Prof. Dr. Heiko Alexander Schiffter-Weinle
Dr. rer. nat.
Campus Leverkusen
Campusplatz 1
51379 Leverkusen
Room 2117
Mailing address
+49 214-32831-4695
Research fields
Poorly water soluble active pharmaceutical ingredients and hot melt extrusion
Drying technologies (freeze drying, spray freeze drying and spray drying)
Neelde-free ballistic drug delivery of vaccines
Formulation technologies and excipients in food and pharma
Coumpounding pharmacy formulations
Journal publication (peer-review)
Application of a three-fluid nozzle for the preparation of amorphous solid dispersions.Taylor & Francis Online
Carolina Corell, Stefan Seyferth, Dagmar Fischer & Heiko A. Schiffter, 2023, Publisher: Drying Technology
The tangential flow absorption model (TFAM) - a novel dissolution method for evaluating the performance of amorphous solid dispersions of poorly water-soluble actives
Haering B, Seyferth S, Schiffter HA, September 2020, Publisher: European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 154
The influence of polymer excipients on the dissolution and recrystallization behavior of ketoconazole: application, variation and practical aspects of a pH shift method.
Ullrich A, Schiffter H A, Volume 133, December 2018, Pages 20-30, Publisher: European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics
Alternative vaccine administration by powder injection: Needle-free dermal delivery of the glycoconjugate meningococcal group Y vaccine
Weissmueller N T, Marsay L, Schiffter H A, Carlisle R C, Rollier C S, Prud'homme R K, Pollard A J, 2017, Publisher: Plos One
Molten salt synthesis of potassium-containing hydroxyapatite microparticles used as protein substrate.
Weissmueller N T, Schiffter H A, Pollard A J, Tas A C, 2015, Publisher: Material Letters 128, pp. 421 - 424,
Exploitation of Acoustic Cavitation-Induced Microstreaming to Enhance Molecular Transport.
Bhatnagar S, Schiffter H A, Coussios C-C, 2014, Publisher: J. Pharm. Sci. 103(6), pp. 1903-1912,
Intradermal powder immunization with protein-containing vaccines.
Weissmueller N T, Schiffter H A, Pollard A J, 2013, Publisher: Expert Review of Vaccines. 12(6), pp. 687-702,
Novel excipients.
Guth F, Kolter K, Schiffter H A, 2013, Publisher: Chemistry Today. 31(5), pp. 78-81.
Spray-freeze-drying of nanosuspensions: The manufacture of insulin particles for needle-free ballistic powder delivery.
Schiffter H A, Condliffe J, Vonhoff S, 2010, Publisher: J. R. Soc. Interface. 7(4), pp. S483-S500.
Text books
Bauer / Frömming / Führer - Pharmazeutische TechnologieDeutscher Apotheker Verlag
Christel Müller-Goymann, Rolf Schubert, Stephan Reichl, Heiko Alexander Schiffter-Weinle, 11. völlig neu bearbeitete Auflage, 2022, Publisher: Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft Stuttgart
Text Books
Pharmakokinetik - Modelle und Berechnungen
Heiko A. Schiffter, Auflage: 2., unveränderte Auflage 2015, Publisher: Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft Stuttgart;
Formelsammlung Pharmazie: für Studium und Beruf
Heiko A. Schiffter, Andreas S. Ziegler, Auflage: 1. Auflage 2012, Publisher: Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft Stuttgart;
Salts of active ingredients with polymeric counterions.DPMAregister
Schiffter H. A., Angel M, Kolter K, Guth F., 2018, Publisher: European Patent EP 3 337 459 A1
Sonosensitive Nanoparticles.DPMAregister
Wagstaffe S J, Schiffter-Weinle H A, Molinari M B, Arora M, Coussios C-C, 2013, Publisher: WO 2012066334
Use of water-soluble polymers based on nvinylpyrrolidone and acrylic acid as pharmaceutical adjuvants.DPMAregister
Schiffter H. A., Angel M, Kolter K, Guth F., 2017, Publisher: European Patent EP 3 337 458 A1