Science Coaching for Women
Women in academic positions at the Cologne University of Applied Sciences – whether they are professors, special task lecturers, or academic staff – have the opportunity to receive coaching through the Center for Academic Development (ZLE).

Why specifically for women? In recent years, the proportion of women in top scientific positions has increased significantly, yet it remains consistently low among professorships. This is something that the TH Köln aims to change.
Share your experiences, successes, and challenges with us, and help create a scientific practice at TH Köln where you can fully realize and utilize your potential. The ZLE supports you with science coaching.
What is the Science Coaching for Women Programme?
Science coaching, whether in individual or group formats, provides a reliable framework for reflecting on scientific practice and its structures, organizing your options for action, shaping your perspective, and initiating changes in scientific practice.
5 Steps to Coaching
Step 1: Identify your Concerns
The starting point for a coaching process could be one of the following topics, for example:
- Starting and positioning in a male-dominated work environment
- Implementing topics like diversity in curricula and teaching activities
- Identifying and managing (implicit) gender-related conflict situations
Step 2: Contact Anton Flohr, your ZLE representative.
Step 3: Meet with Anton Flohr for an initial conversation to outline your concerns and coordinate the next steps.
Step 4: We will match you with an external coach from our coachpool who has experience in the academic field (scientific field and gender competence).
Step 5: Participate in your individual or group coaching and plan your next steps.
This project is supported as an equality measure and is continuously evaluated in cooperation with the central equal opportunities officer (Gleichstellungsbeauftragte).
Who are the coaches?
Dr. Sabine Blackmore
Dr. Antje Schultheis
Dr. Stephanie Müller-Otto