Prof. Dr. Lasse Scherffig
Dr. phil.
Faculty of Cultural Sciences
Cologne International School of Design

Campus Südstadt
Ubierring 40
50678 Köln
Mailing address
+49 221-8275-5172
Teaching disciplines
- Interaction Design Interaction Design at KISD
Projects / Cooperations
KITeGG - Making AI tangible and comprehensible: Connecting technology and society through designKITeGG Website
A joint project of five universities on the integration of AI in design teaching.
- Maris, Simon; Scherffig, Lasse (2024): Designing on the Micro Scale. In: Kretzer, Manuel (Hrsg.): Synthetic Realities : New Frontiers in AI-driven Design, Fabrication and Materiality. Baunach: AADR - Art Architecture Design Research, S. 116 - 123. (peer-reviewed)
- Scherffig, Lasse; Hawranke, Thomas (2024): Hallucinating Canines : Google DeepDream's Taxonomic Heritage. In: Jenett, Florian; Bold, Julia-Jasmin; Dietrich, Maika (Hrsg.): un/learn ai : Approaching AI in Aesthetic Practices. Mainz: Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, S. 174 - 178. (Open Access)
- Grund, Matthias; Scherffig, Lasse (2024): Approaching the Aesthetics and Materiality of Hidden Layers. In: rrrreflect. Journal of Integrated Design Research., S. 1 - 6. (Open Access)
- Scherffig, Lasse; Hawranke, Thomas (2024): Hund : Gassi gehen im Latent Space. In: Bolinski, Ina; Hawranke, Thomas; Rieger, Stefan (Hrsg.): Virtuelle Tiere : Lebewesen zwischen Code und Kreatur. Bielefeld: Transcript (Virtuelle Lebenswelten), S. 101 - 126. (peer-reviewed/Open Access)
- Scherffig, Lasse (2024): KI als Werkzeug und Medium. In: Flessa, Nicolas (Hrsg.): Warum KI unsere Museen intelligenter macht. Karlsruhe: ZKM | Zentrum für Kunst und Medien Karlsruhe, S. 63 - 68. (Open Access)
- Kilian, Jakob; Neugebauer, Alexander; Scherffig, Lasse; Wahl, Siegfried (2022): The Unfolding Space Glove : A Wearable Spatio-Visual to Haptic Sensory Substitution Device for Blind People. In: Sensors. Vol. 22. (peer-reviewed/Open Access)
- Scherffig, Lasse (2022): Some Kind of Actual Space“ oder: Cyberspace als kybernetischer Raum. In: Höfler, Carolin; Philipp, Reinfeld (Hrsg.): Mit weit geschlossenen Augen : Virtuelle Realitäten entwerfen. Paderborn: Brill | Fink (Architektur der Medien – Medien der Architektur), S. 81 - 104. (peer-reviewed)
- Scherffig, Lasse; Muxel, Andreas; Faubel, Christian; Popplow, Laura (2021): Training to Deal with Otherness – Rehearsing & Maintaining Human-Machine Relations. In: Proceedings of Politics of the Machines - Rogue Research 2021. POM 2021; Berlin; 14.09.-17.09.2021., S. 359 - 364. (peer-reviewed/Open Access)
- Scherffig, Lasse; Tincuta, Heinzel; Diminescu, Dana (2019): Preliminaries. In: Diminescu, Dana; Heinzel, Tincuta (Hrsg.): Utopian Cities, Programmed Societies : Victoria Summer Camp's Journal. Loughborough: Loughborough University, S. 1.
- Scherffig, Lasse (2018): Leaked Locations from you Networked Past. In: Kronman, Linda; Zingerle, Andreas (Hrsg.): The Internet of Other People´s Things : Dealing with the pathologies of a digital world. Graz: KAIRUS ART+RESEARCH, S. 197 - 205. (Open Access)
Un/Learn AI: Experimente, Strategien, Infrastruktur
Presentation as part of the lecture series Point 7, HFT Stuttgart
17.1.2025 -
AI – Opportunities and Barriers for Artists with Disabilities
Panel am kaethe:k Kunsthaus, Pulheim-Brauweiler
12.9.2024 -
Puppy Slugs, Vibes, and Visual AlignmentThe Art of AI: Narratives, Creativities, and Ethics
Talk at the workshop "The Art of AI: Narratives, Creativities, and Ethics" at Kunsthistorisches Institut Florenz, Max Planck Institute
19.4.2024 -
The Aesthetics of Generative AI and AI Literacy for Design
Online-presentation at the symposium "AI Drivers Future, International Design Innovation Forum", Shanghai, China
22.11.2023 -
Unlearning the Hype
Talk at the symposium “Artificial Intelligence in Design. Insights and Outlooks” at Hochschule Darmstadt
17.11.2023 -
The Planning Game – for an Archeology of Cybernetics in EconomyISEA 2023 Symposium
Panel discussion at ISEA 2023
20.05.2023 -
Rethinking Knowledge Sharing in Design
Online-Presentation at Loughborough Open Research Collective, Loughborough University
April 17, 2023 -
Learning to Fail at Design, AI, and TechnologyDEL in Between
Online presentaiton at DEL in Between of the Digitally Engaged Learning Conference
January 20, 2023 -
Walking the Dog in Latent SpaceMenagerie Virtueller Tiere
Presentation at the symposium "Menagerie virtueller Tiere"
Dec. 12, 2022 -
Machine-Centered Design: Engaging in Non-human EcologiesFestival website
Presentation at Festival Internacional de la Imagen, Manizales, Colombia
May 25, 2021
Hidden LayersHidden Layers Proceedings
International conference of the BMBF project KITeGG at KISD, TH Köln
12.-15.6.2024 -
Hidden LayersHidden Layers Website
International conference of the BMBF project KITeGG at KISD, TH Köln
July 18-22, 2022
Promotionskolleg NRWPK NRW
Member of the Promotionskolleg NRW, Department of Media and Interaction