Lectures, seminars and projects

We offer various lectures, seminars and projects in the summer and winter semesters. You can find an overview in the selection list. Further information on the content of the respective course can be found in the respective ILIAS courses.

Current Courses
Course of Studies Course Method Module Semester Credits
M.Sc. Innovation Management Lecture, Seminar, Project Mandatory WiSe 5
M.Sc. Research Seminar Seminar, Project Mandatory WiSe, SuSe 10
M.Sc. Leadership and project management Microtrainings and Coaching Mandatory WiSe 5
M.Sc. Ethics Lecture, Seminar Mandatory WiSe, SuSe 5
M.Sc. Development of anthropomorphic machines Lecture, Seminar, Project Compulsory elective WiSe o. SuSe (to be announced) 5
M.Sc. X-Realities in Industry 4.0 Lecture, Seminar, Project Compulsory elective WiSe o. SuSe (to be announced) 5
M.Sc. Human-Machine Interaction Lecture, Seminar, Project Compulsory elective WiSe o. SuSe (to be announced) 5
B.Eng. Sociotechnical systems Lecture, Seminar, Project Compulsory elective WiSe 5
B.Eng. ATPO Seminar, blended Learning, Game based learning Mandatory WiSe 5
B.Eng. Blue Engineering Seminar Mandatory WiSe, SuSe 5

Bachelor Mechanical Engineering ILIAS Courses and Lectures

Bachelor Mechanical Engineering Module Handbook (GER)

Master Mechanical Engineering Courses and Lectures

Master Mechanical Engineering Module Handbook (GER)