Prof. Dr. Ulf Blieske

Dr. rer. nat.
Prof. Dr. Ulf Blieske

Campus Deutz
Betzdorfer Straße 2
50679 Köln
Room ZW-4-12 Mailing address

  • Phone: +49 221-8275-2390

Office hours

hybrid office hour
00:00 to 00:00
Campus Deutz, Betzdorfer Str. 2, Room ZW-4-12 or/oder ZOOM office hour with break-out sessions
ZW-4-12 or in ZOOM Link: Meeting-ID: 785 962 9503 Code: 966153


  • First aid officer
  • Institute Director

Teaching disciplines

  • photovoltaics
  • Renewable Energy photovoltaics and solar thermal systems
  • energy efficiency in buildings
  • Introduction to renewable energy

Research fields

  • Optimization of the optical performance of solar modules
  • technology of solar glass
  • Circular Economy with a focus on photovoltaics
  • Building Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV)
  • Bifacial photovoltaics
  • Cooperation project "Solar Roof Tile.NRW - Decentralised electricity and heat supply made in NRW"
    EFRE.NRW (1.5.2019-30.11.2022): . The aim of the project is to research the technological basis for developing and optimising the solar roof tile in such a way that it can be produced in a later mass production and used like a conventional roof tile. The solar roof tile must have numerous properties such as high efficiency, heat resistance, walkability, very long service life, recyclability and fire protection.
  • Modelling the yields of bifacial photovoltaic systems as a function of the albedo and soiling in Sub-Saharan Africa
    DFG-Project (1.12.2020-30.10.2022) in the frame of the program "solar energy 2020", the objectives of the collaboration are to offer opportunities for experts and researchers from Senegal and Germany to share their knowledge and experiences in the modelling of bifacial photovoltaic systems, particularly under the regional conditions in Sub-Saharan Africa.
  • Photovoltaics Online Teaching
    Erasmus + KA 226 (1.6.2021-30.5.2023), the PV-iTeach project was developed in order to train pre-career and continuing education PV professionals that would otherwise be unable to obtain an in-depth PV education in the absence of PV-iTeach. Additionally, the project seeks to establish an emerging hub of PV networks and professionals that will serve to connect PV stakeholders across Europe and around the world while establishing itself as a top destination for top-quality PV training and education. The PV-iTeach project will be carried out by a consortium of five European universities: the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), the Technical Hochschule Köln in Germany (TH Köln), the Fachhochschule Münster in Germany (FH Münster), Dalarna University in Sweden (DU), and the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg in Germany (Uni Freiburg).
  • My energy transition - Acceptance of technologies for the implementation of the energy transition through innovative communication formats
    BMWK project (7th Energy Research Programme, term: 1.12.2021-30.11.2024), the aim of the MEnergie project is to identify the specific information needs of key stakeholder groups (such as the Z and Y generations, property owners and citizens from the low-income sector) and to use the Social Construction of Technology (SCOT) and innovative media formats to communicate particularly suitable explanatory patterns for the energy transition in order to generate willingness and competence to act. The transdisciplinary team of TH Köln, the Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy and the company partner World of VR GmbH consists of communication and social scientists, interaction designers, sustainability and transformation researchers as well as specialists in the field of renewable energies and innovative technologies such as virtual and augmented reality.
  • GSM: Green Solar Modules
    BMWK (1.6.2023 - 31.5.2026), (Fraunhofer ISE, Fraunhofer CSP, Solarwatt GmbH, Glasmanufaktur Brandenburg GmbH, Exxergy GmbH) The aim of the research project is to develop and demonstrate sustainable solar modules, manufacturing and recycling processes on a production scale that meet the planned EU regulation on eco-design and energy labelling above average. The following sustainability features will be developed: 1. recyclability and use of secondary raw materials, 2. low material and energy consumption in module production, 3. avoidance of environmentally harmful substances, 4. reparability of the solar module, 5. increasing the annual energy yield and module reliability (degradation rate, service life, failure). The material and solar module developments are evaluated holistically with a life cycle analysis.
  • Simulation of photovoltaic power generation in the Atacama Desert of Chile based on solar radiation data in a period of up to 3,5 years
    J. Müller-Ost, N. Reiners und U. Blieske, Proceedings of 27th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Paris, 2013, pp. 3081-3083, Publisher: WIP Publishing
  • Efficiency improvement of solar modules under low and oblique light conditions
    N. Reiners, J. Müller-Ost und U. Blieske, Proceedings of 27th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Paris, 2013, 3081-3083, Publisher: WIP Publishing
  • Neuronale Netze zur Bestimmung der Diffusstrahlung
    U. Blieske, N. Reiners, T. Kunze, Proc. 29. Symposium Photovoltaische Solarenergie, Bad Staffelstein, 2014
  • Design and realization of three different PV-Systems for educational Purposes in Bolivia
    U. Blieske, N. Reiners, R. Gecke, A. Maixner, P. Schorpp, N. Schwarze, N. Wolf, D. Korber, J. Muenzberg, Proc. 31st European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conf., Hamburg, 2015, pp. 3208-3211, Publisher: WIP publishing
  • Variations in cross-linking properties of EVA of un-aged and aged PV modules
    C. Lux, U. Blieske, E. Malguth, N. Bogdanski, Proc. 29th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, 2014, pp. 2462-2466, Publisher: WIP publishing
  • Investigation on light-trapping structures using ray-tracing
    N. Reiners, U. Blieske, C. Kirkes, D. Czyba, W. Minich, Proc. 29th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, 2014, pp. 3305-3307, Publisher: WIP publishing
  • Modelling and measuring the performance of textured front surfaces under diffuse radiation
    N. Reiners, U. Blieske, S. Omidi, Proc. 31st European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conf., Hamburg, 2015, pp. 2482-2486, Publisher: WIP publishing
  • Entwicklung eines PVT-basierten CO2-Wärmepumpensystems
    J. Rullof, K. Lambers, U. Blieske, J.-R. Hadji-Minaglou, F. Scholzen, KI - Kälte- Luft- Klimatechnik, 8-9, 2017, pp. 2-6
  • New Chemical Attack of Ag-Catalyzed on Si in HF-H2O2-AGNO3 Medium. Application to Si Solar Cells Treatment
    W. Bodian, D. Kobor, J.-M. Joubert, S. Bastide, U. Blieske, Proc. 33rd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, 2017, pp. 675 - 678
    http://DOI: 10.4229/EUPVSEC20172017-2AV.2.32
  • Degradation and comparative experimental study of crystalline photovoltaic module after a few years outdoor exposure in casamance and cologne climate
    I. Faye G. J. Tevi, A. Ndiaye, U. Blieske, D. Kobor, R. Gecke, Proc. 7th International Energy and Sustainability Conference (IESC). Köln, Germany. 2018
  • Solar Photovoltaic Panels Failures Causing Power Losses: A Review
    G. J. Tevi, M. E. Faye, M. Sene, U. Blieske, A. Seidou Maiga,, Proc. 7th International Energy and Sustainability Conference (IESC). Köln, Germany. 2018
  • , 1 kWp-Solar-Home-System - A self-optimizing low-cost back-up and voltage stabilizing system for emerging countries based on photovoltaics and a battery storage
    D. Schreckenberg, R. Zerwes, U. Blieske, R. Gecke, , Proc. 7th International Energy and Sustainability Conference (IESC). Köln, Germany. 2018
  • SMARTI - An Open Source Matlab Ray Tracing Tool for Solar Cell and Module Optics
    N. Reiners, U. Blieske, Proc. 7th International Energy and Sustainability Conference (IESC). Köln, Germany. 2018
  • , Development of a Control Strategy for a PVT-based CO2 Heat Pump
    J. Rullof, K.J. Lambers, U. Blieske, J.R.Hadji-Minaglou, F. Scholzen, 7th International Energy and Sustainability Conference (IESC). Köln, Germany. 2018
  • Investigation on the angle and spectral dependence of the internal and the external quantum efficien-cy of crystalline silicon solar cells and modules
    N. Reiners, U. Blieske, S. Siebentritt, 2018, IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics
  • , Rentabilitätsgrenze von Photovoltaikanlagen nach Ablauf der Förderung durch das EEG, Proc. 33. Photovoltaik-Symposium
    A. Gelhorn, J. Reifschneider, T. Rüther ,U. Blieske, E. Waffenschmidt, Bad Staffelstein, Germany, 2018
  • Betriebskosten von Photovoltaikanlagen nach Ablauf der Förderung durch das EEG zur Verifizierung einer empirirschen Studie
    T. Rüther, J. Reifschneider, A. Gelhorn, U. Blieske, E. Waffenschmidt, . Bad Staffelstein, Germany, 2018
  • Betriebskosten von Photovoltaikanlagen nach Ablauf der Förderung durch das EEG zur Verifizierung einer empirirschen Studie
    T. Rüther, J. Reifschneider, A. Gelhorn, U. Blieske, E. Waffenschmidt, Bad Staffelstein, Germany, 2018
  • Zusammensetzung der Betriebskosten von Photovoltaikanlagen unter 30kWp Proc. 33. Photovoltaik-Symposium
    J. Reifschneider, A. Gelhorn, T. Rüther, U. Blieske,E. Waffenschmidt, Bad Staffelstein, Germany, 2018
  • Zusammensetzung der Betriebskosten von Photovoltaikanlagen unter 30kWp Proc. 33. Photovoltaik-Symposium
    J. Reifschneider, A. Gelhorn, T. Rüther, U. Blieske,E. Waffenschmidt, Bad Staffelstein, Germany, 2018
  • Ein selbstoptimierende Notstrom- und Spannungsstabilisierungsystem für Schwellenländern ba-sieredn auf einer Photovoltaikanlage und einem Batteriespeicher, Proc. 33. Photovoltaik-Symposium
    D. Schreckenberg, R. Zerwes, R. Gecke, Y. Chugthai, U. Blieske, Bad Staffelstein, Germany, 2018
  • Transmissivity and Aesthetics of Optically Uncoupled Glasses for the Application in a PVT Roof Tile
    N. Reiners, U. Blieske, P. Hakenberg, J. Münzberg, 35th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conf., Brussels, 2018
  • Entwicklung einer Regelungsstrategie für eine PVT-¬basierte CO2-Wärmepumpe. KI - Kälte- Luft- Klimatechnik
    J. Rullof, K. J. Lambers, U. Blieske, T. Arndt, J. R. Hadji-Minaglou, F. Scholzen, 2018
  • : Entwicklung eines PV/Thermie-basierten Wärmepumpensystems auf der Basis von CO2 Direktver-dampfung
    J. Rullof, K. J. Lambers, U.Blieske, J. R. Hadji-Minaglou, F. Scholzen, 33. Photovoltaik-Symposium. Bad Staffelstein, Germany, 2018
  • Modellierung eines PVT-basierten Wärmepumpensystems auf der Basis von CO2 Direktverdampfung
    J. Rullof, K. J. Lambers, U. Blieske, F. Künkel, J. R. Hadji-Minaglou, F. Scholzen, Frank, Deutsche Kälte- und Klimatagung DKV. Aachen, Germany. 2018
  • Technological steps leading to 30 % photovoltaic module efficiency
    Blieske, Ulf ; Clasing, Lionel; Grommes, Eva-Maria, 2ème Conference Ouest Africaine Energies Renouvelables (COA_ER2020), 2020, Saint-Louis, Senegal
  • The Impact of Albedo Measurements on Power Density Calculations of Bifacial Modules
    Grommes, Eva-Maria; Blieske, Ulf; Müller-Ost, Julia, Proceedings of the 37th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, 2020
    http://doi: 10.4229/EUPVSEC20202020-5BO.6.5
  • Analysis of a novel improved BIPV/T solar roof tile design", 15th Conference on sustainable development of energy, water and environment systems, 2020
    Clasing, Lionel; Dick, Christian; Blieske, Ulf; Münzberg, Julian; Nennewitz, Markus; Birkholz, Karsten; Hakenberg, Peter; Leyer, Stefan; Hadji-Minaglou, Jean-Regis, 15th Conference on sustainable development of energy, water and environment systems, 2020, Cologne, Germany
  • PV- Systems for demonstration and training purposes in South America
    U. Blieske, N. Reiners, R. Gecke, A. Maixner, P. Schorpp, N. Schwarze, N. Wolf, D. Korber, J. Muenzberg, Proc. 5th International Energy and Sustainability Conf.,Cologne, 2016, Publisher: IEEE Xplore
  • Glass and Other Encapsulation Materials
    U. Blieske und G. Stollwerck, Semiconductors and Semimetals, Vol. 89, 2013, pp. 199-258, Publisher: Burlington: Academic Press, Elsevier Verlag
  • Good modules for bad weather
    N. Reiners, U. Blieske, Proc. 5th International Energy and Sustainability Conf.,Cologne, 2016, Publisher: IEEE Xplore
  • Experimental studies on the development of a solar hybrid module with an aluminum microchannel evaporator
    J. Rullof, K. Lambers, C. Dick, U. Blieske, J-R. Hadji-Minaglou, F. Scholzen, Proc. 5th International Energy and Sustainability Conf.,Cologne, 2016, Publisher: IEEE Xplore
  • Entwicklung einer Regelungsstrategie eines PVT‐basierten Wärmepumpensystems auf der Basis von CO2 Direktverdampfung
    J. Rullof, K. Lambers, U. Blieske, T. Arndt, J.-R. Hadji-Minaglou, F. Scholzen, Proc. Deutsche Kälte- und Klimatagung (DKV). Bremen, Germany. 2017
  • Solar Hybrid Module as the Heat Source for a CO2 Heat Pump
    J. Rullof, K. Lambers, U. Blieske, J.-R. Hadji-Minaglou, F. Scholzen, Proc. 6th International Energy and Sustainability Conference (IESC). New York, USA. 2017
  • Investigation on the angle and spectral dependence of the internal and the external quantum efficiency of crystalline silicon solar cells and modules
    N. Reiners, U. Blieske, S. Siebentritt, IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics
  • Development of a Control Strategy for a PVT-based CO2 Heat Pump
    J. Rullof, K.J. Lambers, U. Blieske, J.R.Hadji-Minaglou, F. Scholzen, Proc. 7th International Energy and Sustainability Conference (IESC). Köln, Germany. 2018, Publisher: IEEE x-plore
  • An Open Source Matlab Ray Tracing Tool for Solar Cell and Module Optics
    N. Reiners, U. Blieske, Proc. 7th International Energy and Sustainability Conference (IESC). Köln, Germany. 2018, Publisher: IEEE x-plore
  • , 1 kWp-Solar-Home-System - A self-optimizing low-cost back-up and voltage stabilizing system for emerging countries based on photovoltaics and a battery storage
    D. Schreckenberg, R. Zerwes, U. Blieske, R. Gecke, , Proc. 7th International Energy and Sustainability Conference (IESC). Köln, Germany. 2018, Publisher: IEEE x-plore
  • Solar Photovoltaic Panels Failures Causing Power Losses: A Review
    G. J. Tevi, M. E. Faye, M. Sene, U. Blieske, A. Seidou Maiga,, Proc. 7th International Energy and Sustainability Conference (IESC). Köln, Germany. 2018, Publisher: IEEE x-plore
  • Degradation and comparative experimental study of crystalline photovoltaic module after a few years outdoor exposure in casamance and cologne climate
    I. Faye, G. J. Tevi, A. Ndiaye, U. Blieske, D. Kobor, R. Gecke, Proc. 7th International Energy and Sustainability Conference (IESC). Köln, Germany. 2018, Publisher: IEEE x-plore
  • Current and future trends in photovoltaic technology.
    Blieske, Ulf; Muller-Ost, Julia; Meisenzahl, Kira; Grommes, Eva-Maria; Gecke, Rudolf; Schneble, Niklas et al., In: Proceedings of the 8th International Energy and Sustainability Conference (IESC), 2019
  • Experimental study of observed defects in mini-modules based on crystalline silicone solar cell under damp heat and thermal cycle testing
    Faye, Issa; Ndiaye, Ababacar; Gecke, Rudolph; Blieske, Ulf; Kobor, Diouma; Camara, Moussa, 2019, Solar Energy 191, S. 161–166
  • ): Influence of Photovoltaic Installations on Employability and Education in Senegal
    Grommes, Eva-Maria; Blieske, Ulf; Könen-Sagui, Stefanie, Proceedings of the 8th International Energy and Sustainability Conference (IESC), 2019
  • Castillo, Dennis; Boldbaatar, Odbayar; Grommes, Eva-Maria; Blieske, Ulf (2023): Simulation of Electrical Losses in Bifacial PV and Validation with Real Vertical System in Germany. In: Proceedings of the 40th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (EU PVSEC 2023). 40th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition; Lisbon, Portugal; 18-22 September 2023., S. 020175-001 - 020175-005.
  • Clasing, Lionel; Riedel-Lyngskaer, Nicholas; Reiners, Nils; Blieske, Ulf (2023): Simulation of Colored BIPV Modules Using Angular-Dependent Spectral Responsivity. In: IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics. (peer-reviewed)
  • Clasing, Lionel; von Holst, C.; Muenzberg, Julian; Hakenberg, Peter; Dick, Christian; Leyer, S.; Hadji-Minaglou, J.-R.; Blieske, Ulf (2023): Experimental Performance Evaluation of a BIPVT Roof Tile System. In: 40th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference & Exhibition (EU PVSEC 2023); Lisbon; 18-22 September 2023.
  • Grommes, Eva-Maria; Blieske, Ulf; Hadji-Minaglou, Jean-Régis (2023): Positive Impact of Red Soil on Albedo and the Annual Yield of Bifacial Photovoltaic Systems in Ghana. In: Energies : Open-Access Journal of Related Scientific Research, Technology Development and Studies in Policy and Management. Vol. 16. (peer-reviewed/Open Access)
  • Grommes, Eva-Maria; Schemann, Felix; Klag, Frederik; Nows, Sebastian; Blieske, Ulf (2023): Simulation of the Irradiance and Yield Calculation of Bifacial PV Systems in the USA and Germany by Combining Ray Tracing and View Factor Model. In: EPJ Photovoltaics. Vol. 14. (peer-reviewed/Open Access)
  • Könen-Sagui, Stefanie; Karrenbrock, Anne; Blieske, Ulf (2023): Society's Acceptance and Willingness to Act in the Context of the Energy Transition: Qualitative Survey Using the Example of Photovoltaics. In: Proceedings of the 40th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (EU PVSEC 2023). 40th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition; Lisbon, Portugal; 18-22 September 2023., S. 020576-001 - 020576-005.
  • Pfeiffer, Oliver; Grommes, Eva-Maria; Blieske, Ulf (2023): Evaluation of Methods for Optimizing a Ray Tracing Simulation with a Bifacial Vertical Fixed-Tilt Agri-PV System. In: Proceedings of the 40th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (EU PVSEC 2023). 40th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition; Lisbon, Portugal; 18-22 September 2023., S. 020459-001 - 020459-007.
  • Bartkowski, Marius; Saleemi, Hamza Rehman; Clasing, Lionel; Brosig, Christian; Waffenschmidt, Eberhard; Blieske, Ulf (2022): Development and Validation of a Model for Performance Simulation of an Air-Based BIPVT Roof Tile System Using Open-Source Libraries. In: 8th WCPEC-8 Proceedings : 8th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, 26-30 September 2022, Milan. 8th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion; Milano, Italy; 26.09.-30.09.2022., S. 716 - 723. (peer-reviewed/Open Access)
  • Clasing, Lionel; Münzberg, Julian; Hakenberg, Peter; Blieske, Ulf (2022): Neuartiger Entwurf einer Solardachpfanne zur Lösung anwendungsspezifischer-Probleme. In: Tagungsband 37. PV-Symposium. 37. PV-Symposium; Freiburg & online; 21.06.-23.062022., S. 413 - 422. (peer-reviewed/Open Access)
  • Clasing, Lionel; Werner-Meier, Daniel; Veldhuizen, L.W.; Blieske, Ulf (2022): Experimental Assessment of Nanoimprinted Textured Frontsheets for PV Modules. In: 8th WCPEC-8 Proceedings : 8th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, 26-30 September 2022, Milan. 8th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion; Milano, Italy; 26.09.-30.09.2022. (peer-reviewed/Open Access)
  • Clasing, Lionel; Yam, Pak Hin; Ziller, Claudia; Blieske, Ulf (2022): Dynamic Simulation Model of an Air-Based BIPVT Roof Tile System. In: 8th WCPEC-8 Proceedings : 8th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, 26-30 September 2022, Milan. 8th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion; Milano, Italy; 26.09.-30.09.2022., S. 662 - 665. (Open Access)
  • Grommes, Eva-Maria; Blieske, Ulf (2022): BifacialSimu: Holistic Simulation of large-scale Bifacial Photovoltaic Systems. In: The Journal of Open Source Software. Vol. 7. (peer-reviewed/Open Access)
  • Grommes, Eva-Maria; Schemann, Felix; Klag, Frederik; Nows, Sebastian; Blieske, Ulf (2022): Simulation of the Irradiance and Yield Calculation of Bifacial PV Systems in the USA and Germany by Combining Ray Tracing and View Factor Model. In: 8th WCPEC-8 Proceedings : 8th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, 26-30 September 2022, Milan. 8th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion; Milano, Italy; 26.09.-30.09.2022., S. 1004 - 1008. (peer-reviewed/Open Access)
  • Pfeiffer, Oliver; Marks, Christopher Enrico; Hanneforth, Jorit; Grommes, Eva-Maria; Blieske, Ulf (2022): Validation of a Bifacial Simulation Software Against Measured Energy Yield From a Utility-Scale Vertical Fixed-Tilt Agrophotovoltaic Plant. In: 8th WCPEC-8 Proceedings : 8th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, 26-30 September 2022, Milan. 8th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion; Milano, Italy; 26.09.-30.09.2022., S. 1219 - 1223. (peer-reviewed/Open Access)
  • Pillai, Akhildev; Depner, Kevin; Ray, Conor Brisco; Mebus, Sascha; Grommes, Eva-Maria; Blieske, Ulf (2022): Comparison of the Yield of Miniaturized Bifacial Photovoltaic Modules with the Yield Simulation of Bifiacial Modules. In: 8th WCPEC-8 Proceedings : 8th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, 26-30 September 2022, Milan. 8th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion; Milano, Italy; 26.09.-30.09.2022., S. 772 - 776. (peer-reviewed/Open Access)
  • Brosig, Christian; Clasing, Lionel; Blieske, Ulf; Waffenschmidt, Eberhard (2021): Modeling a Novel Building-Integrated PVT-Air-Collector System Coupled to a Heat Pump Using Open Source Libraries. In: 16th SDEWES Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems. 16th SDEWES Conference 2021; Dubrovnik, Croatia; 10.10.-15.10.2021.
  • Clasing, Lionel; Schaaf, Simon; Blieske, Ulf; Riedel-Lyngskær, Nicholas; Santamaria Lancia, Adrián A.; Reiners, Nils (2021): Calculation of the Short-Circuit Current of Colored BIPV Modules under Field Conditions by Application of Spectrally and Angle Resolved Measurement Data. In: 38th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition : Proceedings of the International Conference: 06 September - 10 September 2021. 38th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition; online; 06.09.-10.09.2021., S. 803 - 807. (Open Access)
  • Nießen, Martin; Deck, Patrick; Jöntgen, Georg; Clasing, Lionel; Blieske, Ulf; Dick, Christian (2021): Electrical Interconnection of a Solar Roof-Tile System : System Topology and Microconverter. In: 16th SDEWES Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems. 16th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES); Dubrovnik, Croatia; 10.10.-15.10.2021.
  • Clasing, Lionel; Dick, Christian; Blieske, Ulf; Münzberg, Julian; Nennewitz, Marius; Birkholz, Karsten; Hakenberg, Peter; Leyer, Stephan; Hadji-Minaglou, Jean-Régis (2020): Analysis of a Novel Improved BIPV/T Roof Tile Design. In: 15th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES); 01.09.-05.09.2020; Cologne, Germany. (peer-reviewed)
  • Grommes, Eva-Maria; Blieske, Ulf; Müller-Ost, Julia (2020): Performance Estimation of Bifacial PV Systems using the View Factor Matrix. In: 15th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES); Cologne, Germany; 01.09.-05.09.2020.
  • Grommes, Eva-Maria; Blieske, Ulf; Müller-Ost, Julia (2020): The Impact of Albedo Measurements on Power Density Calculations of Bifacial Modules. In: Pearsall, Nicola; Kenny, Robert Patrick; Helm, Peter (Hrsg.): 37th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition : Proceedings of the International Conference : 07 September-11 September 2020. München: WIP, S. 1228 - 1232.
  • Blieske, Ulf; Muller-Ost, Julia; Meisenzahl, Kira; Grommes, Eva-Maria; Gecke, Rudolf; Schneble, Niklas; Clasing, Lionel; Eisheuer, Marja; Volk, Marvin (2019): Current and Future Trends in Photovoltaic Technology. 2019 IEEE International Energy and Sustainability Conference (IESC 2019). Piscataway, NJ: IEEE. (peer-reviewed)
  • Faye, Issa; Ndiaye, Ababacar; Gecke, Rudolph; Blieske, Ulf; Kobor, Diouma; Camara, Moussa (2019): Experimental Study of Observed Defects in Mini-modules Based on Crystalline Silicone Solar Cell under Damp Heat and Thermal Cycle Testing. In: Solar Energy : The Official Journal of the International Solar Energy Society, Solar Energy : The Journal of Solar Energy Science and Technology. Vol. 191, S. 161 - 166. (peer-reviewed)
  • Grommes, Eva-Maria; Blieske, Ulf; Könen-Sagui, Stefanie (2019): Influence of Photovoltaic Installations on Employability and Education in Senegal. 2019 IEEE International Energy and Sustainability Conference (IESC 2019). Piscataway, NJ: IEEE. (peer-reviewed)
  • Jiménez Franco, Alirio; Thönnes, André; Mayorga Sánchez, Camilo Andres; Jürißen, Christian; Clasing, Lionel; Gecke, Rudolf; Blieske, Ulf (2019): Monitoring of a PV-Hybrid and Two Grid Connected Systems in Three Countries. In: Lambert, F.; Kenny, R.; Helm, P. (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the 36th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition. München: WIP - Renewable Energies, S. 1656 - 1659.
  • Krenz, Alexander; Grommes, Eva-Maria; Broß, Stefan; Blieske, Ulf; Flade, Fabian; Becker, Gerd (2019): Analysis for Low Market Uptake of BIPV. Review of Past Issues and Perspective of Building Integrated Photovoltaic. In: Lambert, F.; Kenny, R.; Helm, P. (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the 36th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition. München: WIP - Renewable Energies, S. 1960 - 1965.
  • Meisenzahl, Kira; Schneble, Niklas; Volk, Marvin; Blieske, Ulf; Clasing, Lionel; Müller-Ost, Julia; Münzberg, Julian Hakenberg, Peter (2019): Measuring the Incidence Angle Modifier of Optically Uncoupled Glass for PV Application. In: Lambert, F.; Kenny, R.; Helm, P. (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the 36th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition. München: WIP - Renewable Energies, S. 1252 - 1256.
  • Clasing, Lionel; Raabe, Marvin; Blieske, Ulf; Gecke, Rudolf (2018): Performance Analysis and Evaluation of Different Grid-Connected Photovoltaic System Technologies in Bolivia, Chile and Germany. In: Verlinden, Pierre; Kenny, Robert; Helm, Peter (Hrsg.): PV. München, Germany: WIP, S. 2098 - 2103.
  • FAYE, Issa; Philippe, Gabriel Jean; Ndiaye, Ababacar; Blieske, Ulf; Kobor, Diouma; Gecke, Rudolph (2018): Degradation and Comparative Experimental Study of Crystalline Photovoltaic Module After a Few Years Outdoor Exposure in Casamance and Cologne Climate. 2018 7th International Energy and Sustainability Conference (IESC). Piscataway, NJ: IEEE. (peer-reviewed)
  • Gelhorn, Alexander; Reifschneider, Jens; Rüther, Tom; Blieske, Ulf; Waffenschmiedt, Eberhard (2018): Rentabilitätsgrenze von Photovoltaikanlagen nach Ablauf der Förderung durch das EEG. 33. Photovoltaik-Symposium., S. 133 - 134.
  • Reifschneider, Jens; Gelhorn, Alexander; Rüther, Tom; Blieske, Ulf; Waffenschmiedt, Eberhard (2018): Zusammensetzung der Betriebskosten von Photovoltaikanlagen unter 30kWp. 33. Photovoltaik-Symposium., S. 129 - 130.
  • Reiners, Nils; Blieske, Ulf (2018): SMARTI - An Open Source Matlab Ray Tracing Tool for Solar Cell and Module Optics. 2018 7th International Energy and Sustainability Conference (IESC). Piscataway, NJ: IEEE. (peer-reviewed)
  • Reiners, Nils; Blieske, Ulf; Hakenberg, Peter; Münzberg, Julian (2018): Transmissivity and Aesthetics of Optically Uncoupled Glasses for the Application in a PVT Roof Tile. In: Verlinden, Pierre; Kenny, Robert; Helm, Peter (Hrsg.): PV. München, Germany: WIP, S. 1845 - 1847.
  • Reiners, Nils; Blieske, Ulf; Siebentritt, Susanne (2018): Investigation on the Angle and Spectral Dependence of the Internal and the External Quantum Efficiency of Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells and Modules. In: IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics. Vol. 8, S. 1738 - 1747. (peer-reviewed)
  • Rullof, Johannes; Lambers, Klaus Jürgen; Blieske, Ulf; Arndt, T.; Hadji-Minaglou, Jean-Régis; Scholzen, Frank (2018): Entwicklung einer Regelungsstrategie für eine PVT-­basierte CO2-Wärmepumpe. In: KI - Kälte, Luft, Klimatechnik., S. 48 - 54.
  • Rullof, Johannes; Lambers, Klaus Jürgen; Blieske, Ulf; Hadji-Minaglou, Jean-Regis; Scholzen, Frank (2018): Development of a Control Strategy for a PVT-based CO2 Heat Pump. 2018 7th International Energy and Sustainability Conference (IESC). Piscataway, NJ: IEEE. (peer-reviewed)
  • Rullof, Johannes; Lambers, Klaus Jürgen; Blieske, Ulf; Hadji-Minaglou, Jean-Régis; Scholzen, Frank (2018): Entwicklung eines PV/Thermie-basierten Wärmepumpensystems auf der Basis von CO2 Direktverdampfung. 33. Photovoltaik-Symposium., S. 109 - 110. (peer-reviewed)
  • Rullof, Johannes; Lambers, Klaus Jürgen; Blieske, Ulf; Künkel, Felix; Hadji-Minaglou, Jean-Régis; Scholzen, Frank (2018): Modellierung eines PVT-basierten Wärmepumpensystems auf der Basis von CO2 Direktverdampfung. Annual Meeting of the Deutscher Kälte und Klimatechnischer Verein 2018: Deutsche Kälte-und Klimatagung 2018 Aachen : Proceedings of a Meeting held 21-23 November 2018, Aachen, Germany. Band 1. Hannover: Deutscher Kälte- und Klimatechischer Verein, S. 338 - 359. (peer-reviewed)
  • Rüther, Tom; Reifschneider, Jens; Gelhorn, Alexander; Blieske, Ulf; Waffenschmiedt, Eberhard (2018): Betriebskosten von Photovoltaikanlagen nach Ablauf der Förderung durch das EEG zur Verifizierung einer empirirschen Studie. 33. Photovoltaik-Symposium., S. 131 - 132.
  • Schreckenberg, David; Zerwes, Rene; Blieske, Ulf; Gecke, Rudolf (2018): 1 kWp-Solar-Home-System - A Self-Optimizing Low-Cost Back-Up and Voltage Stabilizing System for Emerging Countries based on Photovoltaics and a Battery Storage. 2018 7th International Energy and Sustainability Conference (IESC). Piscataway, NJ: IEEE. (peer-reviewed)
  • Schreckenberg, David; Zerwes, Rene; Gecke, Rudolf; Chugthai, Yaqub; Blieske, Ulf (2018): Ein selbstoptimierende Notstrom- und Spannungsstabilisierungsystem für Schwellenländern basieredn auf einer Photovoltaikanlage und einem Batteriespeicher. 33. Photovoltaik-Symposium., S. 107 - 108.
  • TEVI, Gabriel Jean-Philippe; FAYE, Marie Emilienne; SENE, Moustapha; FAYE, Issa; Blieske, Ulf; Sedou Maiga, Amadou (2018): Solar Photovoltaic Panels Failures Causing Power Losses : A Review. 2018 7th International Energy and Sustainability Conference (IESC). Piscataway, NJ: IEEE. (peer-reviewed)
  • Bodian, Waly; Kobor, Diouma; Joubert, Jean-Marc; Bastide, Stephane; Blieske, Ulf; Fall, Ndèye Coumba Yandé (2017): New Chemical Attack of Ag-Catalyzed on Si in HF-H2O2-AGNO3 Medium : Application to Si Solar Cells Treatment. Thirty-third. Munich, Germany: WIP, S. 675 - 678.
  • Rullof, Johannes; Lambers, Klaus Jürgen; Blieske, Ulf; Arndt, Tom; Hadji-Minaglou, Jean-Régis; Scholzen, Frank (2017): Entwicklung einer Regelungsstrategie eines PVT‐basierten Wärmepumpensystems auf der Basis von CO2-Direktverdampfung. Proceedings Deutsche Kälte- und Klimatagung 2017 Bremen. Hannover: Deutscher Kälte- und Klimatechnischer Verein e.V.. (peer-reviewed)
  • Rullof, Johannes; Lambers, Klaus Jürgen; Blieske, Ulf; Hadji-Minaglou, Jean-Régis; Scholzen, Frank (2017): Entwicklung eines PVT-basierten CO2-Wärmepumpensystems. In: KI - Kälte, Luft, Klimatechnik. Vol. 8, S. 44 - 48.
  • Rullof, Johannes; Lambers, Klaus Jürgen; Blieske, Ulf; Hadji-Minaglou, Jean-Regis; Scholzen, Frank (2017): Thermal Model of a Solar Hybrid Module as the Heat Source for a CO2 Heat Pump. 2017 International Energy and Sustainability Conference (IESC). Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, S. 1 - 6.
  • Rullof, Johannes; Lambers, Klaus Jürgen; Hadji-Minaglou, Jean-Regis; Scholzen, F.; Blieske, Ulf (2017): Entwicklung eines PVT-basierten Wärmepumpensystems auf der Basis von CO2 Direktverdampfung. Proceedings Deutsche Kälte- und Klimatagung 2016 Kassel. Hannover: Deutscher Kälte- und Klimatechnischer Verein e.V..
  • Blieske, Ulf; Reiners, Nils; Gecke, Rudolph; Maixner, Andreas; Schorpp, Philipp; Schwarze, Nico; Wolf, Nicolas; Korber, Daniel; Muenzberg, julian (2016): PV-systems for Demonstration and Training Purposes in South America. 2016 International Energy and Sustainability Conference (IESC). Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, S. 1 - 5. (peer-reviewed)
  • Reiners, Nils; Blieske, Ulf (2016): Good Modules for Bad Weather. 2016 International Energy and Sustainability Conference (IESC). Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, S. 1 - 7. (peer-reviewed)
  • Rullof, Johannes; Lambers, Klaus Jürgen; Dick, Christian Peter; Blieske, Ulf; Hadji-Minaglou, Jean-Régis; Scholzen, Frank (2016): Experimental Studies on the Development of a Solar Hybrid Module with an Aluminum Microchannel Evaporator. 2016 International Energy and Sustainability Conference (IESC). Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, S. 1 - 8. (peer-reviewed)
1989 University of Delaware, Newark, USA
Master of Electrical Engineering, Thesis on "Light Trapping in Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells"
1991 - 1995 Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems, Freiburg, Germany
Ph.D. thesis on "GaAs Concentrator Solar Cells: Module and Tandem-Applications"
1995 – 1998 “Hahn-Meitner Institute”, Berlin, Germany
Postdoctoral research fellow
1998 – 2004 Saint-Gobain Glass, Aachen, Germany
„Product development of building glass“ and international project leader „photovoltaics"
2004 – 2010 Saint-Gobain Solar Glass, Mannheim, Germany
General manager of a production site for solar glass in Mannheim and director of operations in Northern Europe
Since 1.9.2010 Cologne University of Applied Sciences”, Cologne, Germany
Professor for renewable energy (photovoltaics)
1.4.2014 - 14.9.2016 and since 17.9.2018 Cologne University of Applied Sciences, Cologne, Germany
Director of the "Cologne Institute for Renewalbe Energy"