Next DSH exam

Written: Sep 2, 2024
Oral: Sep 12/13, 2024
Registration: Aug 12-26, 2024


Patricia Weller


  • Campus Deutz
    Betzdorfer Straße 2
    50679 Köln
  • Room ZN 3-7

Tel: +49 221-8275-2915
Please check our opening hours at

Teilnehmende an den studienvorbereitenden Deutschkursen (Image: Dörte Hagenguth )

German Language Examination for University Entrance (DSH)

The German Language Examination for University Entrance (DSH) serves as proof of sufficient German language skills for studying at a German university. This proof must be provided by applicants who have not acquired their study qualification at a German-speaking institution.

The DSH exam at TH Köln

The DSH exam offered by TH Köln is registered in accordance with the regulatory framework on German language exams (RO-DT) at the German Rectors´ Conference (HRK). It is recognized by all universities in Germany (List of all registered DSH examination centers). The Language Learning Center of TH Köln offers the DSH exam four times per year.

Registration and costs

For external student applicants (with admission to a university other than TH Köln):
Unfortunately, we are currently not able to offer the examination to applicants who have been admitted to other universities.

For applicants with admission to study at TH Köln:
You can register for the DSH exam by filling out an online registration form. The link to this registration form will be provided in the campus management system of TH Köln (CaMS) when you have received a letter of admission and start the enrollment process in the CaMS system. Upon successful registration for the DSH exam you will receive a registration confirmation which has to be submitted through CaMS together with your enrollment documents. Once we have processed your DSH registration, you will receive a payment request for the registration fee of €130. As soon as this amount has been paid, you will receive an invitation to the DSH and a sample exam.

For participants of the German Courses C1 with DSH exam at TH Köln:
The DSH exam at the end of the course is part of the course program. A separate registration is not necessary.

For participants retaking the DSH exam:
Participants who have already taken the DSH at TH Köln and would like to retake the exam can contact the Language Learning Center via email in order to receive the link to the online registration form. Upon successful registration and payment of the registration fee of €130, you will receive an invitation to the DSH exam.

Examination procedure

The DSH is composed of a written and an oral exam:  

written examination

▪ Part A: Listening comprehension
(duration: 10 minutes after the first listening, 40 minutes after the second listening)

▪ Part B: Reading comprehension and structures of academic language
(duration: 90 minutes)

▪ Part C: Text production
(duration: 70 minutes)

oral examination

▪ Preparation time (maximum 20 minutes)

▪ Short presentation (maximum 5 minutes)

▪ Discussion (maximum 15 minutes)

▪ Basis: short text and/or chart or graph


The DSH exam is considered passed if both the written and the oral exam have been passed.

The written examination part is weighted in the following ratio: listening comprehension, reading comprehension, structures of academic language and text production: 2 : 2 : 1 : 2.

The overall DSH result indicates whether your language skills are sufficient to study at a German university at three different levels:


at least 57 % of the requirements fulfilled in both the written and the oral exam


at least 67% of the requirements fulfilled in both the written and the oral exam

DSH-3 at least 82% of the requirements fulfilled in both the written and the oral exam

An exam passed with a total score of at least DSH-2 is valid as proof of the language study competences for the admission or enrollment to all study programs and degree courses offered in German at TH Köln. The achievement of the DSH-3 level proves a particularly high level of German language proficiency. DSH-3 goes beyond the requirements for admission at TH Köln.

The certificates can be collected at the Language Learning Center within a few days of completion of the oral exam.

Exam regulations

The exam regulations can be downloaded as pdf at Amtliche Mitteilung 44/2021: Ordnung für die Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang (DSH).

Additional information

Further information on the DSH can be found on the website of the FaDaF (Fachverband Deutsch als Fremd- und Zweitsprache e.V.).

Next DSH exam

Written: Sep 2, 2024
Oral: Sep 12/13, 2024
Registration: Aug 12-26, 2024


Patricia Weller


  • Campus Deutz
    Betzdorfer Straße 2
    50679 Köln
  • Room ZN 3-7

Tel: +49 221-8275-2915
Please check our opening hours at