Prof. Dr. Hubert Randerath
Faculty of Information, Media and Electrical Engineering
Institute of Computer and Communication Technology (ICCT)

Campus Deutz
Betzdorfer Straße 2
50679 Köln
Mailing address
+49 221-8275-2442
Polynomial chi-Binding Functions and Forbidden Induced Subgraphs: A Survey
Ingo Schiermeyer, Bert Randerath, Graphs and Combinatorics, Nov. 2019
A New Web-Based Cross-Energy Optimization and Simulation Environment
Andreas Schwenk, Bert Randerath, Beate Rhein, Proceedings of the IEEE 7th International Energy and Sustainability Conference (IESC), Cologne, 2018, Publisher: IEEE Xplore
A Simulation-based Approach on Robust Airline Job Pairing
Oliver Ullrich, Bert Randerath, Patrick Kuckertz, SNE Simulation Notes Europe 22.(2), August 2012
On maximum independent sets in P5-free graphs.
Ingo Schiermeyer, Bert Randerath, Discrete Applied Math. 158(9), 2010
On mirror nodes in graphs without long induced paths
Katharina Hammersen, Bert Randerath, Australes. J. Comb., 2013