Applied Media Education - The Use of New Media and Games in Youth Work (Master’s program)

In cooperation with Danube University Krems, TH Köln offers the Master’s program in Applied Media Education – The Use of New Media and Games in Youth Work, which students pursue parallel to professional employment.

The program is geared towards education specialists working in scholastic and extracurricular youth work who would like to focus on or incorporate interactive media into their work. Students can opt for a certified program of two semesters’ duration or a Master’s program of four semesters’ duration. The on-site courses take place in Cologne and Krems, Austria.

Further information on the Master's program in Applied Media Education - The Use of New Media and Games in Youth Work is in German: Handlungsorientierte Medienpädagogik - Spielerische Ansätze in der Jugendmedienarbeit (Master).

At a Glance

Category Description
Program Applied Media Education - The Use of New Media and Games in Youth Work 
Degree Master of Arts (M.A.) 
Type of program Part-time program for professionals 
Beginning of program October 31 
Program duration Master's program: 5 semesters (alongside employment)
Certificate program: 2 semesters (alongside employment) 
Credits Master's program 90 ECTS credits
Certificate program 30 ECTS credits 
Language of instruction German 
Campus Köln and Krems (Austria) 
Fees Master's program: € 7,200 (payable in 5 installments of € 1,440)
Certificate program: € 3,900 (payable in 2 installments of € 1,950) 
Please note The Master's program in Applied Media Education is offered jointly by Danube University Krems and TH Köln.