Ansprechpartner für das Forschungskolloquium

Prof. Dr. Philipp Schaer

Prof. Dr. Philipp Schaer

  • Telefon+49 221-8275-3845

Forschungskolloquium des IWS: Asymmetric Similarity Measurement for Changes in Scientific Concepts

Vortrag, 27. November 2018

Das Forschungskolloquium Informationswissenschaft richtet sich an alle Hochschulangehörigen (Professoren, Mitarbeiter, Studierende) sowie an externe Teilnehmer, die an den Arbeits- und Forschungsbereichen des Instituts für Informationswissenschaft Interesse haben. Ziel des Kolloquiums ist es, aus aktuellen Forschungsvorhaben, Projekten oder Kooperationen zu berichten.

Auf einen Blick

Dr. Mohammad Tavakolizadeh Ravari – An Asymmetric Similarity Measurement Model for Changes in Structure of Scientific Concepts



  • 27. November 2018
  • 15.15 Uhr bis 16.45 Uhr
  • in meinen Kalender übertragen


Campus Südstadt, Claudiusstr. 1, Raum 149


Forschungskolloquium Informationswissenschaft


Dr. Mohammad Tavakolizadeh Ravari


keine Anmeldung notwendig

Weitere Informationen

Abstract: “Science and technology structure” bears different meanings on different contexts, from which we concern those relations existing between objects (terms, authors, and citations) that form the structure of a scientific or technological knowledge.
The research evolution and shift could be investigated through measuring the structural change that has occurred within a keyword (term) co-occurrence network of a given field. Modern science is also conducted primarily through a network of collaborators. The groups within the co-authors' network can therefore show the structural change of knowledge areas by studying the shifts that have occurred in the collaboration of the researchers of a discipline with the others. Citation network analysis has such a function, too. The network of citations reveals what disciplines have contributed to a given discipline and somehow represent the structure of a science.
The structural change can be measured by determining the amount of moving objects (terms, authors, citations) between the corresponding groups of terms, authors, and citation networks. This can be also called as identifying and detecting "between-cluster migration of objects" and as the variation of information or the amount of information lost and gained in the span of time.
The current presentation propose an asymmetric similarity measure suitable for calculating the between-subset migration of objects (such as topics or authors) over time and also for comparing one set (such as an area) to another one (another area), both consisting of subsets having different sizes. In another words, a model is provided for determining the structural change between the subsets of objects of science and technology. A mathematical proof will be presented for this model and the model will be tested for measuring the amount of movement of index-terms between subject categories of "Project Management" area during the two time periods.

Ansprechpartner für das Forschungskolloquium

Prof. Dr. Philipp Schaer

Prof. Dr. Philipp Schaer

  • Telefon+49 221-8275-3845