Prof. Dr. Ralph Krüger

Dr. phil. habil.
Faculty of Information Science and Communication Studies

Institute of Translation and Multilingual Communication

Office hours

Summer Semester 2023/2024
Monday, 13:00 to 14:00
Campus Südstadt, Ubierring 48, Room 430
Appointments online via zoom or face-to-face at the institute. Please register by email in advance.


  • Full Professor of Language and Translation Technology
  • Head of the Research Group on Translation, Interpreting and Specialised Communication (together with Professor Ursula Wienen)
  • Member of TH Köln's Commission on Research and Knowledge Transfer
  • Member of the IATIS Training Committee (International Association for Translation and Intercultural Studies)
  • Editorial Review Board Member of Current Trends in Translation Teaching and Learning (CTTL)
  • Scientific Committee Member of L10N Journal – Translation in Software, Software in Translation
  • Member of the Institute of Information Management (IIM) of TH Köln's Faculty of Information Science and Communication Studies
  • Editor-In-Chief of Lebende Sprachen (together with Professor Tinka Reichmann and Professor Ursula Wienen)

Teaching disciplines

  • Large Language Models (GPT-4, etc.): Potential areas of application of LLMs in translation, interpreting and specialised communication
  • Machine Translation: Technical basics of phrase-based statistical and neural MT; training, implementation and quality assurance of MT engines, pre- and post-editing
  • Specialised Communication Technology: Technical basics and pratical implementation of various tools of specialised communication technology
  • Formal Languages with Relevance for Specialised Communication: XML, regular expressions, Python
  • Specialised Translation: Science and technology and information technology; administration and technological support of specialised translation projects
  • Translation Studies: Corpus-based translation studies; cognitive translation studies

Research fields

  • Large Language Models (GPT-4, etc.): Potential areas of application of LLMs in translation, interpreting and specialised communication
  • Artificial Intelligence Literacy for translation, interpreting and specialised communication: Developing an AI Literacy Framework for translation, interpreting and specialised communication
  • Machine Translation: Performance and quality evaluation of neural MT in the context of specialised translation
  • Specialised Communication Technology: Usability of tools of specialised communication technology
  • Translation Didactics: Strategies and resources for teaching the technical basics of neural MT to translation students; impact of neural MT on translation didactics
  • Specialised Translation: Situated cognition in the specialised translation process (situated translation); impact of tools of specialised communication technology on the computer-assisted translation process
  • LT-LiDER: Language and Translation: Literacy in Digital Environments and Resources (approved)
    The ERASMUS+ consortium "LT-LiDER: Language and Translation: Literacy in Digital Environments and Resources" is coordinated by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Action Type: Cooperation Partnerships in Higher Education) and includes project partners from Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Dublin City University, TH Köln, Universität Wien, Université Grenoble Alpes, Universidad del Pais Vasco and Rijksuniversiteit Groningen LT-LiDER aims to map the landscape of technological capabilities required to work as a language and/or translation expert. This project, on the other hand, intends to generate training outputs that will help language and translation trainers improve their skills and adopt appropriate pedagogical approaches and strategies for integrating technology into their language or translation classrooms.
    LT-LiDER: Language and Translation: Literacy in Digital Environments and Resources
  • DataLitMT – Teaching Data Literacy in the Context of Machine Translation Literacy (completed)
    This project aims to develop didactic resources for teaching data literacy to students of BA and MA programmes in translation/LSP communication. With regard to the core subject matter of such BA programmes, the project develops didactic resources which can be used to teach the various sub-competencies outlined in the DataLit MT Framework in their translation-specific form of Machine Translation Literacy.
    DataLitMT – Teaching Data Literacy in the Context of Machine Translation Literacy


Habilitation thesis

Edited Volumes


  • The Interface between Scientific and Technical Translation Studies and Cognitive Linguistics. With Particular Emphasis on Explicitation and Implicitation as Indicators of Translational Text-Context Interaction
    Krüger, Ralph, 2015, Berlin: Frank & Timme
    Table of Contents
  • Artificial Intelligence Literacy and Adjacent Digital Literacies for the Digitalised and Datafied Language Industry
    2 October 2024
  • Sprachbezogene Künstliche Intelligenz – Wie funktionieren neuronale maschinelle Übersetzung und Large Language Models?
    22 July 2024
    Blog post on the event
  • Künstliche Intelligenz in Translation und Fachkommunikation – eine Upskilling-Perspektive
    9 July 2024
  • Translation and Artificial Intelligence
    4 July 2024
    Bristol Translates
  • Digital Competences in Translation Technology Teaching
    14 June 2024
    Didactic Resources for Teaching Data Literacy in the Context of Machine Translation Literacy
  • Künstliche Intelligenz in Translation und Fachkommunikation – Skizze eines Kompetenzrahmens
    6 June 2024
  • Artificial Intelligence Literacy for Translation, Interpreting, and Specialised Communication – Outline of a Competence Framework
    28 March 2024
  • Large Language Models, Gender Bias, and Automatic Machine Translation Quality Evaluation
    27 March 2024
  • "KI-Update": Gegenwärtige und künftige Fähigkeiten neuronaler maschineller Übersetzung
    24 February 2024
  • 8 February 2024
    Watch on YouTube
  • Artificial Intelligence Literacy im Kontext der neuronalen maschinellen Übersetzung als Werkzeug fachübersetzerischen Handelns
    4 December 2023
  • DataLitMT – Teaching Data Literacy in the Context of Machine Translation Literacy
    14 June 2023
  • Theoretical Grounding of the DataLitMT Project
    19 April 2023
    Theoretical Grounding of the DataLitMT Project
  • DataLitMT – Teaching Data Literacy in the Context of Machine Translation Literacy
    29 March 2023
  • Neural Machine Translation, MT Literacy and Data Literacy for Specialised Translation
  • Zum möglichen Einfluss der neuronalen maschinellen Übersetzung auf die Fremdsprachenlehre
    Link to the presentation
  • Machine Translation Post-Editing (MTPE) in Examinations – Strategies and Best Practices from EMT Institutes
  • Das DataLitMT-Projekt – eine Verzahnung von Data Literacy und Machine Translation Literacy in der technologiebezogenen Translationslehre
  • The DataLitMT Project – Teaching Data Literacy in the Context of Machine Translation Literacy
  • MÜ-Qualitätsmetriken der neuen Generation
    30 June and 1 July 2022
  • Post-Editing and Its Integration in the Translation Quality Process
    31 March 2022
  • Automatische Qualitätsmessverfahren für MÜ-Systeme: Überblick, Evaluation und Trends
    9 November 2021
  • Teaching the Technical Dimension of Neural Machine Translation Using Python-Based Jupyter Notebooks
    30 September 2021
  • Neural Machine Translation in the Professional Translation Process
    25 September 2021
  • A Gentle Approach to Using Python Resources in Translation Technology Teaching
    15 September 2021
  • Contextual Meaning in Neural Machine Translation
    3 September 2021
  • Word Vectors in Natural Language Processing – The Link between Modern Machine Translation and Terminology Research
    23 July 2021
  • Möglichkeiten und Grenzen von Systemen zur maschinellen Übersetzung in der Onlineberatung
    30 June 2021
  • Automatic Quality Metrics for Machine Translation: Overview, Evaluation and Trends
    17 June 2021
  • Neue Entwicklungen im Bereich der neuronalen maschinellen Übersetzung
    18 November 2020
  • Augmented Translation – Vision und Wirklichkeit
    30 September 2020
  • Zu den pragmatischen Grenzen der neuronalen maschinellen Übersetzung
    1 July 2020
  • On the Potential Implications of Neural Machine Translation for Translation Competence and Translation Didactics
    23 August 2018
  • Einbindung von Systemen zur maschinellen Übersetzung in den Fachübersetzungsprozess
    28 July 2018
  • Mögliche Auswirkungen der neuronalen maschinellen Übersetzung auf translatorisches Handeln und Translationsdidaktik
    9 July 2018
  • Assessing Quality in the Context of Machine Translation
    15 June 2018
  • Ansätze zur Bewertung der Qualität von Systemen zur maschinellen Übersetzung und von maschinell übersetzten Texten
    24 March 2018
  • Translatorisches Handeln im Zeitalter der neuronalen maschinellen Übersetzung
    23 March 2018
  • Corpus Research in Cologne: Corpora in LSP Translation Research, Translation Didactics and Machine Translation Research
    26 October 2017
  • Aktuelle Leistungsfähigkeit der maschinellen Übersetzung und mögliche Konsequenzen für die Translationslehre am ITMK
    17 October 2017
  • Aktivitäten im Bereich Sprach- und Übersetzungstechnologie am Institut für Translation und Mehrsprachige Kommunikation
    14 October 2017
  • From Situated Translation to CAT Tool Usability
    17 September 2016
  • Situated LSP Translation from a Cognitive Translational Perspective (and Some Points of Contact with Technical Writing)
    13 April 2016
  • Die (technisch-naturwissenschaftliche) Fachübersetzung aus dem Blickwinkel von kognitiver Linguistik und Kognitionstranslatologie
    8 July 2015
  • Die (technisch-naturwissenschaftliche) Fachübersetzung aus dem Blickwinkel von kognitiver Linguistik und Kognitionstranslatologie
    18 June 2015
  • Training the Scientific and Technical Translator – Outline of a Holistic Approach
    21 May 2015
  • Working with Electronic Corpora in a Situated Translation Course
    14 April 2015
  • Possible Interfaces between Cognitive Linguistics and Scientific and Technical Translation
    14 November 2013
  • Explicitation and Implicitation in Scientific and Technical Translation – A Cognitive Linguistic Perspective
    29 August 2013
  • Investigating the Interface between Text and Context in Scientific and Technical Translation – A Corpus-in-Context-based Study of Explicitation and Implicitation
    9 November 2012
  • Working with Corpora in the Translation Classroom
    5 September 2012