TH Köln students take part in InCITIES BIP "Sustainable mobility innovations

Three students from TH Köln took part in the Blended Intensive Program (BIP) "Sustainable Mobility Innovations" organized by the University of Zilina (UNIZA) in Slovakia from February 19 to April 26, 2024.

UNIZA is a partner university of TH Köln in the PIONEER Alliance and in the Horizon Europe project "InCITIES - Trailblazing inclusive, sustainable and resilient cities".
The approach of the program was for students to work on real projects based on the pedagogical model "Learning by Development". The projects were created by UNIZA together with local partners. Topics included "Principles of sustainable mobility", "Mobility planning and modeling" and "Cycling and active mobility".
In the first, nine-week part of the program, virtual lectures, team work and student presentations on the various topics and problems took place. From 22-26 April, the international group of students then met at UNIZA for the final face-to-face phase. Here, they continued their work in groups, in particular developing solutions for traffic planning in the vicinity of a school.
The TH Köln students had very positive things to say about the program. In addition to working on a real project, the cooperation with other international students and the variety of topics covered in the program were highlighted as positive aspects. "I would recommend a program like this to anyone. It was a great experience and very well organized. We were perfectly looked after and the organizers left nothing to be desired," said one of the students.
June 2024