Jean Monnet Chair “Europe in the Global Economy”
Welcome to the Jean Monnet Chair “Europe in the Global Economy” held by Prof. Dr. Harald Sander at Technische Hochschule Köln.
To secure past achievements and to prosper further, the European Union relies on the outside world as much as it needs to foster and secure European integration. Regional and global integration need to interact not only to provide markets and production locations, but also and increasingly so as a source of ideas and finally successful innovations, which are at the heart of wealth creation. Key activities of the Jean Monnet Chair are therefore:
- Two summer schools on European integration and Europe’s role in the world economy offered jointly to both, non-European and home institution students with a view on increasing the international student research collaboration.
- Developing new and innovative teaching methodologies for the summer schools, which will be instrumental for offering seminars and summer school on European issues at partner universities.
- Extending and developing research collaborations on applied European issues with partner institution of the summer schools.
Next to these core activities, the Jean Monnet Chair occasionally organizes events such as public lectures on European issues at TH Köln and gives lectures at partner universities and interested third parties. Inquiries about possibilities for international collaboration are highly welcomed.