Prof. Dr. Harald Elders-Boll
Campus Deutz
Betzdorfer Straße 2
50679 Köln
Raum ZN 8-4
+49 221-8275-2448
Donnerstag, 14.00 bis 15.00 Uhr
Campus Deutz, Betzdorfer Str. 2, Raum Online per Zoom oder ZN 8-4
Anmeldung über die Sprechstundenfunktion im ILU. Falls Sie keinen ILU Kurs bei mir haben, bitte im ILU dem Pseudo Kurs Sprechstunde / Officehours beitreten:
Mittwoch, 13.00 bis 14.00 Uhr
Campus Deutz, Betzdorfer Str. 2, Raum Online per Zoom oder in Raum ZN 8-4
Anmeldung über die Sprechstundenfunktion im ILU. Falls Sie keinen Kurs bei mir haben, bitte im ILU dem Pseudo Kurs Sprechstunde / Officehours beitreten:
- StudienberaterIn
- Fachstudienberatung Studiengang Elektrotechnik (Bachelor) Studienrichtung Nachrichtentechnik
- Signale und Systeme: Digitale Signalverarbeitung
- Digitale Kommunikationstechnik: Basisbandsignalverarbeitung, Software-Defined Radio
- Internet of Things (IoT) Grundlagen des Internets der Dinge
Cyberphysical Security Cyber-physikalische Sicherheit von IoT Systemen, Wireless Sensing
Digitale Kommunikationssysteme Software-Defined Radio, Transceiver-Design, Baseband Security
Projekte / Kooperationen
Entwicklung eines SDR-basierten, industriellen FunkmodemsEntwicklung eines SDR-basierten, industriellen Funkmodems
In diesem Projekt wurde ein Prototyp für ein SDR-basiertes, industrielles Funkmodem mit hohen Reichweiten entworfen. -
OpenFoneForschungsprojekt OpenFone
In diesem Projekt wurden Demonstratoren für die Implementierung von Mobilfunk-Systemen mit Hilfe von Open-Scource Komponenten erstellt. Dabei wurden nicht nur verschiedene Komponenten eines Mobilfunknetzes mit freier Software implementiert werden, sondern diese Komponenten auch genutzt, um die damit möglichen Angriffe auf bestehende Mobilfunknetze und Mobiltelefone zu untersuchen. -
Innovative Software-Defined Trunked Radio (ISTruRadio)Innovative Software-Defined Trunked Radio (ISTruRadio)
Innovative Software-Defined Trunked Radio (ISTruRadio): Ziel des Projektes „ISTruRadio“ ist die Entwicklung eines innovativen Funkmodems für private Mobil- und Bündelfunksysteme auf Basis der Software-Defined Radio (SDR) Technologie
On considering hierarchical modulation in the porting process of legacy waveforms to software defined radioOn ResearchGate
Adrat, Marc, Osten, Tobias, Leduc, Jan, Antweiler, Markus, Elders-Boll, Harald, March 2014, Hg.: Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing 78(3)
Legacy waveforms on Software Defined Radio: Can hierarchical modulation offer an added value to SDR operators?On ResearchGate
Adrat, Marc, Osten, Tobias, Leduc, Jan, Antweiler, Markus, Elders-Boll, Harald, 2012, Hg.: Military Communications and Information Systems Conference (MCC)
2nd Order Cyclostationarity of OFDM Signals: Impact of Pilot Tones and Cyclic Prefix,
Adrat, M. ,Leduc, J. ,Couturier, S., Antweiler, M., Elders-Boll, H., 2009, Hg.: Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC ’09), Dresden,
Reducing the Vulnerability of Pilot Symbols in OFDM Signals Exploiting Cyclostationarity,
Leduc, J., Adrat, M., Couturier, S., Antweiler, M., Elders-Boll, H., 2008, Hg.: Proceedings of 13th International OFDM Workshop (InOWo’08), Hamburg,
Efficient Differentially Coherent Code/Doppler Acquisition of Weak GPS Signals
Harald Elders-Boll, Uwe Dettmar, 2004, Hg.: Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Spread Spectrum Techniques and Applications (ISSSTA2004), Sidney, Australia,
WCDMA Baseband Design Faces Challenges
Harald Elders-Boll, Uwe Dettmar, 2003, Hg.: Wireless Systems Design
Performance Evaluation of Advanced Receivers for WCDMA Downlink Detection
Hafez Hadenejad-Mahram, Harald Elders-Boll, Gholamreza Alirezaei, 2002, Hg.: Proc. Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC) 2002, Honolulu,
On the Influence of Substream Ordering for MIMO Decision-Feedback Detectors with Higher Order Modulation
Harald Elders-Boll, Gholamreza Alirezaei, 2002, Hg.: Proc. Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC)
Efficient Detection of the Usage of STTD Encoding of Common Channels in UMTS-FDD in the Presence of Frequency Error
Harald Elders-Boll, Stefan Thiel, 2002, Hg.: Proc. 3GWireless 2002, San Francisco,
Efficient Design Flow From System Level to Hardware in Cocentric System Studio
H. Dawid, S. Thiel, H. Elders-Boll, M. Vaupel, E. Geesmann, M. Vellachi, M. Antweiler, 2002, Hg.: Proc. Design Automation and Test in Europe (DATE), 2002, Paris
Challenges in System Design and Rapid Prototyping for a 3G FDD Wideband Receiver
H. Dawid, S. Thiel, H. Elders-Boll, M. Vaupel, E. Geesmann, M. Antweiler, 2001, Hg.: 10. Aachener Symposium Signaltheorie, p. 65-70, Aachen,
Performance Results for the Downlink of UMTS-FDD with Adaptive Chip Equalization
Harald Elders-Boll, 2001, Hg.: Proc. COST 262 Workshop Multiuser Detection, p. 1-5, Ulm,
Simplified Interference-based Threshold Rule for Delay Selection in DS-CDMA Systems
Harald Elders-Boll, 2000, Hg.: Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC2000), London,
The Optimization of Spreading Sequences for CDMA Systems in Presence of Frequency-selective Fading
Harald Elders-Boll, 2000, Hg.: Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Spread Spectrum Techniques and Applications (ISSSTA2000),
Investigation of Selected Spreading Sequences for DS-CDMA Systems with a Nonlinear Multiuser Detector
A. Engelhart, H.E. Schlummer, W. Teich, J. Lindner, H. Schotten, H. Elders-Boll, 1999, Hg.: Proc. COST 262 Meeting, Thessaloniki, Griechenland,
Optimization of Spreading Sequences for DS-CDMA Systems and Frequency-Selective Fading Channels
Hans Dieter Schotten, Harald Elders-Boll, Axel Busboom, 1998, Hg.: Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Spread Spectrum Techniques and Applications (ISSSTA98),
Aperiodic Mean-Square Correlation Parameters of Binary Z4-linear Sequences
Hans Dieter Schotten, Harald Elders-Boll, Axel Busboom, 1998, Hg.: Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT'98), p. 402, Cambridge, USA,
Adaptive Multi-rate Multi-code CDMA Systems
Hans Dieter Schotten, Harald Elders-Boll, Axel Busboom, 1998, Hg.: In Proc. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC'98), p. 782-785,
The Influence of Spreading Sequences on Iterative Multiuser Detectors
Harald Elders-Boll, Hans Dieter Schotten,, Axel Busboom, 1998, Hg.: Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Spread Spectrum Techniques and Applications (ISSSTA98), p. 174-178, Sun City, Süd Afrika,
On the Construction of Spreading Sequences for Asynchronous CDMA Systems with Linear Multiuser Detection
Harald Elders-Boll, Hans Dieter Schotten, Axel Busboom, 1998, Hg.: Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT'98), p. 122, Cambridge, USA,
The Influence of the Spreading Sequences on the Performance of Asynchronous CDMA Systems with Linear Multiuser Detection
Harald Elders-Boll, Hans Dieter Schotten, Axel Busboom, 1998, Hg.: Proc. International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT'98), Vol. II, p. 37-41, Porto Carras, Griechenland,
Implementation of Linear Multiuser Detectors for Asynchronous CDMA Systems by Linear Interference Cancellation Algorithms
Harald Elders-Boll, Axel Busboom, Hans Dieter Schotten, 1998, Hg.: Proc. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC'98), p. 1849-1853, Ottawa, Kanada,
Implementation of Linear Multiuser Detectors for Asynchronous CDMA Systems by Linear Multi-Stage Interference Cancellation
Harald Elders-Boll, Hans Dieter Schotten, Axel Busboom, 1998, Hg.: Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust., Speech, Signal Processing (ICASSP'98), p. 3225-3228, Seattle, USA,
Implementation of Linear Multiuser Detectors for Asynchronous CDMA Systems by Linear Multi-Stage Interference Cancellation
Harald Elders-Boll, Hans Dieter Schotten, Axel Busboom, 1998, Hg.: Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust., Speech, Signal Processing (ICASSP'98), p. 3225-3228, Seattle, USA,
Spreading Sequences for Linear DS-CDMA Multiuser Detectors
Harald Elders-Boll, Hans Dieter Schotten, Axel Busboom, 1998, Hg.: 2. ITG Fachtagung Codierung für Quelle, Kanal, Übertragung, p. 183-188, Aachen,
Adaptive Multi-Code CDMA Systems for Variable Data-Rates
H. D. Schotten, H. Elders-Boll, A. Busboom, 1997, Hg.: IEEE International Conference on Personal Wireless Communications (ICPWC97), p. 334-337, Mumbai, Indien,
Combinatorial design of near-optimum masks for coded aperture imaging
A. Busboom, H. Elders-Boll, H. D. Schotten, 1997, Hg.: IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, Signal Processing (ICASSP97), p. 2817-2820, München,
Multi-code CDMA with Variable Sequence-sets
H.D. Schotten, H. Elders-Boll, A. Busboom, 1997, Hg.: IEEE International Conference on Universal Personal Communications (ICUPC97), p. 628-631, San Diego, USA,
A Comparative Study of Optimization Methods for the Synthesis of Binary Sequences with Good Correlation Properties
Harald Elders-Boll, Hans Dieter Schotten, Axel Busboom, 1997, Hg.: IEEE Fifth International Symposium Communications and Vehicular Technology in the Benelux, Proc., p. 24-31, Enschede, Niederlande,
Spreading Sequences for Zero-Forcing DS-CDMA Multiuser Detectors
Harald Elders-Boll, Axel Busboom, Hans Dieter Schotten, 1997, Hg.: IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC97), p. 53-57, Helsinki, Finland,
Adaptive receivers for mobile DS-CDMA communication systems
Harald Elders-Boll, Michael Herper, Axel Busboom, 1997, Hg.: IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC97), p. 2128-2132, Phoenix,
Fast acquisition in DS-CDMA using concatenated spreading sequences
Harald Elders-Boll, Axel Busboom, Hans Dieter Schotten, 1997, Hg.: First IEEE Signal Processing Workshop on Signal Processing Advances on Wireless Communications (SPAWC97), p. 373-376, Paris, Frankreich,
Adaptive Empfänger für CDMA Mobilfunksysteme
Harald Elders-Boll, 1997, Hg.: IEEE Workshop Kommunikationstechnik, Proc., p. 81-85, Schloß Reisensburg,
A Generalized Correlation Function for Magnified/Reduced Signals
Axel Busboom, Hans Dieter Schotten, Harald Elders-Boll, 1995, Hg.: 8th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO96), p. 555-558, Trieste, Italien,
An Adaptive Scheme for Simultaneous Coding and Spreading in Direct-Sequence CDMA Systems
Hans Dieter Schotten, Harald Elders-Boll, Axel Busboom, 1996, Hg.: IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC96), Proc., p. 1111-1114, Atlanta,
Interference Parameters of Concatenated Spreading Sequences for Asynchronous CDMA
Harald Elders-Boll, Hans Dieter Schotten, Axel Busboom, 1996, Hg.: IEEE International Symposium on Spread Spectrum Techniques & Applications (ISSSTA96), p. 960-964, Mainz,
Mismatched-Filtering of Concatenated Code Sequences for Approximately Synchronized CDMA-Systems
Harald Elders-Boll, Hans Dieter Schotten, Axel Busboom, 1996, Hg.: IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC96), p. 1727-1731, Atlanta,
Mismatched-Filterung verketteter Spreizsequenzen für teilsynchrone 'Direct-Sequence' Codemultiplex-Systeme
Harald Elders-Boll, Hans Dieter Schotten, Bernhard Liesenfeld, 1995, Hg.: ITG-Fachbericht 135, Mobile Kommunikation, p. 347-354, VDE-Verlag,
Uniformly Redundant Arrays
Axel Busboom, Harald Elders-Boll, Hans Dieter Schotten, 1998, Hg.: Experimental Astronomy, Vol. 8, No. 2, p. 97-123
Efficient Implementation of Linear Multiuser Detectors for Asynchronous CDMA Systems by Linear Interference Cancellation
Harald Elders-Boll, Hans Dieter Schotten, Axel Busboom, 1998, Hg.: European Transactions on Telecommunications, Vol. 9, No. 5, p. 427-437, September/Oktober,
Coded aperture imaging with multiple measurements
A. Busboom, H. D. Schotten, H. Elders-Boll, 1997, Hg.: Journal of the Optical Society of America A, Bd 14, Nr. 5, p. 1058-1065,
Large Families of Code-Sequences for Direct-Sequence CDMA Systems
Hans Dieter Schotten, Bernhard Liesenfeld, Axel Busboom, 1995, Hg.: Archiv für Elektronik, Übertragungstechnik, Bd 49, Nr. 3, p. 143-150,
Combined Coding and Spreading in Direct-Sequence CDMA Systems
B. Liesenfeld, H. D. Schotten, H. Elders-Boll, 1995, Hg.: Archiv für Elektronik, Übertragungstechnik, Bd 49, Nr. 3, p. 135-142,
Sequenz-Design und Multiuser-Detektion für Asynchrone Codemultiplex-Systeme
Harald Elders-Boll, 1999, Hg.: Reihe 10, Informatik, Kommunikationstechnik, Nr. 608, Dissertation, RWTH Aachen, VDI-Verlag, Düsseldorf,
- Li, Guyue; Staat, Paul; Li, Haoyu; Heinrichs, Markus; Zenger, Christian; Kronberger, Rainer; Elders-Boll, Harald; Paar, Christof; Hu, Aiqun (2024): RIS-Jamming : Breaking Key Consistency in Channel Reciprocity-based Key Generation. In: IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security / IEEE Signal Processing Society.
- Staat, Paul; Jansen, Kai; Zenger, Christian; Elders-Boll, Harald; Paar, Christof (2022): Analog Physical-Layer Relay Attacks with Application to Bluetooth and Phase-Based Ranging. In: WiSec '22 : Proceedings of the 15th ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks. WiSec '22: 15th ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks; San Antonio, TX, USA; 16.05.-19.05.2022., S. 60 - 72. (peer-reviewed/Open Access)
- Staat, Paul; Elders-Boll, Harald; Heinrichs, Markus; Zenger, Christian; Paar, Christof (2022): Mirror, Mirror on the Wall: Wireless Environment Reconfiguration Attacks Based on Fast Software-Controlled Surfaces. In: ASIA CCS 2022 - Proceedings of the 2022 ACM Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security. Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security; Nagasaki Japan; 30.05.-03.06.2022., S. 208 - 221.
- Li, Guyue; Hu, Lei; Staat, Paul; Elders-Boll, Harald; Zenger, Christian; Paar, Christof; Hu, Aiqun (2022): Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface for Physical Layer Key Generation : Constructive or Destructive?. In: IEEE Wireless Communications. Vol. 29, S. 146 - 153. (peer-reviewed)
- Staat, Paul; Elders-Boll, Harald; Heinrichs, Markus; Kronberger, Rainer; Zenger, Christian; Paar, Christof (2021): Intelligent Reflecting Surface-Assisted Wireless Key Generation for Low-Entropy Environments. In: Latva-aho, Matti; Juntti, Markku (Hrsg.): IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, PIMRC. Helsinki: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., S. 745 - 751. (peer-reviewed)