Forschungskolloquium des IWS: New Approaches for Intellectual Property Protection

Vortrag, 30. November 2017

Das Forschungskolloquium Informationswissenschaft richtet sich an alle Hochschulangehörigen (Professoren, Mitarbeiter, Studierende) sowie an externe Teilnehmer, die an den Arbeits- und Forschungsbereichen des Instituts für Informationswissenschaft Interesse haben. Ziel des Kolloquiums ist es, aus aktuellen Forschungsvorhaben, Projekten oder Kooperationen zu berichten.

Auf einen Blick

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bela Gipp – New Approaches for Intellectual Property Protection



  • 30. November 2017
  • 16.00 Uhr bis 17.30 Uhr
  • in meinen Kalender übertragen


Campus Südstadt, Claudiusstr. 1, Raum 158


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bela Gipp serves as Juniorprofessor in Information Science at the University of Konstanz, Germany. Prior to this, he was a post-doctoral researcher at the University of California Berkeley and at the National Institute of Informatics in Tokyo. Website


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Weitere Informationen

Abstract: Intellectual property protection represents a major challenge in academia and for the advancement of science. In his talk, Bela Gipp, Professor of Information Science at the University of Konstanz, will present a new method for the detection of scientific plagiarism. Unlike existing detection methods, this approach does not exclusively rely on text-based methods for similarity detection, thus allowing it to also detect disguised or translated plagiarism. The second part of his talk introduces the use of the cryptocurrency Bitcoin to create and store decentralized, tamperproof timestamps for digital data. The presented method allows proving the authorship of digital data without having to publish the data or the identity of the author.