Fakultät für Angewandte Sozialwissenschaften

TH Köln
Campus Südstadt
Ubierring 48, 50678 Köln


Stefanie Vogt

Angewandte Sozialwissenschaften

  • Campus Südstadt
    Ubierring 48
    50678 Köln
  • Telefon+49 221-8275-3688

Mid-term of the 2030 Agenda: “Seven years till 2030! Where are we with the 2030 Agenda?"

International lecture series, 11. Oktober 2023

Open International Webinar and Lecture Series 2023/2024  (Bild: TH Köln)

In 2015, the UN General Assembly adopted 17 sustainability goals, known as Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), to address key social, economic and environmental challenges facing humanity by 2030. The SDG Summit, to be held in September 2023, will mark the half-way point to the deadline set for achieving the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals.

Auf einen Blick

Mid-term of the 2030 Agenda: “Seven years till 2030! Where are we with the 2030 Agenda? How can we accelerate implementation? How relevant is the 2030 Agenda for persons with disabilities?”

International lecture series


  • 11. Oktober 2023
  • 18.00 Uhr bis 19.30 Uhr
  • in meinen Kalender übertragen


Online-Webinar via Zoom
Meeting-ID: 668 3030 7455
Code: 895688


Global Challenges and Worldwide Perspectives on Inclusion in the Context of the UN Sustainable Development Goals Open International Webinar and Lecture Series 2023/2024


Prof. Dr. Imme Scholz (Board of the Heinrich Böll Foundation and Co-Chair of the UN Independent Group of Scientists that drafted the GSDR 2023) & Gabriele Weigt (Managing Director Behinderung und Entwicklungszusammenarbeit e.V. (bezev))


For further information and registration please follow the link below Registration for Open International Webinar and Lecture Series 2023/2024


TH Köln, Faculty of Applied Social Sciences

Weitere Informationen

The lectures (excluding questions and discussion) will be recorded. After the end of the lecture series in January, the recordings of the lectures will be available to all interested parties as open access teaching material on the following platform: https://ilu.th-koeln.de/. We will inform all participants via Email as soon as the recordings are available. By attending the lectures, you agree to the recording. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us: gcpi-sdg@f01.th-koeln.de

11. Oct. 2023, 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. (CEST)

Mid-term of the 2030 Agenda: “Seven years till 2030! Where are we with the 2030 Agenda? How can we accelerate implementation? How relevant is the 2030 Agenda for persons with disabilities?”

Prof. Dr. Imme Scholz (Board of the Heinrich Böll Foundation and Co-Chair of the UN Independent Group of Scientists that drafted the GSDR 2023) & Gabriele Weigt (Managing Director Behinderung und Entwicklungszusammenarbeit e.V. (bezev))

In 2015, the UN General Assembly adopted 17 sustainability goals, known as Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), to address key social, economic and environmental challenges facing humanity by 2030. The SDG Summit, to be held in September 2023, will mark the half-way point to the deadline set for achieving the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals. What is the status of implementation and what needs to be done to still achieve the goals by 2030? How relevant is the 2030 Agenda for people with disabilities and the realization of their rights to equal participation?

Fakultät für Angewandte Sozialwissenschaften

TH Köln
Campus Südstadt
Ubierring 48, 50678 Köln


Stefanie Vogt

Angewandte Sozialwissenschaften

  • Campus Südstadt
    Ubierring 48
    50678 Köln
  • Telefon+49 221-8275-3688