Prof. Dr. Harald Sander

Dr. rer. oec., Dipl.-Volksw.


  • Jean Monnet Chair "Europe in the Global Economy"
  • Director, Institute of Global Business & Society


  • Volkswirtschaftslehre/Economics Aussenwirtschaft/International Economics


  • Jean Monnet Chair: Europe in the Global Economy The Jean Monnet Chair conducts, facilitate and helps disseminating recent research on Europe's changing role in the global economy
    Website of the Jean Monnet Chair at TH Köln
  • Sustainability of Global Banking Extending on a large-scale DFG-NWO-financed GEOBANK project this major research project is focusing on the condition for a sustainable global banking and financial system.
  • The Water, Energy and Food Security Nexus This is a major interdisciplinary research project funded by the federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia. The project is expected to have a positive and sustainable impact on collaborative research and education at CUAS.
    The Water, Energy and Food Security Nexus
  • Eco-Innvoations and Green Growth This project of the Institute of Global Business and Society investigates the role of eco-innovation fro greening economic growth and focuses on what holds back such eco-innovations.
    Institute of Global Business and Society
  • New Challenges for International Graduate Business Education In this project we explore the challenges of a modern business education that aims at preparing students for an increasingly global labor market. We focus on the importance of cross-cultural team capability and explore research- and project-based learning
  • Determinants and dynamics of the geography of global banking: The role of economic, cultural and political factors (GEOBANK ) The GEOBANK project investigates the determinants of changes in global retail banking and has been financed by the DFG.
  • Financial Integration in Southern Africa This project explores the meaningfulness and effectiveness of strategies of countries belonging to the Southern African Development Community to integrate the financial markets and eventually create a single currency in this area.
  • Eurpean Thematic Weeks: Quo Vadis Europa?
    What about the future of Europe? What are the internal and external challenges facing the European Union? These questions were the focus of the event "Quo Vadis", the contribution of the TH Cologne to the European Thematic Weeks of the Cologne Science Forum, to which Prof. Dr. András Inotai, Willem Noë and Prof. Dr. Harald Sander could welcome more than 80 participants.
    8th May 2019
    Quo Vadis Europa
  • Jean Monnet Workshop “Financial Globalization and its Spillovers”
    On 16-17 February a top-level Jean Monnet workshop on “Financial globalization and its spillovers -monetary and exchange rate policy in times of crises” took place at TH Köln. The workshop was attended by a mix of top scholars and practitioners as well “rising stars” in the field. A major objective was to stimulate the dialogue between international scholars and practitioners. As part of this workshop a special public event “25 Years after Maastricht: The Future of Money and Finance in Europe” took place at Maastricht University in the afternoon of February 16. The event featured keynote speeches by Benoît Cœuré, Member of the Executive Board of the European Central Bank and Professor Barry Eichengreen, University of California at Berkeley.
    16-17 Februar 2017
    JM Workshop "Financial Globalization and its Spillovers
  • Europe at the Crossroads: The Future of the Euro Area and Europe
    Gelingt es Europa, die Euro-Krise endgültig zu überwinden? Über die Zukunft der EU und des Euros diskutierten an der TH Köln vier renommierte Gäste. Willem Noë von der Europäischen Kommission, Prof. Hans-Helmut Kotz, ehemaliges Vorstandsmitglied der deutschen Bundesbank, Prof. Dr. András Inotai, langjähriger Direktor des Institute for World Economy an der Ungarischen Akademie der Wissenschaften und Prof. Dr. Alojzy Nowak, Prorektor der Universität Warschau. Eingeladen zur Podiumsdiskussion „Europe at the Crossroads“ hatte der von der Europäischen Kommission an der TH Köln eingerichtete Jean-Monnet-Lehrstuhl von Prof. Dr. Harald Sander.
    Bericht über Podiumsdiskussion "Europe at the Crossroads: The Future of the Euro Area and Europe"
  • Symposium "Global Banking, Financial Stability, and Post-Crisis Policy Challenges"
    On February 1, 2013, the Institute of Global Business & Society (GLOBUS) at Cologne university of Applied Science in cooperation with the European Center for Corporate Engagement (ECCE) and Maastricht University hosted a symposium on "Global Banking, Financial Stability, and Post-Crisis Policy Challenges" at Maastricht University. The Symposium was organized by Harald Sander and Stefanie Kleimeier. This one-day symposium brought together leading experts and practitioners from academia, industry and regulatory bodies with three major intentions: First, to discuss recent advances in research on banking globalization and financial stability. Second, to exchange views on urgent policy and regulatory issues to balance the cost and benefits of global banking. Third, to make these views visible to a broader audience in the profession as well as to policy makers and an interested civil society. Comparative Economic Studies has published a special symposium issue in June 2014.
    February 1, 2013
    More information on the Symposium "Global Banking, Financial Stability, and Post-Crisis Policy Challenges"