Prof. Dr. Daniel Gaida

Prof. Dr. Daniel Gaida

Campus Gummersbach
Steinmüllerallee 1
51643 Gummersbach

  • Telefon+49 2261-8196-6204


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Campus Gummersbach, Raum 3.233
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  • Prüfungsausschussvorsitzende/r


  • Künstliche Intelligenz
  • Algorithmik
  • Machine Learning, Deep Learning und Künstliche Intelligenz
  • Cyber-Physische Systeme
  • Bildverarbeitung und Computer Vision
  • Suchen Sie ein Studierendenprojekt oder eine Abschlussarbeit? PROX (Project Exchange TH Köln)


  • Künstliche Intelligenz: Verteilte Künstliche Intelligenz unter Wahrung des Datenschutzes und der Datensouveränität
  • Cyber-Physische Systeme
  • Fritz, Karl-Peter; Strauß, Henning; Rathfelder, Christoph; Bülau, André; Gaida, Daniel; Girdvainis, Dovydas; Marki, Gerhard (2022): Digitaler Retrofit : von Maschinen und Produktionsanlagen. Würzburg: Vogel Communications Group GmbH & Co. KG.
  • Sharma, Pranav; Rüb, Marcus; Gaida, Daniel; Lutz, Heiko; Sikora, Axel (2020): Deep Learning in Resource and Data Constrained Edge Computing Systems. In: Machine Learning for Cyber Physical Systems : Selected papers from the International Conference ML4CPS 2020. 5. Fachkonferenz ML4CPS – MaschineKearnung For Cyber Physical Systems; Berlin, Germany; 12.03.-13.03.2020., S. 43 - 51. (peer-reviewed/Open Access)
  • Gaida, Daniel; Wolf, Christian; Bongards, Michael (2016): Feed Control of Anaerobic Digestion Processes for Sustainable Renewable Energy Production : A Review. In: Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. Vol. 68, S. 869 - 875.
  • Gillespie, Philip D.; Gaida, Daniel; Hung, Peter C.; Kee, Robert J.; McLoone, Seán F. (2016): A Bias Compensated Cross-relation Approach to Thermocouple Characterisation. In: IFAC-PapersOnLine. Vol. 49, S. 43 - 48. (Open Access)
  • Kern, Peter; Wolf, Christian; Gaida, Daniel; Bongards, Michael; McLoone, Sean (2014): COD and NH4-N estimation in the inflow of Wastewater Treatment Plants using Machine Learning Techniques. In: 2014 IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE). 2014 IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE); New Taipei, Taiwan; 18.08.-22.08.2014. (peer-reviewed)
  • Bongards, Michael; Gaida, Daniel; Trauer, Oliver; Wolf, Christian (2014): Intelligent Automation and IT for the Optimization of Renewable Energy and Wastewater Treatment Processes. In: Energy, Sustainability and Society. Vol. 4. (peer-reviewed/Open Access)
  • Zaefferer, Martin; Gaida, Daniel; Bartz-Beielstein, Thomas (2014): Multi-fidelity Modeling and Optimization of Biogas Plants. Köln: Technische Hochschule Köln (2/2014). (Open Access)
  • Gaida, Daniel; Wolf, Christian; Meyer, Christian; Stuhlsatz, André; Lippel, Jens; Bäck, Thomas; Bongards, Michael; McLoone, Seán (2012): State Estimation for Anaerobic Digesters using the ADM1. In: Water Science and Technology. Vol. 66, S. 1088 - 1095. (peer-reviewed/Open Access)
  • Ludwig, T.; Gaida, Daniel; Keysers, Christopher; Pinnekamp, Johannes; Bongards, Michael; Kern, Peter; Wolf, Christian; Brito, A. L. Sousa (2012): An Advanced Simulation Model for Membrane Bioreactors : Development, Calibration and Validation. In: Water Science and Technology. Vol. 66, S. 1384 - 1391. (peer-reviewed/Open Access)
  • Gaida, Daniel; Wolf, Christian; Back, Thomas; Bongards, Michael (2012): Nonlinear Model Predictive Substrate Feed Control of Biogas Plants. In: 2012 20th Mediterranean Conference on Control & Automation (MED). 2012 20th Mediterranean Conference on Control & Automation (MED); Barcelona, Spain; 03.07.-06.07.2012. (peer-reviewed)
2016 bis 2021 Hahn-Schickard-Gesellschaft für angewandte Forschung e.V.
Aufbau und Leitung der Forschungsgruppe für Künstliche Intelligenz seit 2018 KI Themen bei Hahn-Schickard