrag am InnovationHub Bergisches Rheinland mit Prof. Dr. Matthias Zapp am 16.11.2022
Praktische Nutzung von KI in der LehreKeynote-KI-in-der-Lehre
Impulsvortrag zur 2.Auftaktveranstaltung THKI GPT-Lab an der TH Köln in Kooperation mit dem Zentrum für Lehrentwicklung (ZLE)
I review scientific papers for the following journals/associations: Asian Business & Management; Technovation: The International Journal of Technological Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Technology Management; Benchmarking: An International Journal; International Journal of Training and Development (IJTD, Editorial Board Member); Academy of International Business (AIB) Annual Conferences; Euro-Asia Management Studies Association Annual Conferences
Digital Transformation Working Group - The International Council of Academic Departments in Engineering and Management (ICADEM)Link
German: Fakultäten- und Fachbereichstag Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen / Arbeitskreis Digitale Transformation Der Fakultäten- und Fachbereichstag Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen (FFBT WI) ist die Interessensvertretung von akademischen Institutionen mit Studiengängen des Wirtschaftsingenieurwesens (WI) gegenüber Politik, Unternehmen und Gesellschaft.
Academy of Management (AoM)Link
The Academy of Management is the preeminent professional association for management and organization scholars.
Bundesverband Materialwirtschaft, Einkauf und Logistik (BME)Link
Bundesverband Materialwirtschaft, Einkauf und Logistik e.V. (BME) ist der Fachverband für Einkäufer, Supply Chain Manager und Logistiker in Deutschland und Kontinentaleuropa.
European Operations Management Organization (EUROMA)Link
EurOMA is an international network of academics and practitioners from around the world who have a common interest in the continuing development of Operations Management.
Production and Operations Management Society (POMS)Link
The Production and Operations Management Society (POMS) is an international professional organization representing the interests of POM professionals from around the world.
Project Management Institute (PMI)Link
The Project Management Institute (PMI) is the largest global nonprofit professional organization for project management.
dghd - Deutsche Gesellschaft für HochschuldidaktikLink
Deutsch-Japanische Gesellschaft am Niederrhein e.V.Link
Deutsch-Japanischer WirtschaftskreisLink
Alumni Organization Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)Link
Doctoral Dissertation Award
Mercator School of Management / University of Duisburg-Essen (2010) -
Best Paper Award
Global Supply Chain Management Conference 2015, Zhejiang University, 2015-3-28. (With Youngwon Park) -
Best Reviewer Award
Euro-Asia Management Studies Association, 2015-10-30, SOAS University of London. -
Best Paper Award
Society of Interdisciplinary Business Research 2017 Conference on Interdisciplinary Business and Economics Research, February 3 - 4, 2017, Kuala Lumpur (with Ralf Bebenroth, Kai Oliver Thiele)
2016-2019 |
Project Manager at Yazaki Europe Ltd., Electronics & Instruments Business Unit Responsible for the implementation of design, purchasing, operations & supply chain concepts for new car projects. |
2014-2016 |
Research Group Leader E-Mobility / East Asian Supply Chains at the School of Advanced Studies / Institute of East Asian Studies / University of Duisburg-Essen. Visiting scholar at the Manufacturing Management Research Center (MMRC), University of Tokyo |
2010-2014 |
Project Purchasing Supervisor & Team Lead at Yazaki Europe Ltd. |
2008-2010 |
Software Project Manager at INFORM GmbH / Airport Systems Division |
2003-2008 |
Research Associate & PhD student at the Chair of East Asian Economic Studies, University of Duisburg Essen and visiting scholar at Hitotsubashi University / Tokyo Research on how to coordinate foreign R&D units |