Prof. Dr. Peter Stenzel

Prof. Dr. Peter Stenzel

  • Raum ZW 04-14


The LBE Laboratory für Bioenergy lead by Professor Christiane Rieker started a new project in March 2020 together with the DLR.
MELINU - Development of a novel process for the elimination and energetic use of methane production from freshwater impoundments.

The BMBF-funded research project "Development of a novel process for the elimination and energetic use of methane production from freshwater impoundments (MELINU)" is a cooperation project between the Cologne University of Applied Science (Laboratory for Water and Environment (Professor Christian Jokiel, LWU) and the Laboratory for Bioenergy (Professor Christiane Rieker, LBE, CIRE) and the D-Sediment GmbH within the initiative "KMU-innovativ - Verbundprojekt Klimaschutz".

The aim of MELINU is based on the development and implementation of a system that is able to capture and collect the methane, that is produced during the sediment management from reservoirs, to provide the energetically use of the gas. Hence, the scope of project improves the reduction of methane emissions from freshwater reservoirs (for energy storgage) making an important contribution to climate change mitigation.

Prof. Dr. Peter Stenzel

Prof. Dr. Peter Stenzel

  • Raum ZW 04-14