4th Networking Meeting for Doctoral Supervisors
On November 18, 2020, the 4th networking meeting of the doctoral supervisors took place at TH Köln – and this year it was for the first time virtually. 38 professors took part in the meeting.
After a short welcome with information on the current stand of the Graduate Institute NRW / Foundation of the Doctoral College NRW by Prof. Dr. Klaus Becker, Vice President for Research and Knowledge Transfer, Mirjam Heetkamp from the Graduate Center Service Desk of TH Köln briefly presented the current offers for doctoral candidates at TH Köln.
Afterwards, Prof. Dr. Dr. Reis from the University of Paderborn gave a keynote speech on the topic "Doctorate phases, crises and appropriate support interventions". Then the participating supervisors were able to exchange ideas on best practices in small groups based on case sequences. The group results were presented and discussed in the plenary session.
Currently 188 doctorates are registered at TH Köln and supervised by 90 professors. In addition to divers networking activities for doctorates and supervisors, Graduate Center of TH Köln offers consultations for those who are interested in a doctorate, further education program accompanying the doctorate, doctoral coaching both in German and in English, as well as several funding programs.
November 2020