Who talks to whom in workgroups: The impact of cultural composition on communication networks


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Kategorie Beschreibung
Forschungsprojekt Who talks to whom in workgroups: The impact of cultural composition on communication networks (working title) 
Leitung Prof. Dr. Sigrid Khorram 
Fakultät Fakultät für Informations- und Kommunikationswissenschaften 
Institut Institut für Translation und Mehrsprachige Kommunikation 
Abstract The authors suggest that cultural diversity and orientation affect a workgroup's communication network, which in turn impacts group performance. A conceptualization of culture is presented which is based on Harry Triandis' 1995 framework in which individualism and collectivism are differentiated and where he argues that individualists view the self as autonomous and prioritize task performance. Subgroups are expected to form in a workgroup based on the level of cultural diversity in a group. The authors suggest that intermediate levels of diversity are likely to have the highest number of subgroups. 
Fachliche Anbindung Interkulturelle Kommunikation, Wirtschaftskommunikation, Organisationspsychologie