
Academic Program Director

Prof. Dr. Michael Lorth

Prof. Dr. Michael Lorth

  • Phone: +49 221-8275-3757

Program Administration

Martin Klein

  • Room E4.302
  • Phone: +49 221-8275-5423

Logistics (Bachelor's program) – Career Options

Logistics experts are in demand in the various sectors of industrial, trade and service companies. Under the designations of production planner, logistics controller, supply chain project manager or operations manager, there are various task bundles and job descriptions in areas such as logistics and supply chain management, purchasing, production and sales.

Examples of management functions can be found in the area of designing and controlling of material and information flows along the logistics chain from distribution to procurement and disposal.

Driven by targets such as customer service, availability of goods and equipment, total cost optimization, efficiency, global networking, but also by the ability to manage conflicting goals between cost and service, time pressure and security, logistics experts bring different "talents" and requirements "under one roof". Cross-functional and cross-company design of value flows in the factory, precise control of vehicles or of containers on the largest ships in the world's oceans, right up to the implementation of the web shop for the new fashion label for multi-channel delivery to the households of end customers: All this is part of the versatile job description of the logistics specialist. This broad spectrum is covered by the B. Sc. Logistics degree program at TH Köln.


Academic Program Director

Prof. Dr. Michael Lorth

Prof. Dr. Michael Lorth

  • Phone: +49 221-8275-3757

Program Administration

Martin Klein

  • Room E4.302
  • Phone: +49 221-8275-5423