Cultural determinants of the communication of status in multicultural teams: An empirical study


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Kategorie Beschreibung
Forschungsprojekt Cultural determinants of the communication of status in multicultural teams: An empirical study (working title) 
Leitung Prof. Dr. Sigrid Khorram 
Fakultät Fakultät für Informations- und Kommunikationswissenschaften 
Institut Institut für Translation und Mehrsprachige Kommunikation 
Abstract This research seeks to uncover why cross-cultural work groups have not always yielded the benefits expected by organizations. I believe a major reason for this failure lies in culturally determined expectations of appropriate communication behavior. Research has shown that communication behavior is affected by relational characteristic such as status inequality (e.g., Ridgeway & Walker, 1995; Robinson & Balkwell, 1995). Problems may arise if work groups consist of members from a variety of different cultural backgrounds and neither encode nor decode status-relevant communication in the same way. As a result, there may be a subsequent systematic under-and/or over-evaluation of certain cultural groups based on their communication pattern. This is turn may affect member and group effectiveness. 
Fachliche Anbindung Interkulturelle Kommunikation, Wirtschaftskommunikation, Organisationspsychologie