Prof. Dr. Lars Ribbe

Dr. rer. nat.

Faculty of Spatial Development and Infrastructure Systems

Institute for Natural Resources Technology and Management (ITT)

Prof. Dr. Lars Ribbe

Campus Deutz
Betzdorfer Straße 2
50679 Köln
Room ZO 4-24 Mailing address

  • Phone: +49 221-8275-2773

Office hours

Consultation hours

Campus Deutz, Betzdorfer Str. 2, Room ZO4-24
By arrangement by email


  • Dean
  • Member of the Senate
  • "Spatio-temporal drought characteristics of the tropical Paraiba do Sul River Basin and responses to the Mega Drought in 2014-2016"
    Nauditt, A. Metzke, D., Ribbe, L., Geophysical Research Abstracts 19, EGU2017-18124-2, 2017
  • "Cropping systems in the Vu Gia Thu Bon river basin, Central Vietnam: On farmers’ stubborn persistence in predominantly cultivating rice"
    Pedroso, R., Tran, D.H., Thi, M.H.N., Le, A.V., Ribbe, L., Dang, K.T., Le, K.P., NJAS - Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences 80, pp. 1-13, 2017
  • "Conceptual modelling to assess the influence of hydro-climatic variability on runoff processes in data scarce semi-arid Andean catchments"
    Nauditt, A., Birkel, C., Soulsby, C., Ribbe, L., Hydrological Sciences Journal 62(4), pp. 515 -532, 2017
  • "Regional groundwater flow model for sustainable groundwater resource management in a south Asian Megacity Dhaka, Bangladesh"
    Islam, M B. Firoz, ABM, Foglia, L, Marandi, A, Rahman Khan A, Schüth, C, Ribbe, L., Hydrogeology Journal: published Online, 2017
  • "Design and Application of an Adaptive Time Delay Model for Flow Routing in Prismatic Trapezoidal Geometry River Reach"
    Nguyen, L.D., Karimanzira, D., Rauschenbach, T., Ribbe, L., Water Resources Management, pp. 1-12, 2016
  • "Quantifying bias in hydromorphological monitoring: an evaluation of the German LAWA-OS method"
    Lamberty, G., Zumbroich, T., Ribbe, L., Souvignet, M., Environmental Earth Sciences, 75 (22), art. no. 1435, 2016
  • "Water-Energy-Food Security Nexus in the Eastern Nile Basin: Assessing the Potential of Transboundary Regional Cooperation. Water-Energy-Food Nexus: Theories and Practices"
    Al-Saidi, M., Elagib, N.A., Ribbe, L., Schellenberg, T., Roach, E., Oezhan, D., AGU Wiley Books, (Accepted), 2016, Publisher: Salam et al.
  • "Temporal and spatial evaluation of satellite-based rainfall estimates across the complex topographical and climatic gradients of Chile"
    Zambrano-Bigiarini, M., Nauditt, A., Birkel, C., Verbist, K., and Ribbe, L., Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2016
  • "A procedure for approximating a complex hydrodynamic model by the adaptive time delay method (2016)"
    Nguyen, L.D., Karimanzira, D., Rauschenbach, T., Ribbe, L., World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, pp. 1-11, 2016
  • "Hydrological responses to land use/cover changes in the source region of the Upper Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia"
    Woldesenbet, T.A., Elagib, N.A., Ribbe, L, Heinrich, J., Science of The Total Environment., 2016
  • "Transdisciplinary research in support of land and water management in China and Southeast Asia: evaluation of four research projects"
    Siew, T.F., Aenis, T., Spangenberg, J. H., Nauditt A., Döll, P. Frank,S. Ribbe, L. Rodriguez-Labajos, B., Rumbaur, C., Settele, J., Wang, J., Sustainability Science, Volume 11, Issue 5, pp 813-829, 2016
  • "Gap filling and homogenization of climatological datasets in the headwater region of the Upper Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia"
    Woldesenbet, T.A. , Elagib N., Ribbe, L., Heinrich, J., International Journal of Climatology, 2016
  • "Satellite-based evapotranspiration over Gezira Irrigation Scheme, Sudan: A comparative study"
    Al-Zayed, I.S., Elagib, N.A., Ribbe L., Heinrich, J., Agricultural Water Management 177, 66 - 76, 2016
  • "Sowing date determinants for Sahelian rainfed agriculture in the context of agricultural policies and water management"
    Bussmann A, Elagib N, Fayyad M, Ribbe L, Land Use Policy 52:316–328, 2016
  • "Spatio-temporal performance of large-scale Gezira Irrigation Scheme, Sudan"
    Al Zayed, I.S., Elagib, N.A., Ribbe, L., Heinrich, J., Agricultural Systems 133, 131 – 142, 2015
  • "Gewässerstrukturkartierung in Deutschland: Variabilität der Bewertungsergebnisse (Stream habitat survey in Germany: Variability of assessment results)"
    Meier G., Ribbe L., Zumbroich T., Poster session presented at: Tag der Hydrologie, 19-20 March 2015, Bonn, Germany
  • "Dynamics in lake area at Er Roseires Dam as extracted from satellite images"
    Al Zayed, I.S. Elagib, N.A., Ribbe, L., December 8 -9, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2014
  • "Cost of environmental flow during water scarcity in the arid Huasco River basin, northern Chile"
    Wagnitz, P., Nunez, J., Ribbe, L., Hydrological Sciences Journal 59 (3-4): 700-712, 2014
  • "The MSc Integrated Water Resources Management: A German-Jordanian Master’s Program" In: "Global Perspectives on International Joint and Double Degree Programs"
    Ribbe L., Fayyad, M., Trappe, J., New York, Institute of International Education, pp. 87-94, 2014, Publisher: Kuder, M
  • "Supporting the Development of Efficient and Effective River Basin Organizations in Africa: What Steps Can Be Taken to Improve Transboundary Water Cooperation Between the Riparian States of the Nile?" In: "Nile River Basin: Ecohydrological Challenges"
    Ribbe L., Morbach M., Pedroso R., Climate Change and Hydropolitics: S.597 ff. Springer Verlag, 2013
  • "Analysis of irrigation efficiency using comparative performance indicators: a case study of Gezira scheme, Sudan"
    Al Zayed, I.S. Elagib, N.A., Ribbe, L., Heinrich, J., UNESCO-IHE publishing, 2013
  • "Water Harvesting and Flashflood Mitigation-Wadi Watier Case Study (South Sinai, Egypt)"
    Al Zayed, I.S., Ribbe, L., Al Salhi, A., International Journal of Water Resources and Arid Environments 3(2): 102-109, 2013
  • "Internationale Hochschulkooperationen im 21. Jahrhundert" in "Die Wissenschaft von der Praxis denken"
    Ribbe L., Verlag der Universitätsdruckerei H. Schmidt, Mainz, 2013, Publisher: Becker K., Eckardt B., Heuchemer S., Kaminski W., Küchler R., Schwartmann R.
  • "Recent climatic trends and linkages to river discharge in Central Vietnam"
    Souvignet, M., Laux, P., Freer, J., Cloke, H., Thinh, D.Q., Thuc, T., Cullmann, J., Nauditt, A., Flügel, W.-A., Kunstmann, H., Ribbe, L., Hydrological Processes 28 (4): 1587-1601, 2013
  • "Setting up regional climate simulations for Southeast Asia. High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering 2012 - Transactions of the High Performance Computing Center"
    Laux, P., Phan, V.T., Lorenz, C., Thuc, T., Ribbe, L., Kunstmann, H., Stuttgart, HLRS 2012, pp. 391-406, 2013
  • "Mobile Devices for Community-Based REDD+ Monitoring: A Case Study for Central Vietnam"
    Pratihast AK, Herold M, Avitabile V, de Bruin S, Bartholomeus H, Souza Cm, Ribbe L., Sensors 13: 21-38, 2013
  • "Lake Chad restoration: Communities attitude and expectations ASABE"
    Adeyemo, A.O.S., Ribbe, L., Schuelter, S., pp. 13-26, 2012
  • "Application of mobile devices for community based forest monitoring. Proceedings. Sensing a Changing World"
    Pratihast AK, Souza Jr CM, Herold M, Ribbe L., 2012
  • "Analysis of water footprints of rainfed and irrigated crops in Sudan"
    Ahmed SM, Ribbe L., Journal of Natural Resources and Development. 1(3):21-30, 2011
  • "Review of Water Quality Monitoring for the Guapi-Macacu River Basin Management, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil"
    Ake J, Alfaro de la Torre C, Ribbe L, Penedo S., XIVth IWRA World Water Congress. 25-29.09.2011. Porto de Galinhas, Brazil, 2011
  • "Preliminary work of mangrove ecosystem carbon stock mapping in small island using remote sensing: above and below ground carbon mapping on medium resolution satellite image"
    Wicaksono P, Hartono H, Danoedoro P, Nehren U, Ribbe L., Remote Sensing for Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Hydrology XIII, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 8174, 2011
  • "Implementation of a Hydro-climatic Monitoring Network in the Guapi-Macacu River Basin in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil"
    Penedo, S., Künne, A., Bardy Prado, R., Schuler, A., Roehrig, J., Ribbe, L., XIVth IWRA World Water Congress. 25-29.09.2011. Porto de Galinhas, Brazil.2011
  • "Statistical downscaling of precipitation and temperature in north-central Chile: an assessment of possible climate change impacts in an arid Andean watershed"
    Souvignet, M., Gaese, H., Ribbe, L., Kretschmer, N., Oyarzun, R., Hydrological Sciences Journal 55(1), 41-57, 2010
  • "Climate Change Impacts on Water Availability in the Semiarid Elqui Valley, Chile"
    Souvignet M, Gaese H, Ribbe L, Oyarzún R, Kretschmer N., World Water Congress, Montpellier 2008
  • "Nitrate pollution of surface water induced by agricultural non-point pollution in the Pocochay watershed, Chile"
    Ribbe L, Delgado P, Salgado E, Flügel WA., Desalination 226:13-20, 2008
  • "Best Practices in Institutional Development in the Danube River Basin" in: "MRC/GTZ. 2008. Proceedings of Regional Consultation Meeting on Watershed Management in the Lower Mekong Basin"
    Ribbe L., Vientiane November 5-7, 2007. MRC/GTZ/InWent/DAAD.Vientiane, Laos, 2008
  • "Water Science and Technology"
    Ribbe, L, Penedo S, Nauditt A., 108 Seiten, ITTrms Köln, 2007
  • "Transboundary Water Management in the Nile River Basin"
    Ribbe L, Ahmed S., Technology Resource Management and Development 4: 13-27, 2006
  • "Transboundary Water Management in the Lower Mekong River Basin" (Abstract)
    Ribbe L., Technology Resource Management and Development 4:47, 2006
  • "The European Water Framework Directive and its potential relevance for water management in the Lower Mekong Basin"
    Ribbe L, Nehren U, Nauditt A, Kretschmer N, Alfonso de Nehren S, Hann A., GTZ, Frankfurt, 2006
  • "Assessing the Impact of Irrigated Agriculture on Water Quality - Methodology and First Results"
    Ribbe L, Salgado E., Technology Resource Management and Development 3:143 - 152, 2004
  • "Soil physical properties under two irrigation systems in the Upper Aconcagua Valley of Chile"
    Salgado E, Ahumada R ,Ribbe L, Gaese H., Journal of Applied Irrigation Sciences 39 (1): 93-102, 2004
  • "Approach for the development of a GIS as a tool for the integrative assessment of natural resources and sustainable rural development in the Mata Atlântica, Brazil"
    Kretschmer N, Ribbe L, Gaese H, Roehrig J., Book of Abstracts and Proceedings, Deutscher Tropentag, Universität Göttingen, 2003
  • "Water Management Issues of the Aconcagua Watershed, Chile"
    Ribbe L, Gaese H., Technology Resource Management and Development, 2: 79-100, 2002
  • "Wastewater Reuse in Agriculture"
    Kretschmer N, Ribbe L, Technology Resource Management and Development, 2: 35 – 60, 2002
  • "Wasserressourcenmanagement in Chile"
    Nauditt A, Ribbe L., Technology Resource Management and Development, 2: 61-78, 2002
  • "Watershed Based Water Quality Monitoring Systems - The Case of the Aconcagua River in Chile”
    Ribbe L., Book of Abstracts and Proceedings, University of Bonn, Germany, 2001
  • Operational Reservoir and Dam Monitoring and Forecasting System using Multi-Basin Model And Space Techniques in the Greater Mekong Region
    LTT Du, H Lee, DD Bui, S Do, R Capell, K Yum, A Large, P Willems, L. Ribbe, 2022, Publisher: AGU Fall Meeting
  • Sustainability of engineered rivers in arid lands challenge and response
  • "Best Practices in Institutional Development in the Danube River Basin"
    Ribbe, 2008
  • "Streaming Tears of The Middle East - How to Clean The Euphrates and Tigris Basins?"
    Dehnavi S., Khalifa M., Babker Z., Ribbe L., Water is life, pp 73-111 2021
  • Towards Water Secure Societies: Coping with Water Scarcity and Quality Challenges
    H. K. Biesalski, Sudeh Dehnavi, Mukand Babel, Andreas Haarstrick, Lars Ribbe, 2021, Publisher: Springer
  • Sustainability of engineered rivers in arid lands challenge and response
    Nauditt A., Sycz J., Ribbe L., 2021, Publisher: Cambridge University Press
  • "Water Security in Asia"
    Mukand Babel, Andreas Haarstrick, Lars Ribbe, Victor R. Shinde, Norbert Dichtl, 2021, Publisher: Springer
  • Role of Citizen Science in Safe Drinking Water in Nepal: Lessons on Water Quality Monitoring from Brazil
    Lars Ribbe; A. Gautam; J. Ramirez; L. Ribbe; K. Schneider; S. Panthi; M. Bhattarai, 2021, Publisher: Springer
  • Combining satellite-based rainfall data with rainfallrunoff modelling to simulate low flows in a Southern Andean catchment
    Hann H., Nauditt A., Zambrano-Bigiarini M., Thurner J., McNamara I., Ribbe L., 2021
  • "Water Resources and Water Security in the MENA Region"
    Ribbe, L., Dehnavi, S., 2020
  • "Drought impacts on water quality and potential implications for agricultural production in the Maipo River Basin, Central Chile"
    Peña-Guerrero, M.D., Nauditt, A., Muñoz-Robles, C., Ribbe, L., Meza, F., 2020
  • "Interactions between freshwater ecosystem services and land cover changes in southern Bangladesh: A perspective from short-term (seasonal) and long-term (1973–2014) scale"
    Huq, N., Bruns, A, Ribbe, L., 2019
  • "Integrated hydrological modeling for assessment of water demand and supply under socio-economic and IPCC climate change scenarios using WEAP in Central Indus Basin"
    Asghar, A., Iqbal, J., Amin, A. , Ribbe, L., 2019
  • "Exploring management approaches for water and energy in the data-scarce Tekeze-Atbara Basin under hydrologic uncertainty"
    Basheer, M., Sulieman, R., Ribbe, L., 2019
  • "Water Security in Rio de Janeiro State"
    Ribbe, L., Formiga-Johnsson, R.M., Ramirez Duval, J. L., 2019, Publisher: Springer
  • "An integrated approach for choosing suitable pumping strategies for a semi-arid region in Jordan using a groundwater model coupled with analytical hierarchy techniques"
    Alkhatib, J., Engelhardt, I., Ribbe, L., Sauter, M., 2019
  • "A Tool to Assess Land Use Impacts on Surface Water Quality: Case Study from the Guapi-Macacu River Basin in Rio de Janeiro"
    Penedo, S., Künne, A., Bary Prado, R., Ribbe, L., 2019, Publisher: Springer
  • "Integrated Participatory Methodologies for Disaster Risk Reduction: Tools to Analyze Complex Systems Through Participatory Processes in Brazil"
    Bustillos Ardaya, A., Evers, M., Ribbe L., 2019, Publisher: Springer
  • "Temporal and spatial evaluation of satellite rainfall estimates over different regions in Latin-America"
    Baez-Villanueva, O. M., Zambrano-Bigiarini, M., Ribbe, L., Nauditt, A., Giraldo-Osorio, J. D., Xuan Thinh, N., 2018
  • "Catchment response to climate and land use changes in the Upper Blue Nile sub-basins, Ethiopia"
    Woldesenbet, T.A., Elagib, N.A., Ribbe, L., Heinrich, J., 2018
  • "Component analysis for optimal leakage management in Madaba, Jordan"
    Aboelnga, H. , Saidan, M. , Al-Weshah, R., Sturm, M., Ribbe, L., Frechen, F., 2018
  • "Quantifying and evaluating the impacts of cooperation in transboundary river basins on the Water-Energy-Food nexus: The Blue Nile Basin"
    Basheer, M., Wheeler, Kevin G., Ribbe, L., Majdalawi, M., Abdo G., Zagona, Edith A., 2018
  • "Performance assessment of commercial principles in water services provision"
    Telfah, D.B., Halasheh, M., Ribbe, L., Roth, G., 2017
  • "Land Use and Climate Change Interactions in Central Vietnam: LUCCi"
    Nauditt, A., Ribbe, L., 2017, Publisher: Springer
  • "Integrated River Basin Management in the Vu Gia Thu Bon Basin"
    Ribbe, L, Viet T.Q. , Firoz ABM, Nguyen A.T., Nguyen Uyen and Nauditt A., 2017
  • "Biophysical and Socio-economic Features of the LUCCi—Project. Region: The Vu Gia Thu Bon River Basin"
    Viet, QT, Nauditt, A. Ribbe, L Firoz, A.B.M., 2017
  • "Hydrological drought risk assessment in an anthropogenically impacted tropical catchment"
    Nauditt, A., Firoz, ABM, Viet, T. Q., Fink, M., Stolpe, H., Ribbe, L., 2017
  • "Integrated Information Dissemination System for Coastal Agricultural Community"
    Lars Ribbe, Aaron Firoz, Nazmul Huq, Lars Ribbe, 2021, Publisher: Springer
  • "Assessing and Calculating a Climate Change Vulnerability Index for Agriculture Production in the Red River Delta, Vietnam"
    Duong, H.H.; Thuc, T.; Ribbe, L.
  • Using Open-Access Data to Determine Potential Rainwater Harvesting Sites in the Blue Nile Basin, Sudan and Ethiopia
    Samah Saif, Lars Ribbe, Bernd Frechen Franz, 2022, Publisher: Journal of Natural Resources and Development
  • Farmers’ Perceptions on an Irrigation Advisory Service: Evidence from Tunisia
    Mohamed Allani, Aymen Frija, Rabiaa Nemer, Lars Ribbe, Ali Sahli, 2022, Publisher: MDPI
  • Remote sensing assessment of available green water to increase crop production in seasonal floodplain wetlands of sub-Saharan Africa
    Lars Ribbe; Saher Ayyad; Poolad Karimi; Matthias Langensiepen; Lars Ribbe; Lisa-Maria Rebelo; Mathias Becker, 2022
  • University-Based Researchers as Knowledge Brokers for Climate Policies and Action
    Lars Ribbe; David Lewis; M. Feisal Rahman; Revocatus Twinomuhangi; Shababa Haque; Nazmul Huq; Saleemul Huq; Lars Ribbe; Asif Ishtiaque, 2022
  • Urban water security: A comparative assessment and policy analysis of five cities in diverse developing countries of Asia
    Chapagain K., Tolba Aboelnga H., Babel M. S., Ribbe L., Shinde V. R., Sharma D., Nguyen D., 2022
  • Evaluating tropical drought risk by combining open access gridded vulnerability and hazard data products
    Nauditt, A., Stahl, K., Rodriguez, E. A., Birkel, C., Formiga Johnsson, R. M., Kallio M., Ribbe L., 2022
  • Towards Good Water Governance: An Analysis of Jordan’s National Water Strategy
    Daoud, I.Y.H., Dehnavi, S., Ribbe, L., 2022
  • University-Based Researchers as Knowledge Brokers for Climate Policies and Action
    Lars Ribbe; David Lewis; M. Feisal Rahman; Revocatus Twinomuhangi; Shababa Haque; Nazmul Huq; Saleemul Huq; Lars Ribbe; Asif Ishtiaque, 2022
  • On the selection of precipitation products for the regionalization of hydrological model parameters
    Baez-Villanueva, O.M., Zambrano-Bigiarini, M., Mendoza, P.A., McNamara, I., Beck, H.E., Thurner, J., Nauditt, A., Ribbe, L., Thinh,, 2021
  • How well do gridded precipitation and actual evapotranspiration products represent the key water balance components in the Nile Basin
    Lars Ribbe; Ian McNamara; Oscar Manuel Baez-Villanueva; Ali Zomorodian; Saher Ayyad; Mauricio Zambrano-Bigiarini; Modathir Zaroug; Azeb Mersha; Alexandra Nauditt; Milly Mbuliro, 2021
  • Water Scenarios Modelling for Renewable Energy Development in Southern Morocco
    Lars Ribbe; Sibel R. Ersoy; Julia Terrapon-Pfaff; Lars Ribbe; Ahmed Alami Merrouni, 2021
  • "Changing dynamics of livelihood dependence on ecosystem services at temporal and spatial scales: An assessment in the southern wetland areas of Bangladesh"
    Huq, N., Pedroso, R, Bruns, A., Ribbe, L, Huq, S., 2020
  • "RF-MEP: A novel Random Forest method for merging gridded precipitation products and ground-based measurements"
    Baez-Villanueva, O.M., Zambrano-Bigiarini, M., Beck, H.E., McNamara, I., Ribbe, L., Nauditt, A., Birkel, C., Verbist, K., Giraldo-Osorio, J.D., Xuan Thinh, N., 2020
  • "Harmonization of landsat and sentinel 2 for crop monitoring in drought prone areas: Case studies of Ninh Thuan (Vietnam) and Bekaa (Lebanon)"
    Nguyen, M.D., Baez-Villanueva, O.M., Bui, D.D., Nguyen, P.T., Ribbe, L., 2020
  • "Assessing water security in water-scarce cities: Applying the integrated urban water security index (IUWSI) in Madaba, Jordan"
    Aboelnga, H.T., El-Naser, H., Ribbe, L., Frechen, F.-B., 2020
  • "Evaluation of Five Rainfall Estimate Products over Different Climatic Zones in the Zayandehrud River Basin"
    Abbasi, N., Opp, C., Ribbe, L., Baez-Villanueva, O.M., Besalatpour, A.A., 2020
  • "Exploring socio-hydrological determinants of crop yield in under-performing irrigation schemes: pathways for sustainable intensification"
    Khalifa, M., Elagib, N.A., Ahmed, B.M., Ribbe, L., Schneider, K., 2020
  • "Participatory approaches for disaster risk governance? Exploring participatory mechanisms and mapping to close the communication gap between population living in flood risk areas and authorities in Nova Friburgo Municipality, RJ, Brazil"
    Bustillos Ardaya, A., Evers, M., Ribbe, L., 2019
  • "Modelling water resources for planning irrigation development in drought-prone southern Chile"
    McNamara, I., Nauditt, A., Zambrano-Bigiarini, M., Ribbe, L., Hann, H., 2020
  • "Socioeconomic, agricultural, and individual factors influencing farmers’ perceptions and willingness of compost production and use: an evidence from Wadi al-Far’a Watershed-Palestine"
    Al-Madbouh, S.Al-Khatib, I.A. , Al-Sari, M.I. , Salahat, J.I. , Jararaa, B.Y.A. , Ribbe, L., 2019
  • "Assessing the interaction of land cover/land use dynamics, climate extremes and food systems in Uganda"
    Lunyolo L.D., Khalifa M., Ribbe L., 2021
  • "Urban water security: Definition and assessment framework"
    Aboelnga, H.T. Ribbe, L., Frechen, F.-B., Saghir, J., 2019
  • "The Performance of Satellite-Based Actual Evapotranspiration Products and the Assessment of Irrigation Efficiency in Egypt"
    Ayyad, S, Al Zayed, I S, Ha, V T H, Ribbe, L., 2019
  • "Challenges of multi-level water governance at micro-watershed level – A case from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil"
    Buriti, R., Al-Saidi, M., Ribbe, L., 2018
  • "Analysis of Current and Future Water Demands in the Upper Indus Basin under IPCC Climate and Socio-Economic Scenarios Using a Hydro-Economic WEAP Model"
    Amin, A., Iqbal, J., Asgar, A., Ribbe, L., 2018
  • "Quantifying human impacts on hydrological drought using a combined modelling approach in a tropical river basin in central Vietnam"
    Firoz, A.B.M., Nauditt, A., Fink, M., Ribbe, L., 2018
  • "Spatio-temporal variations in climate, primary productivity and efficiency of water and carbon use of the land cover types in Sudan and Ethiopia"
    Khalifa, M., Elagib, N.A., Ribbe, L., Schneider, K., 2018
  • "The Role of Trust-building in Fostering Cooperation in the Eastern Nile Basin: A Case of Experimental Game Application"
    Motlagh, M., Bhaduri A., Bogardi J., Ribbe L., 2017
  • "Using synoptic tracer surveys to assess runoff sources in an Andean headwater catchment in central Chile"
    Nauditt A., Soulsby C., Birkel C., Rusman A., Schüth C., Ribbe L., Álvarez P., Kretschmer N., 2017
  • "Mainstreaming ecosystem services based climate change adaptation (EbA) in Bangladesh: Status, challenges and opportunities"
    Huq N., Bruns A., Ribbe L., Huq S., 2017
  • "Modeling river discharge using automated river width measurements derived from sentinel-1 time series"
    Mengen, D., Ottinger, M., Leinenkugel, P., Ribbe, L.,, 2020
  • "Socioeconomic, agricultural, and individual factors influencing farmers’ perceptions and willingness of compost production and use: an evidence from Wadi al-Far’a Watershed-Palestine"
    Suha Al-Madbouh, Issam A. Al-Khatib, Majed I. Al-Sari, Jumana I. Salahat, Baraa Y. A. Jararaa & Lars Ribbe, 2019, Publisher: Springer
  • "Urban Water Security: Definition and Assessment Framework"
    Aboelnga, H.T. Ribbe, L., Frechen, F.-B., Saghir, J., 2019
  • "A regional groundwater-flow model for sustainable groundwater-resource management in the south Asian megacity of Dhaka, Bangladesh"
    Islam, M.B., Firoz, A.B.M., Foglia, L., Marandi, A., Khan, A.R., Schüth, C., Ribbe, L.,, 2017
  • "Hydrological responses to land use/cover changes in the source region of the Upper Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia"
    Woldesenbet, T.A., Elagib, N.A., Ribbe, L, Heinrich, J., 2017
  • "What influences disaster risk perception? Intervention measures, flood and landslide risk perception of the population living in flood risk areas in Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil"
    Bustillos Ardaya A., Evers M., Ribbe L., 2017, Publisher: International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 25
  • Increasing cropping options in seasonal floodplain wetlands of sub-Saharan Africa: A remote-sensing approach for assessing available green water for cultivation
    Lars Ribbe; Saher Ayyad; Poolad Karimi; Matthias Langensiepen; Lars Ribbe; Lisa-Maria Rebelo; Mathias Becker, 2022
  • "Developing resilience to hydrologic extremes in irrigated agriculture through risk transfer mechanisms in the context of southeastern Brazil"
    Lars Ribbe; Marcos Roberto Benso; Gabriela Gesualdo; Mendiondo, E M; Alexandra Nauditt, 2021
  • "Preliminary work of mangrove ecosystem carbon stock mapping in small island using remote sensing: above and below ground carbon stock mapping on medium resolution satellite image"
    Pramaditya Wicaksono, Projo Danoedoro, Hartono Hartono, Udo Nehren, Lars Ribbe, 2011
  • "Flood risk assessment for the Thach Han River Basin, Quang Tri Province, Vietnam"
    Trinh, V.; Ribbe, L.; Roehrig, J.; Nguyen, P., 2010