Prof. Dr. Hartmut Westenberger

Dr. rer. nat.
Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering Science

Cologne Institute for Digital Ecosystems

Prof. Dr. Hartmut Westenberger

Campus Gummersbach
Steinmüllerallee 1
51643 Gummersbach
Room 2.231 Mailing address

  • Phone: +49 2261-8196-6385

Office hours

Public Office Hours & Consultation
Wednesday, 14:00 to 15:00
Campus Gummersbach, Room 2229/2231
Public Hours should be booked by using the calendar functionality "consultation hours" of the ILIAS calendar "News für Studierende der F10" see ...... .....


  • Chairperson of the Examination Board

Official capacities

  • Examination affairs