Fakultät für Angewandte Sozialwissenschaften

Soziale Arbeit Plus
Campus Südstadt
Ubierring 48, Raum 6b
50678 Köln

Using communication tools to prevent HIV among female sex workers in Nepal

Online-Vortrag, 18. Mai 2022

Dr. Yerina S. Ranjit (University of Missouri) will be talking about the role of communication in preventing infectious diseases and improving health outcomes for women in developing countries. An area of her research focuses on using mobile phones deliver culturally appropriate HIV/STI related information to female sex workers, and to help bridge the gap access to health services for these women.

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Using communication tools to prevent HIV among female sex workers in Nepal



  • 18. Mai 2022
  • 17.00 Uhr bis 18.30 Uhr
  • in meinen Kalender übertragen


Zoom-Meeting beitreten:
Meeting-ID: 876 5432 4509
Kenncode: 995454


Dr. Yerina S. Ranjit (University of Missouri)


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Soziale Arbeit Plus

Using communication tools to prevent HIV among female sex workers in Nepal

Online-Vortrag von Dr. Yerina S. Ranjit (University of Missouri)

Mi., 18.05.2022, 17:00 Uhr, online via Zoom

The researcher Yerina S. Ranjit is an assistant professor of communication at the University of Missouri. She will be talking about the role of communication in preventing infectious diseases and improving health outcomes for women in developing countries. An area of her research focuses on using mobile phones deliver culturally appropriate HIV/STI related information to female sex workers, and to help bridge the gap access to health services for these women.

Fakultät für Angewandte Sozialwissenschaften

Soziale Arbeit Plus
Campus Südstadt
Ubierring 48, Raum 6b
50678 Köln