Prof. Dr. Ralph Krüger
Dr. phil. habil.Institute of Translation and Multilingual Communication

Campus Südstadt
Ubierring 48
50678 Köln
Room 430
Mailing address
+49 221-8275-3959
- Research Group on Translation, Interpreting and Specialised Communication
- Research Network HAL – Humans, Applications, Languages
- Co-Supervision of PhD Projects
- Supervised BA and MA Theses
- Suggested Topics for BA and MA Theses
- Recommended Literature for BA and MA Theses
- Podcast on the future of the translation profession with Professor Angelika Hennecke
- Lebende Sprachen – Journal of Interlingual and Intercultural Communication
- DataLitMT Learning Resources
- A Wiki on Large Language Models and other Modern AI Technologies
- GenAI@ITMK – Research Group on Generative Artificial Intelligence in Translation, Interpreting and Specialised Communication
- Podcast on LLMs in translation, interpreting and specialised communication with Professor Angelika Hennecke
Office hours
Winter Semester 2024/2025
Monday, 13:00 to 14:00
Campus Südstadt, Ubierring 48, Room 430
Appointments online via zoom or face-to-face at the institute. Please register by email in advance.
- Full Professor of Language and Translation Technology
- Course Director MA in Multilingual Specialised Communication and Specialised Translation
- Member of the Research Group on Translation, Interpreting and Specialised Communication
- Member of TH Köln's Commission on Research and Knowledge Transfer
- Member of the IATIS Training Committee (International Association for Translation and Intercultural Studies)
- Editorial Review Board Member of Current Trends in Translation Teaching and Learning (CTTL)
- Scientific Committee Member of L10N Journal – Translation in Software, Software in Translation
- Member of the Institute of Information Management (IIM) of TH Köln's Faculty of Information Science and Communication Studies
- Editor-In-Chief of Lebende Sprachen (together with Professor Tinka Reichmann and Professor Ursula Wienen)
Teaching disciplines
- Language-Oriented Artificial Intelligence/Large Language Models: Technical basics and potential areas of application in translation, interpreting and specialised communication
- Machine Translation: Technical basics of phrase-based statistical and neural MT; training, implementation and quality assurance of MT engines, pre- and post-editing
- Specialised Communication Technology: Technical basics and pratical implementation of various tools of specialised communication technology
- Formal Languages with Relevance for Specialised Communication: XML, regular expressions, Python
- Specialised Translation: Science and technology and information technology; administration and technological support of specialised translation projects
- Translation Studies: Corpus-based translation studies; cognitive translation studies
Research fields
Language-Oriented Artificial Intelligence/Large Language Models: Potential areas of application in translation, interpreting and specialised communication
Artificial Intelligence Literacy for translation, interpreting and specialised communication: Developing an AI Literacy Framework for translation, interpreting and specialised communication
Machine Translation: Performance and quality evaluation of neural MT in the context of specialised translation
Specialised Communication Technology: Usability of tools of specialised communication technology
Translation Didactics: Strategies and resources for teaching the technical basics of neural MT to translation students; impact of neural MT on translation didactics
Specialised Translation: Situated cognition in the specialised translation process (situated translation); impact of tools of specialised communication technology on the computer-assisted translation process
Projects / Cooperations
(3) LT-LiDER: Language and Translation: Literacy in Digital Environments and Resources (approved)LT-LiDER: Language and Translation: Literacy in Digital Environments and Resources
The ERASMUS+ consortium "LT-LiDER: Language and Translation: Literacy in Digital Environments and Resources" is coordinated by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Action Type: Cooperation Partnerships in Higher Education) and includes project partners from Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Dublin City University, TH Köln, Universität Wien, Université Grenoble Alpes, Universidad del Pais Vasco and Rijksuniversiteit Groningen LT-LiDER aims to map the landscape of technological capabilities required to work as a language and/or translation expert. This project, on the other hand, intends to generate training outputs that will help language and translation trainers improve their skills and adopt appropriate pedagogical approaches and strategies for integrating technology into their language or translation classrooms. -
(2) Epistemic Distortion and Social Bias in Language-Oriented Artificial Intelligence
(1) DataLitMT – Teaching Data Literacy in the Context of Machine Translation Literacy (completed)DataLitMT – Teaching Data Literacy in the Context of Machine Translation Literacy
This project aims to develop didactic resources for teaching data literacy to students of BA and MA programmes in translation/LSP communication. With regard to the core subject matter of such BA programmes, the project develops didactic resources which can be used to teach the various sub-competencies outlined in the DataLit MT Framework in their translation-specific form of Machine Translation Literacy.
(59) The AI Age in the Language and Translation Industry – Opportunities for Automation and Literacy Requirements
Krüger, Ralph; Angelone, Erik, in Arbeit / draft
(58) Bridging the Gap – Making Python and the Python Ecosystem Accessible to Translators (Arbeitstitel)
Álvarez Vidal; Sergio; Hackenbuchner, Janiça; Krüger, Ralph, in Arbeit / draft
(57) Data Literacy, Machine Translation Literacy and Artificial Intelligence Literacy for the Language Industry
Krüger, Ralph; Hackenbuchner, Janiça, in Arbeit / draft
(56) Machine Translation Literacy in the Translation Classroom
Hackenbuchner, Janiça; Krüger, Ralph, in Arbeit / draft
(55) Künstliche Intelligenz in der Fachkommunikation
Krüger, Ralph, in Arbeit / draft
(54) Technische Redaktion & Übersetzung (Arbeitstitel)
Holste, Alexander; Heidrich-Wilhelms, Franziska; Krüger, Ralph, in Arbeit / draft
(53) Developing a Competence Matrix for Language Industry-Specific Artificial Intelligence Literacy
Krüger, Ralph, in Arbeit / draft
(52) Übersetzen und Dolmetschen in einer KI-saturierten Welt. Oder: Zu welchem Ende studiert man heute Translationswissenschaft?
Krüger, Ralph, in Arbeit / draft
(51) Artificial Intelligence in Intra- and Interlingual Translation – Investigating the Potential of the Large Language Model GPT-4o in Easy/Plain Language and Low-Resource Translation Contexts
Deilen, Silvana; Paasch-Kaiser, Christine; Krüger, Ralph, in Arbeit / draft
(50) An Artificial Intelligence Literacy Framework for Translation, Interpreting and Specialised Communication
Krüger, Ralph, zur Veröffentlichung eingereicht / submitted for publication
(49) Sprachbezogene Künstliche Intelligenz in Form von Large Language Models: Funktionsweise – fachkommunikatives Anwendungsspektrum – Kompetenzanforderungen
Krüger, Ralph, zur Veröffentlichung eingereicht / submitted for publication
(48) Künstliche Intelligenz in Translation und Fachkommunikation – Skizze eines Kompetenzrahmens
Krüger, Ralph, zur Veröffentlichung eingereicht / submitted for publication
(47) Implementing Generative Artificial Intelligence Technologies in Language Industry Workflows – a Competence Perspective
Krüger, Ralph, im Erscheinen / forthcoming, in: Holste, Alexander; Agnetta, Marco (Hg.): KI-gestützte Translation und Translationsmarkt. Sonderausgabe Lebende Sprachen
(46) Integrating Artificial Intelligence in the Higher Education of Technical Writers and Technical Translators
Wittkowsky, Marion; Krüger, Ralph, im Erscheinen / forthcoming, in: Fachsprache – Journal of Professional and Scientific Communication
(45) Human Agency and Machine Agency in Digitalised and Datafied Translation Production Networks
Krüger, Ralph, im Erscheinen / forthcoming, in: Leibbrand, Miriam P.; Reichmann, Tinka; Wienen, Ursula (Hg.): Jahrbuch für Übersetzungshermeneutik 4/Yearbook of Translational Hermeneutics 4
(44) Automated Translation of Specialised Genres
Krüger, Ralph, im Erscheinen / forthcoming, in: Baumgarten, Stefan; Tieber, Michael (Hg.): The Routledge Handbook of Translation Technology and Society
(43) Implicitness in Translation and InterpretingImplicitness in Translation and Interpreting
Krüger, Ralph; Beaton-Thome, Morven, 2024, in: International Encylopedia of Language and Linguistics
(42) Outline of an Artificial Intelligence Literacy Framework for Translation, Interpreting and Specialised CommunicationOutline of an Artificial Intelligence Literacy Framework for Translation, Interpreting and Specialised Communication
Krüger, Ralph, 2024, in: Lublin Studies in Modern Languages and Literature 48(3), 11-23
(41) Corpora and the Translation of Scientific TextsCorpora and the Translation of Scientific Texts
Krüger, Ralph, 2024, in: Li, Defeng; Corbett, John (Hg.): The Routledge Handbook of Corpus Translation Studies. London/New York: Routledge, 348-366
(40) Literacy in Digital Environments and Resources (LT-LiDER)Literacy in Digital Environments and Resources (LT-LiDER)
Sanchéz Gijón, Pilar; Torres Simon, Esther; Vargas Urpí, Mireia; Aranberri, Nora; Ciobanu, Dragoş; Guerberof Arenas, Ana; Hackenbuchner, Janiça; Kenny, Dorothy; Krüger, Ralph; Moorkens, Joss; Rios Gaona, Miguel; Rivas Ginel, Isabel; Rossi, Caroline et al., 2024, in: Proceedings of the 25th Annual Conference of the European Association of Machine Translation (EAMT 2024), 54-55
(39) Von zeichenketten- zu vektorbasierten Verfahren zur Bewertung der Qualität von Systemen zur maschinellen Übersetzung und von maschinell übersetzten TextenVon zeichenketten- zu vektorbasierten Verfahren zur Bewertung der Qualität von Systemen zur maschinellen Übersetzung und von maschinell übersetzten Texten
Krüger, Ralph, 2024, in: Rösener, Christoph; Canfora, Carmen; Dörflinger, Torsten; Hoberg, Felix; Varga, Simon (Hg.): Übersetzen im Wandel. Wie Technologisierung, Automatisierung und Künstliche Intelligenz das Übersetzen verändern, 11-38
(38) A Competence Matrix for Machine Translation-Oriented Data Literacy TeachingA Competence Matrix for Machine Translation-Oriented Data Literacy Teaching
Krüger, Ralph; Hackenbuchner, Janiça, 2024, in: Target. International Journal of Translation Studies 36(2), 245–275
(37) Artificial Intelligence Literacy for the Language Industry – with Particular Emphasis on Recent Large Language Models such as GPT-4Artificial Intelligence Literacy for the Language Industry – with Particular Emphasis on Recent Large Language Models such as GPT-4
Krüger, Ralph, 2023, in: Lebende Sprachen 68(2), 283-330
(36) DataLitMT – Teaching Data Literacy in the Context of Machine Translation LiteracyDataLitMT – Teaching Data Literacy in the Context of Machine Translation Literacy
Hackenbuchner, Janiça; Krüger, Ralph, 2023, in: Nurminen, Mary et al. (Hg.): Proceedings of the 24th Annual Conference of the European Association of Machine Translation (EAMT 2023), 285-293
(35) Trotz ChatGPT, DeepL und Co.: Translator:innen geht die Arbeit nicht aus
Czulo, Oliver; Krüger, Ralph, 2023, in: LingDrafts. Linguistische Werkstattberichte
(34) Some Reflections on the Interface between Professional Machine Translation Literacy and Data LiteracySome Reflections on the Interface between Professional Machine Translation Literacy and Data Literacy
Krüger, Ralph, 2023, in: Journal of Data Mining and Digital Humanities, Special Issue: Towards a Robotics of Translation, 1-11
(33) Contextual Meaning in Neural Machine TranslationContextual Meaning in Neural Machine Translation
Krüger, Ralph, 2022, in: Kornacki, Michał; Massey, Gary (Hg.): Contextuality in Translation and Interpreting. Berlin: Lang, 179-202
(32) Outline of a Didactic Framework for Combined Data Literacy and Machine Translation Literacy TeachingOutline of a Didactic Framework for Combined Data Literacy and Machine Translation Literacy Teaching
Krüger, Ralph / Hackenbuchner, Janiça, 2022, in: Current Trends in Translation Teaching and Learning E, 375-432
(31) Integrating Professional Machine Translation Literacy and Data LiteracyIntegrating Professional Machine Translation Literacy and Data Literacy
Krüger, Ralph, 2022, in: Lebende Sprachen 67(2), 247-282
(30) Some Translation Studies Informed Suggestions for Further Balancing Methodologies for Machine Translation Quality EvaluationSome Translation Studies Informed Suggestions for Further Balancing Methodologies for Machine Translation Quality Evaluation
Krüger, Ralph, 2022, in: Translation Spaces 11(2), 213-233
(29) Using Jupyter Notebooks as Didactic Instruments in Translation Technology TeachingUsing Jupyter Notebooks as Didactic Instruments in Translation Technology Teaching
Krüger, Ralph, 2022, in: The Interpreter and Translator Trainer 16(4), 503-523
(28) Die Transformer-Architektur für Systeme zur neuronalen maschinellen Übersetzung – eine popularisierende DarstellungDie Transformer-Architektur für Systeme zur neuronalen maschinellen Übersetzung – eine popularisierende Darstellung
Krüger, Ralph, 2021, in: trans-kom 14(2), 278-324
(27) An Online Repository of Python Resources for Teaching Machine Translation to Translation StudentsAn Online Repository of Python Resources for Teaching Machine Translation to Translation Students
Krüger, Ralph, 2021, in: Current Trends in Translation Teaching and Learning E 2021, 4-30
(26) Mit Sprache(n) in die Zukunft – Translationstechnologielehre im Zeitalter der Künstlichen IntelligenzMit Sprache(n) in die Zukunft – Translationstechnologielehre im Zeitalter der Künstlichen Intelligenz
Krüger, Ralph, 2021, in: MDÜ – Fachzeitschrift für Dolmetscher und Übersetzer 67(2), 10-15
(25) Neural Machine Translation in Multilingual Art Communication – Exploring the Limits of Translation AutomationNeural Machine Translation in Multilingual Art Communication – Exploring the Limits of Translation Automation
Krüger, Ralph, 2021, in: Ahrens, Barbara; Hansen-Schirra, Silvia; Krein-Kühle, Monika; Schreiber, Michael; Wienen, Ursula (Hg.): Translation – Kunstkommunikation – Museum / Translation – Arts Communication – Museum. Berlin: Frank & Timme, 201-221
(24) Explicitation in Neural Machine TranslationExplicitation in Neural Machine Translation
Krüger, Ralph, 2020, in: Across Languages and Cultures 21(2), 195-216
(23) Propositional Opaqueness as a Potential Problem for Neural Machine TranslationPropositional Opaqueness as a Potential Problem for Neural Machine Translation
Krüger, Ralph, 2020, in: Ahrens, Barbara; Beaton-Thome, Morven; Krein-Kühle, Monika; Krüger, Ralph; Link, Lisa; Wienen, Ursula (Hg.): Interdependenzen und Innovationen in Translation und Fachkommunikation / Interdependence and Innovation in Translation, Interpreting a
(22) Verfahren zur Aufwandskalkulation im MÜ-gestützten Übersetzungsprozess
Krüger, Ralph, 2019, in: infoNRW 58, 12-15
(21) Fit für die Zukunft der interkulturellen Fachkommunikation: der Masterstudiengang Fachübersetzen an der TH Köln
Krüger, Ralph, 2019, in: infoNRW 58, 8-9
(20) Augmented Translation: eine Bestandsaufnahme des rechnergestützten FachübersetzungsprozessesAugmented Translation: eine Bestandsaufnahme des rechnergestützten Fachübersetzungsprozesses
Krüger, Ralph, 2019, in: trans-kom 12(1), 142-181
(19) Not yet on Par – on Pragmatic Limitations of Neural Machine TranslationNot yet on Par – on Pragmatic Limitations of Neural Machine Translation
Krüger, Ralph, 2019, in: Newsletter of the European Society for Translation Studies 54, 12
(18) A Model for Measuring the Usability of Computer-Assisted Translation ToolsA Model for Measuring the Usability of Computer-Assisted Translation Tools
Krüger, Ralph, 2019, in: Jüngst, Heike Elisabeth; Link, Lisa; Schubert, Klaus; Zehrer, Christiane (Hg.): Challenging Boundaries – New Approaches to Specialized Communication. Berlin: Frank & Timme, 93-117
(17) Lenkende Einflüsse von Übersetzungstechnologie auf den FachübersetzungsprozessLenkende Einflüsse von Übersetzungstechnologie auf den Fachübersetzungsprozess
Krüger, Ralph, 2019, in: Ahrens, Barbara; Hansen-Schirra, Silvia; Krein-Kühle, Monika; Schreiber, Michael; Wienen, Ursula (Hg.): Translation – Fachkommunikation – Fachübersetzung. Berlin: Frank & Timme, 29-56
(16) Neue Entwicklungen im Bereich der maschinellen Übersetzung
Krüger, Ralph, 2018, in: infoNRW 56, 18
(15) Technologieinduzierte Verschiebungen in der Tektonik der TranslationskompetenzTechnologieinduzierte Verschiebungen in der Tektonik der Translationskompetenz
Krüger, Ralph, 2018, in: trans-kom 11(1), 101-137
(14) Mehrsprachigkeit im Licht der MaschinenübersetzungMehrsprachigkeit im Licht der Maschinenübersetzung
Krüger, Ralph, 2018, in: Magazin Sprache des Goethe-Instituts, o. S.
(13) Ansätze zur Bewertung der Qualität von Systemen zur maschinellen Übersetzung und von maschinell übersetzten TextenAnsätze zur Bewertung der Qualität von Systemen zur maschinellen Übersetzung und von maschinell übersetzten Texten
Krüger, Ralph, 2018, in: Drewer, Petra; Mayer, Felix; Schmitz, Klaus-Dirk (Hg.): Terminologie und Text(e). München: Deutscher Terminologie-Tag e.V. ,167-176
(12) Von Netzen und Vektoren – Neuronale maschinelle ÜbersetzungVon Netzen und Vektoren – Neuronale maschinelle Übersetzung
Krüger, Ralph, 2017, in: MDÜ – Fachzeitschrift für Dolmetscher und Übersetzer 63(1), 38-44
(11) Pseudoübersetzungen in machtpolitischen Kontexten – Die Considérations sur l’état présent du corps politique de l’Europe von Friedrich dem GroßenPseudoübersetzungen in machtpolitischen Kontexten – Die Considérations sur l’état présent du corps politique de l’Europe von Friedrich dem Großen
Krüger, Ralph, 2016, in: trans-kom 9(2), 332-344
(10) A Situated Cognition Perspective on LSP Translation and Technical WritingA Situated Cognition Perspective on LSP Translation and Technical Writing
Krüger, Ralph, 2016, in: European Association for Technical Communication – tekom Europe e.V. (Hg.): Proceedings of the European Academic Colloquium on Technical Communication 2016. Stuttgart: tcword GmbH, 9-40
(9) Situated LSP Translation from a Cognitive Translational PerspectiveSituated LSP Translation from a Cognitive Translational Perspective
Krüger, Ralph, 2016, in: Lebende Sprachen 61(2), 297-332
(8) Contextualising Computer-Assisted Translation Tools and Modelling Their UsabilityContextualising Computer-Assisted Translation Tools and Modelling Their Usability
Krüger, Ralph, 2016, in: trans-kom 9(1), 114-148
(7) The Textual Degree of Technicality as a Potential Factor Influencing the Occurrence of Explicitation in Scientific and Technical TranslationThe Textual Degree of Technicality as a Potential Factor Influencing the Occurrence of Explicitation in Scientific and Technical Translation
Krüger, Ralph, 2016, in: JoSTrans – The Journal of Specialised Translation 26, 96-115
(6) Fachübersetzen aus kognitionstranslatologischer Perspektive – Das Kölner Modell des situierten FachübersetzersFachübersetzen aus kognitionstranslatologischer Perspektive – Das Kölner Modell des situierten Fachübersetzers
Krüger, Ralph, 2015, in: trans-kom 8(2), 273-313
(5) Situated Translation in the Translation ClassroomSituated Translation in the Translation Classroom
Krüger, Ralph / Serrano Piqueras, Jesús, 2015, in: Current Trends in Translation Teaching and Learning E 2, 5-30
(4) On Points of Contact between Scientific and Technical Translation and Cognitive LinguisticsOn Points of Contact between Scientific and Technical Translation and Cognitive Linguistics
Krüger, Ralph, 2015, in: New Voices in Translation Studies 12, 72-97
(3) From S-Explicitation to T-Explicitation? Tracing the Development of the Explicitation ConceptFrom S-Explicitation to T-Explicitation? Tracing the development of the explicitation concept
Krüger, Ralph, 2014, in: Across Languages and Cultures 15(2), 153-175
(2) A Cognitive Linguistic Perspective on Explicitation and Implicitation in Scientific and Technical TranslationA Cognitive Linguistic Perspective on Explicitation and Implicitation in Scientific and Technical Translation
Krüger, Ralph, 2013, in: trans-kom 6(2), 285-314
(1) Working with Corpora in the Translation ClassroomWorking with Corpora in the Translation Classroom
Krüger, Ralph, 2012, in: Languages in the Globalised World: Interpreting Multilingual Literacy and Cross-Cultural Encounters. Special Issue of Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching, 505-525
Habilitation thesis
Die neuronale maschinelle Übersetzung als Werkzeug fachübersetzerischen Handelns. Modellierung – 'Kompetenz'-/ Performanzanalyse – didaktische VermittlungDie neuronale maschinelle Übersetzung als Werkzeug fachübersetzerischen Handelns. Modellierung – 'Kompetenz'-/ Performanzanalyse – didaktische Vermittlung
Krüger, Ralph, 2022, Publisher: Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz: Habilitationsschrift
Edited Volumes
(3) Lebende Sprachen – Zeitschrift für interlinguale und interkulturelle KommunikationLebende Sprachen – Zeitschrift für interlinguale und interkulturelle Kommunikation
Krüger, Ralph / Reichmann, Tinka / Wienen Ursula, laufende Herausgabe (zwei Ausgaben pro Jahr), Publisher: De Gruyter
(2) Interdependenzen und Innovationen in Translation und Fachkommunikation / Interdependence and Innovation in Translation, Interpreting and Specialised CommunicationInterdependence and Innovation in Translation, Interpreting and Specialised Communication
2020, Berlin: Frank & Timme, Publisher: Ahrens, Barbara / Beaton-Thome, Morven / Krein-Kühle, Monika / Krüger, Ralph / Link, Lisa / Wienen, Ursula
(1) Kölner Konferenz zur Fachtextübersetzung (2010)Kölner Konferenz zur Fachtextübersetzung (2010)
2013, Frankfurt a. M.; Peter Lang Verlag, Publisher: Krein-Kühle, Monika / Wienen, Ursula / Krüger, Ralph
(1) The Interface between Scientific and Technical Translation Studies and Cognitive Linguistics. With Particular Emphasis on Explicitation and Implicitation as Indicators of Translational Text-Context InteractionTable of Contents
Krüger, Ralph, 2015, Berlin: Frank & Timme
(59) An Artificial Intelligence Literacy Framework for Translation, Interpreting and Specialised Communication
30 June to 3 July 2025 -
(58) Angewandte Theory of Mind und KI – Kann ChatGPT soziale Vignetten lösen? Ausblick auf ein mögliches Assistenzsystem für Menschen im Autismus-Spektrum
7-11 April 2025 -
(57) Sprachbezogene Künstliche Intelligenz in Form von Large Language Models: Funktionsweise, Anwendungsspektrum, Kompetenzanforderungen
28 March 2025 -
(56) Kompetenzen im Bereich Künstliche Intelligenz und angrenzende digitale Kompetenzen für die digitalisierte und datengestützte Sprachindustrie
13 December 2024 -
(55) Künstliche Intelligenz in Translation und Fachkommunikation – theoretische, didaktische und praktische Implikationen
10 December 2024 -
(54) Entwicklung und Auswirkungen von künstlicher Intelligenz bei Übersetzungen und Dolmetschung
14 November 2024 -
(53) Exploring Strategies for Best-Practice Prompting of Large Language Models for Tasks in Translation and Specialised Communication
13 November 2024 -
(52) Artificial Intelligence in Translation and Specialised Communication – Competence Requirements and Applications
13 November 2024 -
(51) Artificial Intelligence Literacy and Adjacent Digital Literacies for the Digitalised and Datafied Language Industry
31 October 2024 -
(50) Sprachbezogene Künstliche Intelligenz – Wie funktionieren neuronale maschinelle Übersetzung und Large Language Models?Blog post on the event
22 July 2024 -
(49) Künstliche Intelligenz in Translation und Fachkommunikation – eine Upskilling-Perspektive
9 July 2024 -
(48) Translation and Artificial IntelligenceBristol Translates
4 July 2024 -
(47) Digital Competences in Translation Technology TeachingDidactic Resources for Teaching Data Literacy in the Context of Machine Translation Literacy
14 June 2024 -
(46) Künstliche Intelligenz in Translation und Fachkommunikation – Skizze eines Kompetenzrahmens
6 June 2024 -
(45) Artificial Intelligence Literacy for Translation, Interpreting, and Specialised Communication – Outline of a Competence Framework
28 March 2024 -
(44) Large Language Models, Gender Bias, and Automatic Machine Translation Quality Evaluation
27 March 2024 -
(43) "KI-Update": Gegenwärtige und künftige Fähigkeiten neuronaler maschineller Übersetzung
24 February 2024 -
(42) Übersetzen und Dolmetschen in einer KI-saturierten Welt. Oder: Zu welchem Ende studiert man heute Translationswissenschaft?Watch on YouTube
8 February 2024 -
(41) Artificial Intelligence Literacy im Kontext der neuronalen maschinellen Übersetzung als Werkzeug fachübersetzerischen Handelns
4 December 2023 -
(40) DataLitMT – Teaching Data Literacy in the Context of Machine Translation Literacy
14 June 2023 -
(39) Theoretical Grounding of the DataLitMT ProjectTheoretical Grounding of the DataLitMT Project
19 April 2023 -
(38) DataLitMT – Teaching Data Literacy in the Context of Machine Translation Literacy
29 March 2023 -
(37) Neural Machine Translation, MT Literacy and Data Literacy for Specialised Translation
(36) Zum möglichen Einfluss der neuronalen maschinellen Übersetzung auf die FremdsprachenlehreLink to the presentation
(35) Machine Translation Post-Editing (MTPE) in Examinations – Strategies and Best Practices from EMT Institutes
(34) Das DataLitMT-Projekt – eine Verzahnung von Data Literacy und Machine Translation Literacy in der technologiebezogenen Translationslehre
(33) The DataLitMT Project – Teaching Data Literacy in the Context of Machine Translation Literacy
(32) MÜ-Qualitätsmetriken der neuen Generation
30 June and 1 July 2022 -
(31) Post-Editing and Its Integration in the Translation Quality Process
31 March 2022 -
(30) Automatische Qualitätsmessverfahren für MÜ-Systeme: Überblick, Evaluation und Trends
9 November 2021 -
(29) Teaching the Technical Dimension of Neural Machine Translation Using Python-Based Jupyter Notebooks
30 September 2021 -
(28) Neural Machine Translation in the Professional Translation Process
25 September 2021 -
(27) A Gentle Approach to Using Python Resources in Translation Technology Teaching
15 September 2021 -
(26) Contextual Meaning in Neural Machine Translation
3 September 2021 -
(25) Word Vectors in Natural Language Processing – The Link between Modern Machine Translation and Terminology Research
23 July 2021 -
(24) Möglichkeiten und Grenzen von Systemen zur maschinellen Übersetzung in der Onlineberatung
30 June 2021 -
(23) Automatic Quality Metrics for Machine Translation: Overview, Evaluation and Trends
17 June 2021 -
(22) Neue Entwicklungen im Bereich der neuronalen maschinellen Übersetzung
18 November 2020 -
(21) Augmented Translation – Vision und Wirklichkeit
30 September 2020 -
(20) Zu den pragmatischen Grenzen der neuronalen maschinellen Übersetzung
1 July 2020 -
(19) On the Potential Implications of Neural Machine Translation for Translation Competence and Translation Didactics
23 August 2018 -
(18) Einbindung von Systemen zur maschinellen Übersetzung in den Fachübersetzungsprozess
28 July 2018 -
(17) Mögliche Auswirkungen der neuronalen maschinellen Übersetzung auf translatorisches Handeln und Translationsdidaktik
9 July 2018 -
(16) Assessing Quality in the Context of Machine Translation
15 June 2018 -
(15) Ansätze zur Bewertung der Qualität von Systemen zur maschinellen Übersetzung und von maschinell übersetzten Texten
24 March 2018 -
(14) Translatorisches Handeln im Zeitalter der neuronalen maschinellen Übersetzung
23 March 2018 -
(13) Corpus Research in Cologne: Corpora in LSP Translation Research, Translation Didactics and Machine Translation Research
26 October 2017 -
(12) Aktuelle Leistungsfähigkeit der maschinellen Übersetzung und mögliche Konsequenzen für die Translationslehre am ITMK
17 October 2017 -
(11) Aktivitäten im Bereich Sprach- und Übersetzungstechnologie am Institut für Translation und Mehrsprachige Kommunikation
14 October 2017 -
(10) From Situated Translation to CAT Tool Usability
17 September 2016 -
(9) Situated LSP Translation from a Cognitive Translational Perspective (and Some Points of Contact with Technical Writing)
13 April 2016 -
(8) Die (technisch-naturwissenschaftliche) Fachübersetzung aus dem Blickwinkel von kognitiver Linguistik und Kognitionstranslatologie
8 July 2015 -
(7) Die (technisch-naturwissenschaftliche) Fachübersetzung aus dem Blickwinkel von kognitiver Linguistik und Kognitionstranslatologie
18 June 2015 -
(6) Training the Scientific and Technical Translator – Outline of a Holistic Approach
21 May 2015 -
(5) Working with Electronic Corpora in a Situated Translation Course
14 April 2015 -
(4) Possible Interfaces between Cognitive Linguistics and Scientific and Technical Translation
14 November 2013 -
(3) Explicitation and Implicitation in Scientific and Technical Translation – A Cognitive Linguistic Perspective
29 August 2013 -
(2) Investigating the Interface between Text and Context in Scientific and Technical Translation – A Corpus-in-Context-based Study of Explicitation and Implicitation
9 November 2012 -
(1) Working with Corpora in the Translation Classroom
5 September 2012
(12) Museum, Art, and Heritage Translation for Cultural Sustainability8th IATIS Conference "Sustainable Translation in the Age of Knowledge Extraction, Generation, and (Re)Creation"
December 2025 -
(11) Translating Europe Workshop: Generative Artificial Intelligence in Translation and Specialised Communication
13 November 2024 -
(10) LT-LiDER Training Event (Language and Translation – Literacy in Digital Environments and Resources)LT-LiDER Training Event (Language and Translation – Literacy in Digital Environments and Resources)
Main organiser
19 to 21 September 2024 -
(9) Translating Europe Workshop: Teaching Data Literacy in the Context of Machine Translation LiteracyTranslating Europe Workshop: Teaching Data Literacy in the Context of Machine Translation Literacy
19 April 2023 -
(8) IATIS Training Event: Neural Machine Translation – Foundations, Applications and ImplicationsIATIS Training Event: Neural Machine Translation – Foundations, Applications and Implications
Main Organiser
21 April 2022 -
(7) Interdependence and Innovation – 2nd Cologne Conference on Translation, Interpreting and Technical Documentation (CGN18)Interdependence and Innovation (CGN18)
29 and 30 November 2018 -
(6) ARTIS Training Event: Corpora in Translation and Interpreting StudiesARTIS Training Event: Corpora in Translation and Interpreting Studies
26 October 2017 -
(5) IATIS Training Event: Training Meets Practice – Getting Started in the Translation ProfessionIATIS Training Event: Training Meets Practice – Getting Started in the Translation Profession
17 May 2017 -
(4) IATIS Training Event: Corpora and Tools in Translator TrainingIATIS Training Event: Corpora and Tools in Translator Training
14 April 2015 -
(3) OCTIS II: Online Conference in Translation and Interpreting Studies 2011 – Translation and Interpreting in the Digital Age: Perspectives on Practice and Research. University of SalfordOCTIS II: Online Conference in Translation and Interpreting Studies 2011 – Translation and Interpreting in the Digital Age: Perspectives on Practice and Research. University of Salford
21 October 2011 -
(2) Kölner Konferenz zur FachtextübersetzungKölner Konferenz zur Fachtextübersetzung
21 and 22 October 2021 -
(1) OCTIS I: Online Conference in Translation and Interpreting Studies 2010 – Research in Translation and Interpreting Studies: Methods of the Past, the Present and the Future. University of SalfordOCTIS I: Online Conference in Translation and Interpreting Studies 2010 – Research in Translation and Interpreting Studies: Methods of the Past, the Present and the Future. University of Salford
6 September 2010