CityInMotion is the development of a virtual test field for networked mobility in inner-city traffic scenarios. Through real-time linking of real people and mobile and autonomous road users in a detailed VR city model a realistic, urban test field for autonomous systems is created.

The project thus forms the interface between complex and expensive real test fields and greatly simplified virtual simulations and therefore for the first time permits a holistic and physically evident test environment for urban road users
of tomorrow.
At a Glance
Category | Description |
Research project | CityInMotion |
Management |
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christoph Ruschitzka Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Margot Ruschitzka |
Faculty | Faculty of Automotive Systems and Production |
Institute | Institute of Automotive Engineering |
Partners | Hoersch & Hennrich Architekten GbR, AVL Schrick GmbH |
Sponsors | OP EFRE.NRW |
Duration | 01.01.2020 - 31.12.2023 |