Mirjam Heetkamp

Mirjam Heetkamp

Hochschulreferat Forschung und Wissenstransfer

  • Campus Südstadt
    Gustav-Heinemann-Ufer 54
    50968 Köln
  • Telefon+49 221-8275-3062

Dr. Mareike Fröhling

Dr. Mareike Fröhling

  • Technische Hochschule Köln
    Am Berkebach 1
    51789 Lindlar
  • Telefon+49 221-8275-5345

14th Afternoon for Doctorates

On May 16, 2022, all doctoral researchers at TH Köln were invited to the 14th Afternoon for Doctorates at the Deutz Campus. In addition to a lecture and a discussion on the topic of Open Science, the event focused on networking and exchange at the first life-reunion in two years.

After two years of virtual organization due to the pandemic, the participants were welcomed by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Klaus Becker, Vice President for Research and Knowledge Transfer, on the terrace of the old Senate Hall at the Deutz Campus for the first time again in presence for the Afternoon for Doctorates.

This was followed by the introduction of Dr. Mareike Fröhling, Mirjam Heetkamp and Dr. Katharina Rohrbach, who are the contact persons at the Service Desk Graduate Center for all concerns of those interested in doctorate, doctoral researchers, postdocs and supervisors.

In the main section of the event, Ms. Ariane Larrat from the Teaching Development Center gave a speech on "Open Science - open and visible doctoral studies?" and the doctoral researchers got to talk about the topic and were able to give feedback on the draft Open Science Policy of the TH Köln, as well as discuss questions.

After the thunderstorm passed over Deutz just in time for the end of the discussion, there was a break with networking opportunities on the roof terrace. Afterwards, the doctoral researchers were able to inform themselves at four thematic tables on various topics related to the doctorate.

The Afternoon for Doctorates is organized once or twice a year by Graduate Center of TH Köln in cooperation with the doctoral representatives of TH Köln. It has been taking place since 2012.

The 15th Doctoral Afternoon will take place on November 14, 2022 at the Südstadt Campus - all doctoral researchers at TH Köln are cordially invited again.

Further information on the Afternoon for Doctorates and other offers, workshops, and funding programs for doctoral candidates at TH Köln can be found at Graduate Center Service Desk.

Mai 2022

Mirjam Heetkamp

Mirjam Heetkamp

Hochschulreferat Forschung und Wissenstransfer

  • Campus Südstadt
    Gustav-Heinemann-Ufer 54
    50968 Köln
  • Telefon+49 221-8275-3062

Dr. Mareike Fröhling

Dr. Mareike Fröhling

  • Technische Hochschule Köln
    Am Berkebach 1
    51789 Lindlar
  • Telefon+49 221-8275-5345