Prof. Dr. Andrea Renate Pataki-Hundt

Faculty of Cultural Sciences

Cologne Institute of Conservation Sciences

Prof. Dr. Andrea Renate Pataki-Hundt

Campus Südstadt
Ubierring 40
50678 Köln
Room 101 Mailing address

  • Phone: +49 221-8275-3579

Office hours

office hours
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Campus Südstadt, Ubierring 40, Room 101
During the pandemic it is always possible via Zoom, Teams365, Skype, or telephone

Official capacities

  • Equal opportunities

Research fields

  • Method development for restoration, material identification and artificial ageing, 3D profilometry, MHT, DSC
  • Development of conservation methods, material connaisseurship and techniques of artificial ageing processes
  • "green solvents" for consolidation of vegetable tanned leathers with aerosols
    Red rot leather is a known damage of books from the 19th century in national and international libraries. The surfaces are vulnerable and cannot easily digitalized nor scientifically researched. The development of a standadised consoldation treatment is one of the key goals of this research project funded by the Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt in 2024 to 2025, Förderthema 12.
  • Consolidants for red rot leather investigated by means of 3D profilometry
    The research instrument is a 3D profilometer which is able to analyse surfaces in the range of µm. Within the research project, adhesives are mend to be investigated. The adhesives are supposed to be applied with aerosols in the case of red rot leather.
  • Newly intended! - "Puzzle" learning in conservation
    The conservation programme - books and paper - at the Cologne Institute of Conservations Sciences (CICS) implies a high responsibility for the students as well as for the lecturers. Handling and caring for original works of art on paper and books need a close cooperation between the players - students, lecturers and objects. To keep the contact time with the students as high a possible, special parts of the study programme are converted to video clips. The students choose based upon thier intrinsic competences the contents they want to deal with and they want get confronted. The didactic principle "flipped classroom" is applied and is reflecting a high choice of contents.
  • DAAD mobility funding "Ostpartnerschaften"
    The present project proposal within the framework of the DAAD Eastern Partnerships Programme builds on the cooperation between the Cologne Institute of Conservation Sciences (CICS) at the TH Köln and the Cluster of Excellence "Understanding Written Artefa
  • Pataki-Hundt, Andrea Renate; Gaubitz, Mareike; Gärtner, Bettina; Philippi, Alexander (2024): Puppet Collections and Virtual Reality Technologies  : An Interdisciplinary Project Between Theater and Conservation Studies. In: Journal of Paper Conservation : IADA reports., S. 1 - 7. (peer-reviewed)
  • Jacek, Bert; Pataki-Hundt, Andrea Renate (2024): Zum Umgang mit fotografischen Sammlungen : Eine Einschätzung aus konservatorisch-restauratorischer Sicht. In: Rheinform: Informationen für die rheinischen Museen. Vol. 2024, S. 26 - 29. (peer-reviewed)
  • Pataki-Hundt, Andrea Renate; Börngen, Marlen (2024): Mix it! Shake it! Taste it! – Humorvolle und inspirierende Prüfungsformen mit Studierenden entwickeln. In: Neues Handbuch Hochschullehre. Vol. 115, S. 61 - 74.
  • Tempich, Svenja; Börngen, Marlen; Pataki-Hundt, Andrea Renate (2023): Untersuchung und Behandlung von wasserempfindlichen Grafiken von Michael Buthe („Espagna“ von 1974/1977). In: Zeitschrift für Kunsttechnologie und Konservierung. Vol. 36, S. 317 - 325. (peer-reviewed)
  • Pataki-Hundt, Andrea Renate; Schwoll, Sonja (2023): Binding : Structure, Functionalty, and Integrity. In: Bainbridge, Abigail (Hrsg.): Conservation of Books. London: Routledge, S. 671 - 680. (peer-reviewed)
  • Börngen, Marlen; Jacek, Bert; Linden, Maike; Pataki-Hundt, Andrea Renate (2023): Naumburg Choir books : Oversized Wooden-Board Conservation. In: Care and Conservation of Manuscripts 18 : Proceedings of the Eighteenth International Seminar Held at the University of Copenhagen 14th-16th April 2021. 18. International Seminar on the Care and Conservation of Manuscripts ; Copenhagen, Denmark; 14.04-16.04.2021., S. 55 - 69. (peer-reviewed)
  • Merz, Kerstin; Pataki-Hundt, Andrea Renate; Jacek, Bert (2023): Conservation of an Oriental Binding : Removal of an Old Repair from the Book Spine and Filling of the Uncovered Loss. In: Leather and Related Materials Working Group Newsletter : Leather and Related Materials Working Group. Vol. Juni 2023, S. 10 - 11. (peer-reviewed/Open Access)
  • Wagner, Judith; Querner, Pascal; Pataki-Hundt, Andrea Renate (2022): Pest Comparison of Three Treatment Methods for Archival Materials Against Grey Silverfish 94 (Ctenolepisma longicaudatum Escherich, 1905) : Re-Evaluation of the Efficacy Limits of Freezing, Heating and Anoxic Treatment with Oxygen Absorbers. In: Integrated pest management for collections : Proceedings of 2021: A Pest Odyssey, the Next Generation. Pest Odyssey 2021- The Next Generation; digital; 20.09.-22.09.2021., S. 94 - 102. (peer-reviewed)
  • Bretzendorfer, Charlotte; Pataki-Hundt, Andrea Renate (2022): Novel Approaches for Opaque Reconstituted Parchment, Neue Ansätze for opakes, rekonstituiertes Pergament. In: Restaurator. Vol. 43, S. 53 - 71. (peer-reviewed)
  • Bretzendorfer, Charlotte; Pataki-Hundt, Andrea Renate (2022): The BELO Vacuum Press. In: Journal of Paper Conservation : IADA reports., S. 1 - 3. (peer-reviewed)
  • Some thoughts introducing the capability of ICOM – CC
    The institutions ICOM-CC will be presented according to the structure, the business fields and the main focus of the different working groups. ICOM-CC (International Council of Museums- Committee for Conservation) is the largest group within this international museums’ association. The 23 working groups of all sorts of object groups and materials promote conservation/restoration perspectives and state of the art research topics. ICOM-CC is also a platform for networking, for spreading knowledge, and for bringing together specialists from all over the world. Not only the triennial meetings, but also the interim meetings stand for an exchange of developments and museum related interests. The last triennial meeting just happened in September 2023 in Valencia, Spain. About 900 delegates came together. The working group graphic documents have in total about 140 members. Among these members a high rate of book and paper conservators are present who take the chance to exchange knowledge and present the latest research findings
  • Mix it! Shake it! Taste it!
  • Are old conservation treatments the new challenges? The case of St. Mark’s books
  • Ageing and surface characteristics of natural and semi-synthetic adhesives for pigment consolidation
  • Measuring, testing and housing arsenic containing books
    The university and county library in Bonn (ULB Bonn), and the University of Applied Sciences (TH Köln), both Germany, cooperated on behalf of dealing with arsenic containing books. This research project looked at the analytical measurements of green coloured areas with XRF- and Raman-spectroscopy from the 16th to the 20th century. In total, around 300 books were analytically investigated with XRF. The elements Arsenic, and Cupper were found in changing intensities at about half of the volumes. If the intensivity was very low, the assumption is, that the Arsenic derives from a pesticide treatment. The source of Arsenic of books before 18th century derives from Orpiment, mixed with blue pigments. To distinguish Emerald Green from Scheel’s Green, Raman spectroscopy was used as an analytical tool. Additionally, an industrially Testkit for Arsenic was evaluated as an alternative measuring tool for small institutions. This high sensitive custom made Testkit is used to test water quality. It is reproducible and can be transferred to pigment testing in a dry state. The MQuant Arsenic-Testkit is easy to use, and can be applied after a short training phase. Finally, prototypes for housing systems were developed to fulfill health and safety guidelines when handling arsenic containing books. The main requirement for a housing system is the contactless handling with visible parts in the boxing system. Therefore, corrugated boards including Melinex parts were used for various clamshell boxes and book shoe variations.
  • Handling arsenic containing library material
    Juliana Wetten and Andrea Pataki-Hundt travelled for a one-day workshop to the National Libraray in Den Hague to introduce the handling and low-tech testing for arsenic containing books. The participants started after a short introduction by PPT and a video with testing. In the afternoon the workflow for implementing all security checks and guidelines are presented and discussed.
    F02, CICS, Arsen 2022
  • Introduction: adhesives and consolidants
    The variety of natural and semi-synthetic adhesives are described. The presentation shows starch based adhesives, cellulose ethers, and protein based adhesives and consolidants.
    F02, CICS, mare nostrum 2022
  • Ageing and surface characteristics of natural and semi-synthetic adhesives for pigment consolidation
    The consolidation of thin layer paint layers or drawing materials is a non-reversible technique. Even if the application is performed with aerosols, the consolidant cannot be removed at a later date, because the amount of adhesive is minimal. Therefore, the invasive and in most cases necessary conservation treatment of pigment consolidation needs to be evaluated on behalf of the stability of the consolidants. The colour stability as well as the mechanical stability need to be permanent and durable. However, the artificial ageing tests of adhesives for consolidation are complex and not available as standard procedures. The ageing characteristics of cellulose ethers are quite stable, even those of Hydroxypropyl cellulose. However, it is not possible to use the same ageing protocol for cellulose ethers than for protein-containing adhesives such as gelatine, sturgeon glue or mixtures of protein and polysaccharides such as Funori and JunFunori, because of its heat sensitivity. Mixtures of heat, humidity and light needs to be applied for artificial testing to receive a profound perspective of the permanence and durability of the adhesives used for consolidation. When applying the various adhesives, the surface characteristics are interesting as well. Some of the adhesives are matt by nature and others are matt because of a rough or matt support. These correlations are interesting to observe. Funori is for example a matt consolidant by nature in comparison to gelatine. However, if gelatine is applied on a rough surface, even gelatine turns into a matte consolidant. These characteristics of adhesives of thin layer pigment consolidation are very important to be aware of. This is extremely important when consolidating thin layer pigment layers such as drawings and sketches from Edvard Munch. In these cases a single layer of consolidant might be sufficient to enhance the cohesion bonds of the pigment layeras well as the adhesion bonds to its support. The ageing and surface characteristics are then intrinsic parameters for choosing the appropriate consolidant.
    Munch Conference 2022 Oslo
  • Interfacing conservation practice and virtual presentation
    This interdiscipinary project based upon a preventive conservation students projects at the Deutsches Forum für Firgurentheater und Puppenspielkunst describes the didactic format between conservation, art didactic, virtual formats, and a puppet collection
  • Workshop about exchange of exerience: handling, testing and storing arsenic containing books
    The results of the research project about arsenic containing books will be presented. The way of detecting arsenic by instrumental instruments (XRF, Raman) as well as with the help of a Test Kit are topics of the two-day workshop. Arsenic can derive from Orpiment or Scheels Green or Emerald Green.The PPE- the personal protective equipment and the handling and storage solutions will be discussed. The books which were measured come from the 17th to the 19th century. Finally a risk assesment will be presented and evaluated.
    29. bis 30.9.2022