Prof. Dr. Lasse Scherffig

Dr. phil.
Faculty of Cultural Sciences

Cologne International School of Design

Prof. Dr. Lasse Scherffig

Campus Südstadt
Ubierring 40
50678 Köln
Mailing address

  • Phone: +49 221-8275-5172

Teaching disciplines

  • KITeGG - Making AI tangible and comprehensible: Connecting technology and society through design
    A joint project of five universities on the integration of AI in design teaching.
    KITeGG Website
  • Maris, Simon; Scherffig, Lasse (2024): Designing on the Micro Scale. In: Kretzer, Manuel (Hrsg.): Synthetic Realities : New Frontiers in AI-driven Design, Fabrication and Materiality. Baunach: AADR - Art Architecture Design Research, S. 116 - 123. (peer-reviewed)
  • Scherffig, Lasse; Hawranke, Thomas (2024): Hallucinating Canines : Google DeepDream's Taxonomic Heritage. In: Jenett, Florian; Bold, Julia-Jasmin; Dietrich, Maika (Hrsg.): un/learn ai : Approaching AI in Aesthetic Practices. Mainz: Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, S. 174 - 178. (Open Access)
  • Grund, Matthias; Scherffig, Lasse (2024): Approaching the Aesthetics and Materiality of Hidden Layers. In: rrrreflect. Journal of Integrated Design Research., S. 1 - 6. (Open Access)
  • Scherffig, Lasse; Hawranke, Thomas (2024): Hund : Gassi gehen im Latent Space. In: Bolinski, Ina; Hawranke, Thomas; Rieger, Stefan (Hrsg.): Virtuelle Tiere : Lebewesen zwischen Code und Kreatur. Bielefeld: Transcript (Virtuelle Lebenswelten), S. 101 - 126. (peer-reviewed/Open Access)
  • Scherffig, Lasse (2024): KI als Werkzeug und Medium. In: Flessa, Nicolas (Hrsg.): Warum KI unsere Museen intelligenter macht. Karlsruhe: ZKM | Zentrum für Kunst und Medien Karlsruhe, S. 63 - 68. (Open Access)
  • Kilian, Jakob; Neugebauer, Alexander; Scherffig, Lasse; Wahl, Siegfried (2022): The Unfolding Space Glove : A Wearable Spatio-Visual to Haptic Sensory Substitution Device for Blind People. In: Sensors. Vol. 22. (peer-reviewed/Open Access)
  • Scherffig, Lasse (2022): Some Kind of Actual Space“ oder: Cyberspace als kybernetischer Raum. In: Höfler, Carolin; Philipp, Reinfeld (Hrsg.): Mit weit geschlossenen Augen : Virtuelle Realitäten entwerfen. Paderborn: Brill | Fink (Architektur der Medien – Medien der Architektur), S. 81 - 104. (peer-reviewed)
  • Scherffig, Lasse; Muxel, Andreas; Faubel, Christian; Popplow, Laura (2021): Training to Deal with Otherness – Rehearsing & Maintaining Human-Machine Relations. In: Proceedings of Politics of the Machines - Rogue Research 2021. POM 2021; Berlin; 14.09.-17.09.2021., S. 359 - 364. (peer-reviewed/Open Access)
  • Scherffig, Lasse; Tincuta, Heinzel; Diminescu, Dana (2019): Preliminaries. In: Diminescu, Dana; Heinzel, Tincuta (Hrsg.): Utopian Cities, Programmed Societies : Victoria Summer Camp's Journal. Loughborough: Loughborough University, S. 1.
  • Scherffig, Lasse (2018): Leaked Locations from you Networked Past. In: Kronman, Linda; Zingerle, Andreas (Hrsg.): The Internet of Other People´s Things : Dealing with the pathologies of a digital world. Graz: KAIRUS ART+RESEARCH, S. 197 - 205. (Open Access)
  • Un/Learn AI: Experimente, Strategien, Infrastruktur
    Presentation as part of the lecture series Point 7, HFT Stuttgart
  • AI – Opportunities and Barriers for Artists with Disabilities
    Panel am kaethe:k Kunsthaus, Pulheim-Brauweiler
  • Puppy Slugs, Vibes, and Visual Alignment
    Talk at the workshop "The Art of AI: Narratives, Creativities, and Ethics" at Kunsthistorisches Institut Florenz, Max Planck Institute
    The Art of AI: Narratives, Creativities, and Ethics
  • The Aesthetics of Generative AI and AI Literacy for Design
    Online-presentation at the symposium "AI Drivers Future, International Design Innovation Forum", Shanghai, China
  • Unlearning the Hype
    Talk at the symposium “Artificial Intelligence in Design. Insights and Outlooks” at Hochschule Darmstadt
  • The Planning Game – for an Archeology of Cybernetics in Economy
    Panel discussion at ISEA 2023
    ISEA 2023 Symposium
  • Rethinking Knowledge Sharing in Design
    Online-Presentation at Loughborough Open Research Collective, Loughborough University
    April 17, 2023
  • Learning to Fail at Design, AI, and Technology
    Online presentaiton at DEL in Between of the Digitally Engaged Learning Conference
    January 20, 2023
    DEL in Between
  • Walking the Dog in Latent Space
    Presentation at the symposium "Menagerie virtueller Tiere"
    Dec. 12, 2022
    Menagerie Virtueller Tiere
  • Machine-Centered Design: Engaging in Non-human Ecologies
    Presentation at Festival Internacional de la Imagen, Manizales, Colombia
    May 25, 2021
    Festival website
  • Hidden Layers
    International conference of the BMBF project KITeGG at KISD, TH Köln
    Hidden Layers Proceedings
  • Hidden Layers
    International conference of the BMBF project KITeGG at KISD, TH Köln
    July 18-22, 2022
    Hidden Layers Website
  • Promotionskolleg NRW
    Member of the Promotionskolleg NRW, Department of Media and Interaction
    PK NRW