Information Office

Department of International Affairs

Südstadt Campus
Claudiusstraße 1
50678 Köln
Room A1.56

T: +49 221-8275-3771 oder -3772

Language Courses Abroad

Good foreign language skills are one of the key qualifications and are often indispensable later in the job. For various reasons, it is sometimes not possible to do a longer stay abroad during your studies. By attending a language course abroad, you have the opportunity to improve your language skills and gain experience abroad.

Information brochures from numerous private organizations can be viewed in the information office of the Department of International Affairs. You can also research the addresses of language course providers, language schools or fee-based language course agencies quickly and easily online.

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) offers you a good opportunity to use the course search to select the desired language via the country and location.

DAAD - Learning Languages ​​& Summer Courses Abroad (only in German)

In addition to university language courses, there is a wealth of private course providers and language institutes that you can research on the Internet.

PROMOS course expense grants for attending language courses

Through the PROMOS program of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), students of TH Köln can apply for a course grant to attend a language course at a university abroad. The scholarships are awarded to deepen a good basic knowledge of a foreign language, but not to learn a new language.

Information Office

Department of International Affairs

Südstadt Campus
Claudiusstraße 1
50678 Köln
Room A1.56

T: +49 221-8275-3771 oder -3772