International Business (Master's program) – Program Content

The four-semester Master’s program in International Business (M.A.) prepares you for the various challenges awaiting you in a new, globally transforming economy and includes a mandatory study semester abroad. The program curriculum is aimed at enhancing your business expertise as well as your individual personal skills, and places an emphasis on a comprehensive understanding of sustainability.
Additional Information
Program structure
The Master’s program in International Business provides options for you to expand the knowledge gained during previous undergraduate studies in International Business and any professional experience you might have gathered thereafter. The program curriculum is designed to provide an application-oriented approach to teaching and learning along five module categories: Core Curriculum, Quantitative Methods, Laboratories, Personal Skill Development Program, and Final Exam Period: Master Thesis and Colloquium. Case studies, business simulation games, e-learning modules, interactive training sessions, and regular feedback will help you to apply and integrate your individual skills. You will obtain extensive, up-to-date learning of all relevant aspects of international business, with a particular focus on key aspects relating to sustainability. Sustainability in its various contexts is at the very core of the Master’s program in International Business, as a strategic building block for learning sustainably responsible management assessment, problem-solving, and decision-making.
Detailed information on the curriculum and the courses offered in the Master’s program in International Business can be found in our course book above.
International experience
Inherently, the program demands and promotes the development of social and intercultural content and competencies. The intercultural orientation of the program results from the entire program design with courses, semester abroad, and the international composition of both the lecturer and student group. The students’ mobility and flexibility are specifically promoted by the mandatory semester abroad. Through the semester abroad, you will learn to find your way and integrate yourself in a completely foreign environment and culture, respectively, and to cope with the associated surprises and challenges. The “practical” lessons learned abroad will not only be useful for your later professional life, but they will also, in particular, lead to inner growth and personality maturation. In addition, pursuing an international double degree is possible.
Master’s thesis
In your fourth semester, you will work on your Master’s thesis, ideally in cooperation with an international company or institution. We encourage students to choose an interdisciplinary topic that is relevant to current business issues. The possibilities here are numerous – which topic tickles your interest most?
Your Master’s thesis is the perfect opportunity to show what you have learned over the past two years.