WaterD2D – Water Security in Jordan

The WaterD2D project aims to contribute to the creation of innovation ecosystems in Jordan. These ecosystems are intended to promote research-based approaches to innovation and channel research results into social innovation processes and products with market potential.
The project follows the principle of the innovation ecosystem. This means that the skills and capacities of the private sector, universities, individual entrepreneurs and other stakeholders are strengthened to collaborate effectively and develop socio-technological solutions for current problems and social challenges in Jordan.
At a Glance
Category | Description |
Research project | WaterD2D - Water Security in Jordan: from data to decision |
Management | Prof. Dr. Lars Ribbe |
Faculty | Faculty for Spatial Development and Infrastructure Systems |
Institute | Institute for Technology and Resource Management in the Tropics and Subtropics |
Partners |
- Technical University of Munich (TU München) - German Jordanian University, Amman - Inter-Islamic Network on Water Resources Development and Management, Amman - Freie Universität Berlin |
Sponsors | Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) More |
Duration | 2020-2023 |
Project Sponsor | DLR Projektträger More |
The strategy of the WaterD2D project focuses on the following interdependent prerequisites
- Framework conditions that facilitate and promote research-based innovations
- Interfaces that support the implentation of the developed framework conditions by facilitating communication and interaction between universities and other stakeholders with regard to demand- and market-oriented research and products
- Available university capacities that meet the requirements of these framework conditions and interfaces
Project objectives
General objectives
- Improvement of the framework conditions relevant for research and innovation (governance/political acceptance)
- Strengthening the links between research, practice and business
- Enabling employees, researchers and young scientists in Germany and Jordan to adopt an entrepreneurial mindset and start-up mentality for demand-oriented and applicable research
Scientific and technical work objectives
- Support for the concept development of a national framework for innovation in Jordan
- Support for the development of institutional innovation-ecosystems in Inter-Islamic Network on Water Resources Development and Management (INWRDAM) and German Jordanian University (GJU)
- Development and implementation of the Madaba Solution Labs
- Development and implementation of the pilot projects
- Capacity development an support for the universities