Prof. Dr. Edwin Kamau

Dr. rer. nat.
Prof. Dr. Edwin Kamau
  • Phone: +49 221-8275-2586


  • Autonomous driving – control as the basis for the virtual driver model?
    Franzen, J.; Sinnemann, J.; Pinders, U.; Kamau, E. N.;, 2023, Publisher: SIGNALLING + Data communication (115) 4 / 2023).
  • Dynamic wave field synthesis: enabling the generation of field distributions with a large space-bandwidth product
    Kamau, E. N.; Heine, J.; Falldorf, C.; Bergmann, R. B., 2015, Publisher: Optics Express 23, 28920-28934 (2015).
  • Least-square based inverse reconstruction of in-line digital holograms
    Kamau, E. N.; Burns, N.; Falldorf, C.; von Kopylow, C.; Watson, J; Bergmann, R. B., 2013, Publisher: Journal of Optics 15 (7), 075716 (2013)
  • Monitoring a laser beam heat treatment process by means of digital speckle photography
    Kamau, E. N.; Sakkiettibutra, J.; Falldorf, C.; Mundt, J.; von Kopylow, C., 2012, Publisher: Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik 43 (1‐2), 130-135 (2012)
  • Influence of austenitisation and transformation hardening on the residual stress development of laser beam treated components made of 20MnCr5
    Sakkiettibutra, J.; Kamau, E. N., 2012, Publisher: Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik 43 (1‐2), 171-177 (2012)
  • In-process distortion measurement during a gas quenching process through digital speckle photography
    Kamau, E. N.; Frerichs, F.; Geldmacher, J.; von Kopylow, C., 2011, Publisher: Production Engineering 5 (2), 167-173 (2011)


  • EP 3 312 501 B1 (EP US CN DE) - Illumination device for vehicles
    Kamau, E. N.; Kley, F, 2016 / 2022
  • DE102016106760.1A (DE) - Lighting device for vehicles
    Bungenstock, C.; Hohmann, C.; Kamau, E. N.; Kaup, M., 2016 / 2017
  • EP18723750.8A (DE, WO, US, CN, EP) - Lighting device for vehicles
    Kamau, E. N.; Muegge, M.; Michaelis, A., 2017 / 2018
  • DE102017117390.0A (DE) - Lighting device for vehicles
    Kamau, E. N.; Karthaus, D.; Muegge, M., 2017 / 2019
  • DE102016114246.8A (DE) - Signal light for vehicles
    Bungenstock, C.; Kamau, E. N, 2016 / 2018


  • Emulation of Autonomous Driving Functions of an L7e Vehicle using Real Sensor Data and a Real-time Target Machine
    Kamau, E. N.; Becciu, A.; Stockem Novo, A, 2023, Publisher: AmE 2023–Automotive meets Electronics; 14. GMM Symposium, VDE / IEEE Xplore (pp. 83-85).
  • Fabrication of Multiplexed Computer-Generated Volume Holograms in Photosensitive Glass
    Kamau, E. N.; Parsi Sreenivas, V.V.; Bülters, M.; Falldorf, C.; Bergmann, R. B., 2014, Publisher: In Frontiers in Optics, pp. FTh4G. 2. Optical Society of America, Tuscon/USA (2014).
  • 3D DOEs in photosensitivem Foturan Glas
    Bülters, M.; Kamau, E. N.; Parsi Sreenivas, V. V.; Falldorf C. Bergmann, R. B., 2014, Publisher: 115. Jahrestagung der DGaO, Karlsruhe/Deutschland (2014)
  • A new approach to dynamic wave field synthesis using computer generated volume holograms
    Kamau, E. N., Falldorf, C., Bergmann, R. B., 2013, Publisher: Information Optics WIO 12th Workshop on. IEEE Xplore Tenerife/Spain pp. 1-3 (2013)
  • Digital holographic system for the imaging and analysis of living marine plankton inter-relational behavior
    Kamau, E. N.; Huke, P.; Bergmann, R. B., 2013, Publisher: 3rd EOS Topical Meeting on Blue Photonics – Optics in the Sea, Texel/Netherlands (2013)
  • Single-shot multiwavelength shape measurements with restricted aperture
    Huferath-von Luepke, S.; Kamau, E. N.; Kreis, T.; von Kopylow, C., 2012, Publisher: Interferometry XVI: Techniques and Analysis 8493, 84930V. SPIE, San Diego/USA (2012)
  • Point Source Based Model for the Inverse Numerical Reconstruction of Digital Holograms
    Kamau, E. N.; Wang, N.; Falldorf, C.; von Kopylow, C.; Bergmann, R. B., 2012, Publisher: EOS Annual Meeting ISBN 978-3-9815022-4-4 (CD Rom), Aberdeen/Scotland (2012)
  • Robust digital speckle photography based on Radon and Fourier-Mellin transforms. In International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology
    Kamau, E. N.; Falldorf, C.; and Bergmann, R. B.,, 2011, Publisher: Int. Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology pp. 82020A-82020A, SPIE Beijing, China (2011)
  • Calculation of the dose deposition in air, water and bones using Monte-Carlo-Approach
    Kamau, E. N.; Lammers, M.; Lüllau, T.; von Boetticher, H.; Willborn, K.; Poppe, B, 2010, Publisher: Strahlentherapie und Onkologie 186, 106-107 (2010)
  • Modeling of Vibrating Atomic Force Microscope’s Cantilever within Different Frames of Reference
    Kamau, E. K.; Voigt, F., 2008, Publisher: COMSOL Multiphysics Conference, Hannover/Germany (2008)
