Prof. Andreas Wrede
Faculty of Cultural Sciences
Cologne International School of Design
Campus Südstadt
Ubierring 40
50678 Köln
Room 312
Mailing address
- +49 221-8275-3184
- Institute Director
- Member of the Senate
- Coordinator of the Communications Committee at KISD
- Member of the research center: Real-Time City
- Member of the course administration board of the Master Integrated Design Research
- Advising the Presidential Board and university departments on the design and implementation of communication strategies within the framework of the project: Visual Identity of the TH Köln
Teaching disciplines
- Identity and Design
Research fields
Alterity and Identity, Differential Logical Communication Processes of Corporations, Institutions and Groups; Visual Performativity and Rhetoric; Corporate Identity, Branding, Communication and Information Design.
Projects / Cooperations
bitter chocolate - making traces of colonialism in Cologne tangible
Research project, summer term 2023. The subject of the project is the urban traces of the colonial product chocolate or cocoa in Cologne. The preliminary project results integrated analogue interventions and digital information into a hybrid interaction and learning space on this topic. The connecting concept was a city tour by means of a web-based app, which makes it possible to call up a wide range of information on the individual historical colonial relics and places directly on-site. This includes texts, historical illustrations, but also audio and film files that can be interacted with via a simple interface on conventional smartphones. In addition to the actual app, access points and interventions were designed in the urban space, which either mark the location as a simple information stele, refer to digital information by means of a QR code or address the local traces of colonialism as a spatially designed statement, aesthetically counteracting them and making them tangible. The project is currently in the implementation phase and is expected to be published in autumn 2024. The project was supervised by: Dr Johanna Steindorf and Prof Andreas Wrede -
Inclusive Navigation
In collaboration with students of the study program: Code and Context and the study program: Integrated Design, this project for the TH Köln aimed to explore the possibility of a digital, barrier-free and inclusive wayfinding and orientation system. The aim was to identify and analyze physical, communicative and cultural obstacles and requirements. In the sense of "Research through Design", first prototypes or a MVP (Minimum Viable Product) were to be implemented, tested and evaluated. Another goal was to evaluate and recommend existing applications and solutions that could be used by TH Köln in the future. The teaching research based project was supervised by: Prof. Dr. Lasse Scherffig and Prof. Andreas Wrede. -
Timescapes – Designing Memory
In the competition project "Designing Memory", during the winter semester 2020-21,students from six faculties of the TH Köln dealt with ethical remembrance culture in the city and racism in public space . How can past events be remembered? What contribution can design make to making the past tangible, and how can a reference to the present be established? Specifically, the project focused on the main building of the TH Köln in Claudiusstraße. Historical aspects were reappraised, such as the fact that in 1935 the central staircase was transformed by the Nazis into a so-called "cour d'honneur" and the newly restored lion fountain was used as a "sacrificial table". Likewise, Claudiusstraße 1 was brought into focus as the headquarters of the Gauleitung Köln-Aachen and as the scene of the "book burning" and the site of Nazi violence In addition, the colonial past of the building was investigated and reflected upon. The result of this project consisted in the development of performative events and installations, which were awarded in a competition. These works helped to present the historical reappraisal and design work in an impressive way and to promote the culture of remembrance in the city. The competition project was supervised by: Prof. Dr. Carolin Höfler and Prof. Andreas Wrede. -
City as a Playground
»Just as a place is characterized by identity, relation, and history, a space that has no identity and cannot be described as either relational or historical defines a non-place.« (Marc Augé) The subject of the project was places in the city of Cologne that are described by Michel de Certau and Marc Augé as "non-places". Urban situations that are strangely undefined, monofunctional, ephemeral, and ultimately socially desolate. These spaces were understood in the project as possibilities for design. Through playful forms of spatial appropriation, these non-places were reinterpreted through speculative designs. -
Online communication of Cologne's municipal civic centers.Online communication of Cologne's municipal community centers.
Project duration: 2019 - 2020. The subject of the project was the online communication of the four civic centers in municipal sponsorship: Chorweiler, Deutz, Kalk and the Stollwerck as well as the online communication of the "kölner elf" - an association of all civic centers in Cologne. The analyses focused primarily on the online presences of the community centers on the Web. The following aspects were examined in detail: -editorial concept and content structure, -technical and personnel conditions and work processes, -design implementation. Another focus of analysis was the interaction of web presences and communication in social media channels as well as the communicative linking of the community centers and the website of the "kölner elf". The aim of the project was to identify weaknesses in the online communication of municipal community centers, to highlight potential for optimization, and to develop recommendations in the form of prototypes and design scenarios. The recommendations were based on the personnel, economic and technical conditions that will continue to determine the online communication of municipal community centers in the future. -
Conception and design of the wayfinding and orientation system for the new and replacement buildings of the Deutz Campus of the TH Cologne
since 2018 -
Communication for the Center for Life Sciences (ZB MED)Communication for the Center for Life Sciences (ZB MED)
Project duration: Winter semester 2018/19 Project partner: ZB MED, Cologne. The German National Library of Medicine (ZB MED) - is in a transformation process and will be a center for information, data and services in the life sciences in the future. This is associated with an expansion of the subject spectrum. In addition to medicine, the subjects: health care, bioinformatics, nutritional, environmental and agricultural sciences will be part of the offers and services in the future. An important part of the strategic reorientation and basis of future services is the development of a transdisciplinary and application-oriented research concept. The aim is to make life science information accessible in terms of content in such a way that transdisciplinary contexts can be represented and searched independently of the classic subject areas. The subject of the teaching/research project at the KISD was to support the transformation of the ZB MED through a cross-media communication concept and to frame it through a holistic corporate design. -
Inclusive Refugee HousingInclusive Refugee Housing
Project duration: Summer semester 2017, Project partners: Prof. Dr. Matthias Otten, Faculty of Applied Social Sciences; Dr. Günter Bell, disability commissioner of the city of Cologne, Task and questions: The interdisciplinary project was to investigate the extent to which constructional barriers communicative barriers and social obstacles to inclusion affect the everyday lives of refugees with disabilities. of refugees with disabilities. How can these barriers be removed in the sense of an inclusive refugee policy and practice? can be dismantled through creative and social innovations? The project should contribute to highlighting already existing problematic situations and thus advance the urban-social and political discourse. Implementation: The participation of people with disabilities and of refugees as "experts in their own cause". Formation of interdisciplinary and intercultural exploration teams (students, refugees and people with disabilities). Interdisciplinary project approach: combination of data collection on structural and communicative aspects of accessibility in refugee accommodations, theoretical and practical design reflection on the local situation against the background of current discourses on participation and inclusion, and the development of joint designs and design proposals. -
Teaching research project in the summer semester 2016 in cooperation with the association 'Kunst hilft – geben für Arme und Wohnungslose e.V.'. By setting up a foundation and building and operating a townhouse with a gallery, hotel and residential units, the association aims to achieve several goals, such as creating affordable housing and jobs for young homeless people. An umbrella brand and a holistic communication strategy were developed as part of the teaching and research project. These should help to communicate the foundation's diverse activities in a focussed manner, activate additional donors and supporters and make the project known to a wider public. The project is supported by well-known artists such as Gerhard Richter, Rosemarie Trockel, Candida Höfer, Andreas Gursky and many others. -
Identity of the TH KölnIdentity of the TH Köln
developing the visual identity of ceresceres – cologne center for ethics, rights, economics, and social sciences of health
Summary: In the summer semester 2014 a team of ten students, supervised by Prof. Andreas Wrede, took over the task to research and to develop a visual identity for the interdisciplinary research center »ceres« founded at the University of Cologne. »ceres« stands for Cologne Center for Ethics, Rights, Economics and Social Sciences of Health and is an alliance of Medical, Human, Economic and Social Sciences, as well as Law and Philosophy faculties of the Cologne University. The center was established as a cross-faculty institution supported via the Excellence funding program of the Federal Republic of Germany on 15 November in 2013 and established by Prof. Dr. Christiane Woppen (President of the Global Summit of National Ethics/Bioethics Committees). The overall objective of »ceres« is a multi -, inter -and trans -disciplinary scientific research in the field of health and ethics. »ceres« generates socially relevant topics, innovative knowledge and new competences within the science community. By integrating different perspectives of theory and methodological diversity, a new culture of academic coordination and scientific excellence is aimed. Furthermore »ceres« is planning to involve the responsive and affected public through seminars, lecture series, talks and publications. -
Analysis and consulting project: City marketing and appearance of the municipality of Eitorf
Project duration: 6 months, Period: 2012/13 Brief description: The goal of the cooperation project between the municipality of Eitorf and the project group of the Cologne International School of Design was to identify development potentials of urban communication in the areas of: Tourism, business development and the municipal administration. In this context, participatory processes were to be taken into account, which could be suitable for involving the greatest possible number of municipal actors and citizens in future communication. A special focus was on the strategic design of holistic participatory planning processes, which can illustrate the complexity of participation and make it perceptible. -
Analysis and consulting project: External communication of the Bezirksregierung Köln (district government of Cologne)
The aim of the cooperation project between the Cologne district government and the project group of the Cologne International School of Design was to analyse the external communication of the Cologne district government and to identify initial recommendations and potential for optimisation. The aim was to analyse official communication to determine whether and to what extent the authority can be portrayed not only as an executive, bundling and central authority, but also as a competent partner in problem-solving and decision-making processes vis-à-vis the affected environmental systems, and how the previous official efforts in this regard can be further advanced.These initial considerations and analyses focused on the current corporate design, language, image, print and online communication as well as the staging and labelling of the office buildings. A particular challenge here was to transform the system-specific communications into an external communication strategy without jeopardising the administration-specific operations. The aim was to optimise and thus minimise communication costs through transformation and design. -
Image, Movement, Diversity and Networking - Identity of the Filmhaus Köln
The teaching-research project: 2010/2011 Development of a design and communication concept that does justice to the various fields of activity of the Kölner Filmhaus e.V. in the areas of cinema culture, media education and filmmaking, as well as giving the cultural aspirations of this institution a forward-looking and expressive appearance. The project team identified the central concepts of image, movement, diversity and networking for the Kölner Filmhaus e.V. as the identity-forming parameters on which the organisation's future communication should be based. -
Gründerzeit Leipzig – Communication-oriented urban development process for the city of Leipzig.
Duration: 2010. Short description of the project: The research and consulting project in cooperation with the Office for Urban Development Planning of the City of Leipzig had as its object a sustainable, strategic and communicative development of the thematic field "Gründerzeit". The specific qualities of a city in terms of architecture, urban experience spaces, neighborhood identities and historical evidence are becoming increasingly important for city tourism as well as for residents, newcomers and investors. For the city of Leipzig, with its large stock of buildings from the Wilhelminian period, this means on the one hand preserving the structural-spatial evidence, but on the other hand also making it usable as a driving force for tourism and urban development. This applies not only to the center of the city, but also to the individual neighborhoods and the local manifestations of that era. Synergies as well as quality and design parameters were developed together with the circle of urban actors. The focus was on possible communication measures on the subject of the Gründerzeit as an added value for tourism and the city, as well as the initiation of projects that could contribute to the sustainable development of identity processes in the city together with the city's stakeholders/citizens. For this purpose, systematic communication and design concepts were developed after extensive research and analysis, which extend the branding of the city of Leipzig by the aspect "Gründerzeit". In addition, individual urban development "lighthouse projects" were conceived within the framework of the project, which should not only make the Gründerzeit in Leipzig tangible for tourists, but also positively influence future urban development in the Gründerzeit city quarters themselves. Project supervision: Prof. Andreas Wrede and Prof. Philipp Heidkamp
Dem weißen Kaninchen gefolgt ...
Wrede, Andreas, in Vom Arbeiterkind zur Professur : Sozialer Aufstieg in der Wissenschaft. Autobiographische Notizen und soziobiographische Analysen, Publisher: Reuter, Julia; Gamper, Markus; Möller, Christina; Blome, Frerk
- Wrede, Andreas (2020): Dem weißen Kaninchen gefolgt .... In: Reuter, Julia; Gamper, Markus; Möller, Christina; Blome, Frerk (Hrsg.): Vom Arbeiterkind zur Professur : Sozialer Aufstieg in der Wissenschaft. Autobiographische Notizen und soziobiographische Analysen. Bielefeld: transcript (Gesellschaft der Unterschiede), S. 359 - 376.
Remembering with the Public: Toward a Cooperative Cultural SciencesSymposium »Remembering with the Public: Toward a Cooperative Cultural Sciences«
The symposium »Remembering with the Public: Towards a Cooperative Cultural Sciences« aims to generate new knowledge about the dynamics of cooperative work in researching and shaping memory culture. The symposium explores how academic actors can research and further develop memory culture in cooperation with non-academic actors. In the course of the shift towards an »ethical culture of memory« (Aleida Assmann) since the 1990s, a more cooperation-oriented integration of non-academic actors in the research and design of memory culture can be diagnosed – for example, with regard to the new consideration of eyewitnesses. However, the special cooperation challenges evoked by postcolonialism, gender or art, for example, have been addressed little and even less in transdisciplinary dialogue and comparison. The symposium is part of the research network »The Public of Culture« organized by the TH Köln, the University of Cologne and the Academy of Media Arts Cologne The research network is funded by the TH Köln within the framework of the BMBF project »PLan_CV«. The event is open to the public and free of charge. Interested parties are welcome to attend. Registration is not required.
8.11.2023 -
Conference: Who Designs the City? Forms of Critical Urban Research and Spatial PracticeWho Designs the City?
The interdisciplinary conference focussed on the meaning of unplanned structures and informal processes for the development of a city from various interdisciplinary perspectives, as well as discussed the resulting consequences and chances for architecture and design. Models of an informal urbanism are not only being tested in the cities of the global south, but also in the European city, which take the opposite position to the official city planning. Especially in a technology speeded and digital effected space will the possibility of a new form of urban life be discovered: the recovery of the city through “Urbanism from Below”, through “Guerilla Gardening”, “Urban Gaming” and other models which react against the global challenges and city deficits. Some of these phenomenon and activities are moving closer to the official city planning. In most cities, the potential of civil society informal actions, are acknowledged as a permanent process of production in urban spaces and supported as a new form of bottom-up design. What can these disciplines, which have always concentrated on the design of urban environment, learn from these new forms of city attainment and city use? What chances result from the imagination and development of a city, when design and architecture are no longer the outcome of a controlled, formalized and solely market oriented planning, but rather a communicative and spatial development which allow conflicts to become productive? When design initiates discussions concerning, in what society would we like to live in, what priorities does this society have, in which spaces would they like to meet, what does “private” and “public” mean to them and how could these spaces look like? Researcher from the field cultural and social science as well as design and architecture, discussed how design can become an experiment field for the development of a city that can be interpreted diversely and is open for various program. Furthermore, they discuss how design and architecture can be understood and established as a critical city development and spatial practice. Conception and organization: Prof. Dr. Carolin Höfler and Prof. Andreas Wrede in cooperation with Jan Buckenmayer
27. November 2014
dgtf – deutsche gesellschaft für designtheorie und -forschung (dgtf – german society for design theory and research)dgtf – german society for design theory and research
Founding Member.