Prof. Dr. Pietro Di Biase
Faculty of Process Engineering, Energy and Mechanical Systems
Institute of Building Services Engineering
![Prof. Dr. Pietro Di Biase](/pseimg/3255cca7b4c1273bc43b99cbafe29e94c66de35c.png)
Research fields
Building physics
Projects / Cooperations
Energy Skin - Development of an energy neutral façade system to provide a tempered exterior wall
The energy-efficient refurbishment of façades offers great potential for reducing the primary energy requirements of buildings and thus the associated greenhouse gas emissions. This currently requires a resource-saving commercial solution made from recyclable building materials. The aim of EnergySkin is to develop an energy-neutral façade system for the serial refurbishment of existing façades. The system to be developed comprises a façade module with integrated photovoltaics, a heating coating for wall temperature control and a mounting system. The control of the external wall temperatures minimizes transmission heat losses through the façade and actively controls the heat flow in the building component. The system therefore helps to reduce the heating requirement. As a result, it contributes to reducing the primary energy demand in the building sector and the associated greenhouse gas emissions. Thanks to its resource-saving design, the use of recyclable building materials and the separability of the components, it reflects the core idea of modern, environmentally conscious construction. In the project, the Cologne University of Applied Sciences is focusing on the building physics requirements of the façade module and the installation system as well as on the electrical properties of the system. Partner: Flachglas Sachsen GmbH, Dobler Metallbau GmbH und Technische Universität Dresden - Institute of Building Construction Funding: BMWK – Zentrales Innovationsprogramm Mittelstand (ZIM) Time span: July 2024 - June 2026
Robustheit und Schadenstoleranz von primär tragenden Bauteilen aus Glas in Hinblick auf bauaufsichtliche Anforderungen
P. Di Biase, M. Feldmann, 2019, Publisher: Stahlbau 88, S. 77-79
Determination of Prestress Profiles in Chemically Toughened Glass by Means of Photoelasticity
M. Laurs, B. Schaaf, P. Di Biase, M. Feldmann, 2019, Publisher: GPD Glass performance Days
The CEN-TS "Structural Glass - Design and Construction Rules" as pre-standard for the Eurocode
M. Feldmann, P. Di Biase, 2018, Publisher: Bernhard Weller, Silke Tasche Berlin / Ernst & Sohn