Workshop on early literacy and (digital) media
Workshop, 21. September 2017

These days, early literacy is not only based on traditional paper picture books but also on digital media such as e-books, apps, television, or pc-games containing written or oral texts. The aim of this workshop is to exchange views on the potential and limits of (digital) media for children’s language and other forms of learning across infancy and early childhood (0 to 8).
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"Inclusion and language learning with digital media in kindergarten"
Workshop von Isabel Zorn, Nicole Najemnik & Scarlet Siebert im Rahmen der Tagung "early literacy and (digital) media", Universität Paderborn
- 21. September 2017
- 15.30 Uhr bis 16.00 Uhr
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Universität Paderborn
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Isabel Zorn, Nicole Najemnik & Scarlet Siebert