Prof. Dr. Stefan Bente
Dr.-Ing., Dipl.-Inf.Cologne Institute for Digital Ecosystems

Technische Hochschule Köln
Steinmüllerallee 6
51643 Gummersbach
Room 1708
Mailing address
+49 2261-8196-6367
Office hours
Use the consultation hours to discuss Bachelor & Master theses, teaching research projects, and questions about courses.
Campus Gummersbach
Consultation hours take place by appointment via Zoom. Appointments can be booked via (or enquiry by email).
- Study Program Director Master Digital Sciences // Specialization Software Architecture
Teaching disciplines
- Software Engineering (Various topics of software engineering in the Bachelor's and Master's programs, in particular software architecture, coding and software quality. See also the following module list.)
- Software Engineering 1 (ST1), Computer Science Bachelor 3. Semester (Basics of software engineering, from requirements engineering to modeling and initial implementation) Detailed information about ST1
- Software Engineering 2 (ST2), Computer Science Bachelor 4. Semester (Foundations of software architecture for medium to large systems, from clean code to domain driven design, with theoretical basics and a practical case study to be implemented) Detailed information about ST2
- Microservices and Event-driven Architecture (MEA), Computer Science Bachelor 6. semester (Elective specialization 1 with 15 ECTS. Students are given a comprehensive introduction to the design, development and operation of modern distributed software architectures, including the implementation of microservices using The Microservice Dungeon). Detailed information about MEA
- Domain Driven Design of Large Software Systems (DDD), Master Digital Sciences Domain-Driven Design of Large Software Systems (DDD) enables students to architect complex software systems from the ground up, using the DDD paradigm for designing loosely coupled software systems. Detailed information about DDD
- Coding Excellence (CEX), Master Digital Sciences Students will research current topics in professional software development, representing design choices for development teams. The module has two phases, a literature research, and a PoC implementation. Detailed information about CEX
- Diverse Guided Projects in Master Digital Sciences (Guided Projects are the project format in the Master's program for conducting teaching research projects with or without external project partners). Detailed information about Guided Projects
Research fields
Domain Driven Design (DDD) (Good practices in design and implementation of software systems according to DDD)
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SOTL) in the field of Software Engineering Education (Research into own and external academic education in the field of programming and software architecture)
Agile Organisations (Can agility be measured? Which characteristics of (IT) organizations contribute to their efficient functioning? What is the connection between agility and good software architecture?)
ELSI (Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications) in software development (Design methods to consider ELSI aspects as elementary components of the software development process)
Projects / Cooperations
- (DH.NRW, 2023-2027) on the intranet of TH Köln
The project focuses on providing a git platform for teachers and researchers at universities and colleges in NRW. In addition to the centrally hosted git instance, additional resources and software services (e.g. training material, a comprehensive knowledge base and additional functionalities specifically for teachers and researchers) are also provided. This not only promotes digital collaboration within the university landscape of North Rhine-Westphalia, but also strengthens its digital sovereignty. The aim is to create a supportive environment that promotes areas such as software development, research data management, project management and teaching for academic institutions. -
VREUNDE (BMBF, 04/2023 - 03/2026)VREUNDE web page
The aim of the project is to maintain a bond between good friends over distance. To this end, interaction modules are created that allow new physical-digital communication channels to be established. In design workshops, requirements for a toolbox are developed that provides a rich repertoire for the development of communication channels. The result is a concept for hybrid spaces that interlink individual building blocks at different locations via digital channels. Groups of friends can build their own hybrid spaces together on a platform to connect their local environments for private physical-digital communication over distance. -
The Microservice Dungeon (self-funded, 2021-today)Architecture description of "The Microservice Dungeon"
The Microservice Dungeon is a large educational software project that started in WS 21/22, and has been continued since. Its goal is to build a microservice architecture for a game setting where robot swarms move across a “dungeon” of planets, in order to mine, trade, and fight each other. Students learn in a playful and competitive manner how to implement and deploy software services in a large, distrubuted software landscape. By now, the project's code base has grown to around 100,000 LoC. -
Divekit (self-funded, 2020-today)Divekit web page
The Divekit toolset implements a range of functions that are used to automatically provide programming exercises in the form of repositories on the Gitlab platform. The focus here is on large, coherent and practical programming tasks. These are automatically checked by the acceptance tests provided so that supervisors can focus on coaching and helping students. The exercises can optionally be individualized so that each student receives a completely individual task. This individualization also extends to the code and tests provided. In addition to this main functionality, there are a number of additional functions that extend the toolchain, e.g. for learning analytics or fraud detection. -
InnoFaktur (EFRE Regio.NRW, 05/2024 - 04/2027)InnoFaktur website, "Coding Culture" track
InnoFaktur is a network hub for knowledge and technology transfer as well as open innovation between industry, TH Köln and public institutions. Stakeholders are brought together to exchange knowledge about needs and solutions and to jointly develop innovations in order to strengthen innovation capabilities. At its core are projects on various topics, including "Coding Culture", for which I am responsible (together with Christian Kohls). Collaboration within the network takes place in a variety of formats, from roundtables, specialist conferences and training formats to workshops on design thinking, open innovation, lean startups, hackathons, boot camps and design sprints. -
In the INTIA project ("Inklusive Technikideen für den Alltag", inclusive technology ideas for everyday life), researchers and young people worked together to investigate how technology can improve everyday life. As part of the project, an "INTIA suitcase" (a mobile laboratory for experiencing, understanding and designing smart home technology) and the method platform were developed. -
Innovation Hub Bergisches RheinLand (EFRE Regio.NRW, 01/2020 - 12/2023)Innovation Hub web page
The Bergisches RheinLand Innovation Hub supports the innovative ablities of regional companies, thereby increasing the sustainability of the Bergisches RheinLand as a business location. In the Innovation Hub, medium-sized industrial companies research and implement innovative Industry 4.0 projects together with IT and mechanical engineering experts from the TH Köln, Gummersbach campus. Project teams from companies and the university develop innovative digitalization ideas and simulate applications at the Technology Center. In the "Data Platform" field of activity, an architecture for the management of industrial mass data is being developed.
- Geisel, Victoria; Schindler, Christian; Stein, Nils; Bente, Stefan (2024): Lernräume unter Verwendung von generativen Sprachmodellen : Ein Erfahrungsbericht zum kreativen Einsatz von Tools wie ChatGPT in der Software-Engineering-Hochschullehre. In: SEUH 2024 : Proceedings. Software Engineering im Unterricht der Hochschulen 2024; Linz, Österreich; 29. Februar - 1.März 2024., S. 105 - 116. (peer-reviewed/Open Access)
- Bente, Stefan; Randall, Natasha; Wäckerle, Dennis (2024): A Conceptual Framework to Transform Coding Education in Times of Generative AI. In: SEUH 2024 : Proceedings. Software Engineering im Unterricht der Hochschulen 2024; Linz, Österreich; 29. Februar - 1.März 2024., S. 93 - 104. (peer-reviewed/Open Access)
- Schmeier, Philipp Felix; Bente, Stefan (2023): The Microservice Dungeon : Realitätsnahe Lehre komplexer Softwarearchitekturen. In: SEUH 2023 : Proceedings. SEUH 2023 – Software Engineering im Unterricht der Hochschulen 2023; Paderborn; 23.02-24.02.2023. Vol. 333, S. 79 - 91.
- Schmidt, Marc; Bente, Stefan; Zanón, Bruno Baruque; Lara Palma, Ana María (2023): The Method Radar : A Way to Organize Methods for Technology Development with Participation in Mind. In: i-com : journal of interactive media. Vol. 22, S. 253 - 268. (peer-reviewed/Open Access)
- Randall, Natasha; Waeckerle, Dennis; Stein, Nils; Gossler, Dennis; Bente, Stefan (2023): What an AI-Embracing Software Engineering Curriculum Should Look Like : An Empirical Study. In: IEEE Software. Vol. 41, S. 36 - 43.
- Zorn, Isabel; Bente, Stefan; Kohls, Christian; Mager, Birgit (2022): Inklusive Entwicklung von Methoden und Technologien für digitale Hilfen zur Alltagsbewältigung in der Behinderten- und Erziehungshilfe. In: Hollweg, Carolyn; Kieslinger, Daniel (Hrsg.): Partizipation und Selbstbestimmung in einer inklusiven Erziehungshilfe : Zwischen bewährten Konzepten und neuen Anforderungen. Freiburg: Lambertus-Verlag (Beiträge zur Inklusion in den Erziehungshilfen), S. 248 - 259.
- Bente, Stefan; Intveen, Jann; Krampe, Fabian Reinhard Dietrich (2022): Divekit - Digitalisierung und Individualisierung als Schlüssel für eine moderne Softwaretechnik-Ausbildung. In: Software Engineering im Unterricht der Hochschulen, SEUH 2022 : Fachtagung vom 24. - 25. Februar 2022, Berlin. SEUH 2022; Berlin, Germany + virtuell; 24.02.-25.02.2022., S. 29 - 41. (peer-reviewed)
- Stumpf, Siegfried; Delißen, Frederik; Bente, Stefan; Koeppe, Gabriele; Klug, Leonard; Thevarajah, Pratheep (2022): Agiles Projektmanagement: Eine empirische Anforderungsanalyse zu den Scrum-Rollen "Product Owner" und "Scrum Master". In: Wirtschaftspsychologie. Vol. 24, S. 3 - 12. (peer-reviewed)
- Lindner, Hans-Günter; Schelling, Anna; Bente, Stefan; Richter, Claus (2022): Vorwort. In: Lindner, Hans-Günter; Bente, Stefan; Richter, Claus (Hrsg.): Menschenbilder und Digitalisierung : The Human Default aus interdisziplinärer Sicht. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler, S. V - XIII.
- Lindner, Hans-Günter; Bente, Stefan; Richter, Claus (Hrsg.) (2022): Menschenbilder und Digitalisierung : The Human Default aus interdisziplinärer Sicht. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.
Promotionskolleg NRW (associated member)
Fellowship for Innovations in Digital Academic Education (2017)Website for the award at Stifterverband