Dr. Alexandra Nauditt
Dr. B.Sc., Ph.D.Faculty of Spatial Development and Infrastructure Systems
Institute for Technology and Resources Management in the Tropics and Subtropics (ITT)
Technische Hochschule Köln
Robertstraße 2
51105 Köln
Mailing address
- +49 221-8275-2696
- alexandra.nauditt@th-koeln.de
Tropical drought risk: combining vulnerability and hazard related remote sensing data sets.https://nhess.copernicus.org/preprints/nhess-2020-360/#discussion.
Nauditt, A.; Stahl, K.; Hann, H.; Kallio, M.; Birkel, C.; Ribbe, L.; Baez-Villanueva, O.; Rodríguez, E., 2020, Publisher: Natural Hazards.
Can hydrological drought be efficiently predicted by conceptual rainfall-runoff models with global data products?https://www.jnrd.info/2021/03/10-5027-jnrd-v11i0-01-2/
Venegas-Cordero, N.; Birkel, C.; Giraldo-Osorio, JD.; Correa-Barahona, A.; Duran-Quesada, A.M.; Arce-Mesen, R.; Nauditt, A., 2021, Publisher: Journal of Natural Resources and Development; 02: 01 – 18.
Combining satellite-based rainfall data with rainfall-runoff modelling to simulate low flows in a Southern Andean catchmenthttps://www.jnrd.info/2021/02/10-5027-jnrd-v11i0-01/
Hann, H.; Nauditt, A.; Zambrano-Bigiarini, M.; Thurner, J.; McNamara, I.; Ribbe, L., 2021, Publisher: Journal of Natural Resources and Development, JNRD.
The role of droughts and hydropower development for electricity security in the Magdalena Basin, Colombia – A Water-Energy-Security-Nexus assessment
Rojas, A.; Nauditt, A.; Baez-Villanueva, O.; Ribbe, L., 2020, Publisher: Submitted to the Journal of Natural Resources and Development.
RF-MEP: A novel Random Forest method for merging gridded precipitation products and ground-based measurementshttps://doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2019.111606
Baez-Villanueva, Oscar Manuel; Zambrano-Bigiarini, Mauricio; Ribbe, Lars; Nauditt, Alexandra; Christian Birkel, Koen Verbist; Juan Diego Giraldo-Osorio, Ian McNamara, Nguyen Xuan Thinh., 2020, Publisher: Remote Sensing of Environment.
Drought impacts on water quality and quantity to meet agricultural water requirements in the Maipo River Basin, Chilehttps://doi.org/10.1080/02626667.2020.1711911
Peña-Guerrero, DM., Nauditt, A.; Ribbe, L.; Meza, F., 2020, Publisher: Journal: Hydrological Sciences Journal, 65:6, 1005-1021.
Modelling water resources for planning irrigation development in drought-prone southern Chilehttps://doi.org/10.1080/07900627.2020.1768828
McNamara, I., Nauditt, A.; Zambrano-Bigiarini, M; Ribbe, L. & Hann, H., 2020, Publisher: International Journal of Water Resources Development.
Nauditt, A.; Ribbe, L.; Formiga, R. et al., 2019, Publisher: UFC book series.
Avaliação do risco de seca em uma bacia hidrográfica rural com escassez de dados: o caso da sub-bacia do rio Muriaé. In: Filho, A. et al (Eds): ADAPTA GESTÃO ADAPTATIVA DO RISCO CLIMÁTICO DE SECAhttp://www.adapta.ufc.br/livro_adapta.pdf
Nauditt, A.; Ribbe, L.; Formiga, R. et al., 2019, Publisher: UFC book series.
Evaluating drought risk in data scarce tropical environments.https://www.essoar.org/doi/abs/10.1002/essoar.10500423.1
Nauditt, A.; Hann, H.; Stahl, K. and Ribbe, L., 2018, Publisher: AGU Fall Meeting.
Temporal and spatial evaluation of satellite rainfall estimates over different regions in Latin-Americahttps://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosres.2018.05.011
Baez-Villanueva, OM; Zambrano-Bigiarini, M.; Ribbe, L.; Nauditt, A.; Nguyen XT, 2018, Publisher: Atmospheric Research.
Spatial and temporal patterns, trends and teleconnection of cumulative rainfall deficits across Central Americahttps://doi.org/10.1002/joc.5925
Rudy Muñoz‐Jiménez, Juan Diego Giraldo‐Osorio, Alonso Brenes‐Torres, Isabel Avendaño‐Flores, Alexandra Nauditt, Hugo G. Hidalgo‐León, Christian Birkel, 2018, Publisher: International Journal of Climatology.
Evaluating the performance of satellite-based rainfall estimates in low flow modelling in data scarce Andean catchments at different latitudes of Chilehttps://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU2018/EGU2018-18702.pdf
Nauditt, A.; Thurner, J.; Zambrano-Bigiarini, M.; Baez-Villanueva, OM; Hann, H. and Ribbe, L., 2018, Publisher: EGU2018-18702.
Comment about the Opinion Paper „Challenges in operationalizing the Water-Energy-Food Nexus” by J. Liu et al.https://doi.org/10.1080/02626667.2018.1545096
Nauditt, A., 2018, Publisher: under review in Journal of Hydrological Sciences, HSJ-2018-0184.
Hydrochemical and Tracer Monitoring to Assess Runoff Generation from Semi-arid Andean Headwater Catchments. In: Andean Hydrology. Editors: Rivera, D.; Godoy-Faundez, A.; Lilo-Saavedra, Mhttps://www.taylorfrancis.com/chapters/hydrochemical-tracer-monitoring-assess-runoff-generation-semi-arid-andean-headwater-catchments-nauditt-rusman-sch%C3%BCth-ribbe-%C3%A1lvarez/e/10.1201/9781315155982-8?context=ubx&refId=6b88333a-5ead-47c6-a367-13dfd6b
Nauditt, A., Rusman, A., Schüth, C., Ribbe, L. and Álvarez, P., 2018, Publisher: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group.
Hydrological Modeling to Assess Runoff in a Semi-arid Andean Headwater Catchment for Water Management in Central Chile. In: Andean Hydrology. Editors: Rivera, D.; Godoy-Faundez, A.; Lilo-Saavedra, M.https://www.taylorfrancis.com/chapters/hydrological-modeling-assess-runoff-semi-arid-andean-headwater-catchment-water-management-central-chile-penedo-julien-nauditt-k%C3%BCnne-souvignet-krause/e/10.1201/9781315155982-10
Penedo-Julien, S.; Nauditt, A.; Künne, A.; Souvignet, M. and Krause, P., 2018, Publisher: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group.
. Quantifying human impacts on hydrological drought using a combined modelling approach in a tropical river basin in central Vietnamhttps://doi.org/10.5194/hess-22-547-2018
Firoz, ABM, Nauditt, A., Fink, M., Ribbe, L., 2018, Publisher: Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 22, 547-565.
Temporal and spatial evaluation of satellite-based rainfall estimates across the complex topographical and climatic gradients of Chilehttps://doi.org/10.5194/hess-2016-453
Zambrano-Bigiarini, M., Nauditt, A., Birkel, C., Verbist, K., and Ribbe, L., 2017, Publisher: Hydrology and Earth System Sciences.
Using synoptic tracer surveys to assess runoff sources in an Andean headwater catchment in central Chile.https://doi.org/10.1007/s10661-017-6149-2
Nauditt, A., Soulsby, C., Birkel, C., Rusman, A., Schüth, C., Ribbe, L., Álvarez, P. & Kretschmer, N., 2017, Publisher: Environmental Monitoring and Assessment.
. Land Use and Climate Change Interactions in Central Vietnam (LUCCi)http://www.springer.com/de/book/9789811026232#aboutBook
Nauditt, A., and Ribbe, L. (Eds.), 2017, Publisher: Springer Book Series: Water Resources and Development.
Hydrological drought risk assessment in an anthropogenically impacted tropical catchment, in: Land Use and Climate Change Interactions in Central Vietnam: LUCCi, Nauditt, A., and Ribbe, L. (Eds.)
Nauditt, A., Firoz, ABM, Viet, T. Q., Fink, M., Stolpe, H., and Ribbe, L., 2017, Publisher: Springer Book Series: Water Resources and Development.
Spatio-temporal drought characteristics of the tropical Paraiba do Sul River Basin and responses to the Mega Drought in 2014-2016https://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU2017/EGU2017-18124-2.pdf
Nauditt, A. Metzke, D., Ribbe, L.,, 2017, Publisher: Geophysical Research Poster, Vol. 19, EGU2017-18124-2.
Assessment of climate change impact on river flow regimes in The Red River Delta, Vietnam – A case study of the Nhue-Day River Basinhttps://doi.org/10.5027/jnrd.v6i0.09
Phan Cao Duong, Alexandra Nauditt, Do Hoai Nam and Nguyen Tung Phong, 2016, Publisher: Journal of Natural Resources and Development; 06: 81 - 91.
Conceptual modelling to assess the influence of hydroclimatic variability on runoff processes in data scarce semi-arid Andean catchmentshttps://doi.org/10.1080/02626667.2016.1240870
Nauditt A., Birkel C., Soulsby C., Ribbe L., 2016, Publisher: Hydrological Sciences Journal.
Transdisciplinary research in support of land and water management in China and Southeast Asia: evaluation of four research projectshttps://doi.org/10.1007/s11625-016-0378-0
Siew, T.F., Aenis, T., Spangenberg, J. H., Nauditt A., Döll, P. Frank,S. Ribbe, L. Rodriguez-Labajos, B., Rumbaur, C., Settele, J., Wang, J., 2016, Publisher: Sustainability Science, Volume 11, Issue 5, pp 813-829.
Recent climatic trends and linkages to river discharge in Central Vietnamhttps://doi.org/10.1002/hyp.9693
Souvignet, M., Laux, P., Freer, J., Cloke, H., Thinh, D.Q., Thuc, T., Cullmann, J., Nauditt, A., Flügel, W.-A., Kunstmann, H., Ribbe, L., 2013, Publisher: Hydrological Processes 28 (4): 1587-1601.