Prof. Dr. René Wörzberger
Dr. rer. nat. Dipl.-Inform.
Faculty of Information, Media and Electrical Engineering
Institute of Computer and Communication Technology (ICCT)

Campus Deutz
Betzdorfer Straße 2
50679 Köln
Room ZN 6-7
Mailing address
+49 221-8275-4324
- Vice Dean
- Academic adviser
- Maintenance of the facultiy's course catalog
Teaching disciplines
- Software- Management (Bachelor Computer Science & Engineering): Git Deep-Dive, Test Automation with JUnit, Mockit, Selenium and JMeter, Continuous Integration with GitLab, Cloud Computing with Google Cloud, Container Virtualization with Docker, Container Orchestration with Kubernetes Software- Management (Bachelor Computer Science & Engineering)
- System Design Lab (Bachelor Computer Science & Engineering): The whole lifecycle of system development in teams: from requirements engineering to actual delivery System Design Lab (Bachelor Computer Science & Engineering)
- Large and Cloud-based Software Systems (Master Computer Science & Engineering): Large and distributed cloud systems, qualities and trade-offs, design, modelling, middleware, virtualization, security, database technologies Large and Cloud-based Software Systems (Master Computer Science & Engineering)
- Client Server Basics (Bachelor Code & Context): Development of web applications Client Server Basics (Bachelor Code & Context)
- Project Explore I (Bachelor Code & Context): Application of first term learning outcomes in a project Project Explore I (Bachelor Code & Context)
- DevOps (Bachelor Code & Context): Git Deep-Dive, Test Automation with JUnit, Mockit, Selenium and JMeter, Continuous Integration with GitLab, Cloud Computing with Google Cloud, Container Virtualization with Docker, Container Orchestration with Kubernetes DevOps (Bachelor Code & Context)
- Trustable Applications (Bachelor Code & Context): Foundations of Cryptology and Security, Transport Layer Security (TLS), OAuth2, OpenID Connect Trustable Applications (Code & Context)
- Community and Reflection (Bachelor Code & Context): Community and Reflection (Bachelor Code & Context)
- Project Launch (Bachelor Code & Context): User-centric development of minimal viable products including workable business models Project Launch (Bachelor Code & Context)
Support for modeling and monitoring of engineering design processes
Heer, T., Wörzberger, R., 2011, Publisher: Elsevier
DYPROTO – tools for dynamic business processes
Wörzberger, R., Heer, T., 2011, Publisher: Inderscience Publishers
An Adaptive and Reactive Management System for Project Coordination
Heller, M., Jäger, D., Krapp, C.-A., Schleicher, A., Westfechtel, B., and Wörzberger, R., 2008, Publisher: Springer
Administration Models and Management Tools
Hai, R., Heller, M., Nagl, M., Schneider, R., Westfechtel, B., and Wörzberger, R., 2008, Publisher: Springer
Dynamic Process Management Based Upon Existing Systems
Heller, M., Nagl, M., and Wörzberger, R, 2008, Publisher: Springer
Dynamic Process Management Based Upon Existing Systems
Heller, M., Nagl, M., and Wörzberger, R., 2008, Publisher: Springer
Methoden und Werkzeuge zur UML-basierten Spezifikation von Integrationsregeln
Wörzberger, R, 2004
Management dynamischer Geschäftsprozesse auf Basis statischer Prozessmanagementsysteme
Wörzberger, R., 2010, Publisher: Shaker Verlag
Tool Support for Dynamic Development Processes
Heer, T., Heller, M., Westfechtel, B., Wörzberger, R., 2010, Publisher: Springer
Flexible Multi-Dimensional Visualization of Process Enactment Data
Heer, T., Außem, C., Wörzberger, R, 2009, Publisher: Springer
Support for Modeling, Enactment and Monitoring of Engineering Design Processes
Heer, T., Wörzberger, R., 2009
Workflows in Dynamic Development Processes
Heer, T., Briem, C., Wörzberger, R, 2008, Publisher: Springer
Process Model Editing Support Using Eclipse Modeling Project Tools
Wörzberger, R., Heer, T., 2008, Publisher: Shaker Verlag
Checking Correctness and Compliance of Integrated Process Models
Wörzberger, R., Kurpick, T., Heer, T., 2008, Publisher: IEEE Computer Society
On Correctness, Compliance, and Consistency of Process Models
Wörzberger, R., Kurpick, T., Heer, T., 2008, Publisher: IEEE Computer Society
Adding Support for Dynamics Patterns to Static Business Process Management Systems
Wörzberger, R., Ehses, N., Heer, T., 2008, Publisher: Springer
Evaluating Workflow Definition Language Revisions with Graph-Based Tools
Wörzberger, R., Heller, M., Häßler, F, 2007, Publisher: EASST
Workflow Support for Inter-organizational Design Processes
Hai, R., Heller, M., Marquardt, W., Nagl, M., Wörzberger, R., 2006
Management Support of Interorganizational Cooperative Software Development Processes based on Dynamic Process Views
Heller, M., Wörzberger, R., 2006
A Management System Supporting Interorganizational Cooperative Development Processes in Chemical Engineering
Heller, M., Wörzberger, R., 2006