Companion Specification for CAS
Specification of compressed air stations for applications related to Industry 4.0
The aim of the project is a functional specification of compressed air systems (CAS) for applications in the environment of Industry 4.0 (I4.0). The functional description of the CAS as an I4.0 administration shell is carried out in close cooperation with working groups in the I4.0 environment. In the following project steps, a mapping of the administration shell is created in an OPC UA Companion Specification, as well as in the semantic online repository eCl@ss. As a typical compressed air station consists of several devices, such as compressors, dryers, filters, air quality monitoring units etc., it is commonly also equipped with a master control system (MCS). The latter is used to control the connected devices and gather information from the same. This aggregated information is often provided to higher level systems through existing field bus technology (e.g. Profibus, Modbus, CAN Bus), with the drawback that the content and structure of the provided information is highly dependent on the manufacturer of the MCS. Main scope is to transport condition data of a CAS vertically into higher level manufacturing systems (MES; etc.) for infor-mation and monitoring purposes and to set basic parameters regarding the target values of the respective CAS. The basic description of the CAS components is supplemented by selected use cases, e. g. device identification, configuration, general data acquisition, energy management. Within the first work package, the working group of national and international manufacturers defines and describes in detail use cases of compressed air systems for I4.0 applications. With the help of I4.0 sub models the use cases are specified in detail. It is necessary to check which sub models from the already available administration shell for vacuum pumps can been adopted and which specific functions of the compressed air systems additionally have to be developed. Basic project step: Functional description of a compressed air system by an I4.0 administration shell To consider intersections to existing specifications, standards, semantic pools, etc., this package provides an intensive anal-ysis of available semantics. Based on the functional description via administration shell, the next project step maps the sub models into an OPC UA Companion Specification (VDMA-Einheitsblatt). To support interested member companies in implementing the OPC UA mapping into products, a workshop will take place at the end of the specification work. Mapping of administration shell The mapping of the management shell into the semantic online repository eCl@ss (Advanced Structure) serves to ensure a worldwide uniqueness of the specified properties for compressed air systems. The necessary conceptual design of the structure and positioning of the specified sub models in the Advanced Structure of eCl@ss, as well as the resolution of se-mantic conflicts, takes place in close cooperation with working groups of the eCl@ss organization and the VDMA working group accompanying the project. Fundamental to all specifications in the environment of Industry 4.0 is a common understanding and acceptance of emerg-ing standards - even beyond the limits of manufacturers and users of standardized plant components. This anchoring takes place through presentation and discussion of the specified sub-models in working groups of Industry 4.0 and intensive com-mittee work (Plattform Industrie 4.0).
Projektpartner: VDMA-Fachverband Kompressoren, Druckluft- und Vakuumtechnik
Fördermittelgeber: FKM e.V
Laufzeit: 01.09.2019 bis 30.06.2021